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  February 12, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Ago2 and Hematopoiesis
mRNA destructive activity of Ago2 is not required for blood cell development.
- The Flip Side of p27
Scientists uncover new roles for p27 in oncogenesis and stem cell expansion
- Eyes May Foreshadow Cardiovascular Disease
Structural changes in the eye's blood vessels are associated with a higher body mass index (BMI) and could signal the onset of other cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes or hypertension.
- Complete Knockdown Of Gene Inhibits HIV Infection
The complete suppression of the gene CCR5 in white blood cells leads to a stronger protection against HIV.
- Therapeutic RNA Interference In Neurodegenerative Disease
Scientists consider how RNA interference (RNAi) technology might be exploited to treat neurodegenerative diseases that are currently incurable, such as Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and spinocerebellar ataxia.
- Growth Factor Reinforces Cocaine Addiction
Release of a growth factor in the nucleus accumbens - a brain area mediating reward - is necessary for the development and relapse of cocaine addiction.
- The Amygdala And Persistent Behaviour In Addiction
Neurons in part of the brain known as the basolateral amygdala mediate persistent behaviour induced by cocaine exposure.
- Male Pheromone Stimulates Neurogenesis In The Female Brain
Pheromone signals from dominant males stimulate the production of new neurons in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus of the brain in female mice.
- Spermicide Might Favour HPV Infection
A molecule widely used in vaginal spermicides could increase genital transmission of the human papilomavirus (HPV).
- The Stress Of Gaining Weight
A hormone involved in the neural control of feeding might also be linked to stress-induced obesity.
- Arresting Autoimmunity
Study reveals how T lymphocytes survive to induce several types of autoimmune disease, including multiple sclerosis.
- Common Genetic Risk Variant For Colorectal Cancer
A common variant on chromosome 8 that predisposes to prostate cancer also confers risk of colorectal cancer.
- Genetic Link Between Prostate Cancer And Type 2 Diabetes
Two variants on chromosome 17 confer risk of prostate cancer, one of which also protects against type 2 diabetes.
- Hsp90 Inhibitors Allow Small Cell Lung Cancer To Die
Scientists describe the role played by a protective protein called Hsp90 in maintaining the malignant state of small cell lung cancer cells.
- Protein Function From First Principles
Scientists have identified the function of a previously uncharacterized enzyme using a novel approach.
- RNAi Resource
A resource that could change the very nature of genetic research on fruitflies is published.
- Newly Discovered Protein May Help Treat Parkinson's?
A new neuron-nourishing protein that may prove useful for treating Parkinson's disease is revealed.
- New Cancer Mutation Found
A newly identified genetic mutation found in several types of cancer makes cultured cells cancerous and induces leukaemia in mice.
- Variation Associated With Childhood Asthma
Variations in expression of a gene called ORMDL3 are associated with the development of childhood asthma.
- Chromatin Modification Maps And Cell State
Paper describes the generation of genome-wide maps of chromatin modification in mammalian cells.
- Mutations Increase Risk Of Common Heart Problem
Two mutations have been implicated in the most common heart rhythm abnormality.
- New Type Of Stem Cell Derived
A new type of rodent embryonic stem (ES) cell has been derived that is more similar to human ES cells than current mouse alternatives.
- Seeing Histone Tails Specifically
A study appearing online reports on how some histone modifications are recognized within the cell.
- How Cancer Cells Keep Their Telomeres
A report investigates the mechanism by which cancer cells stop their chromosome ends from becoming shorter.
- Fish Tumours Visualized By Ultrasound
The first use of high resolution ultrasound imaging to monitor tumours in zebrafish is published online.
- Omega 3 Fatty Acids May Prevent Eye Disease
A study reports that increasing the dietary intake of omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids may prevent eye disease.
- Dialling Down 'Natural' Antibody Production
Researchers have identified a molecule that reduces production of antibodies by a specialized set of immune cells.
- International Collaboration Surveys Human Embryonic Stem Cell Lines
The first comparative study of a large number of human embryonic stem (hES) cell lines is reported online.
- Cancer Drug Has Unexpected Mode Of Action
A particular type of cancer drug, the topoisomerase inhibitor, works in a previously unexpected way.
- New Neurodegenerative Mouse Mutant
A new mouse model of neurodegeneration is described.
- RNA From Blood To Brain
It is now possible to perform gene therapy on the brain via intravenous injection, in mice at least.
- DNA 'Instruction Manual' Deciphered
Researchers present results of a huge project that identifies and analyses functional elements taken from part of the human genome.
- WHI Study of Younger Postmenopausal Women Links Estrogen Therapy to Less Plaque in Arteries
Experts Caution that Heart Disease Effects Remain Unclear
- Researchers Discover Gene For Rare Skin Disorder
The gene known as PORCN may account for most cases of Goltz syndrome, a rare skin disorder that can also affect bone and eye development.
- Mix of Disease Processes at Work in Brains of Most People with Dementia
Combination of Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral infarcts (strokes) is the most common mix of pathologies in the brains of people with dementia.
- Tumor-Associated Blood Vessels Have Genes Expressed at High Levels in Mice and Humans
Researchers have uncovered a set of genes, including endothelial cell surface CD276, that are turned on, or expressed, at high levels only in the blood vessels that feed tumors in mice and humans.
- Banding Together: RAS signaling of circadian output
The band mutation in Neurospora, which allowed researchers to study circadian rhythms in this fungus, has finally been cloned and has been found to be an allele of Ras-1.
- On the Defense: Conserved Features of Plant Innate Immunity
Researchers report that three proteins work together in the MOS4-associated complex (MAC) to execute innate immunity in the mustard weed, Arabidopsis.
- Successful Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy In Pregnancy
A pregnant woman with cervical cancer has been treated successfully with neoadjuvant cisplatin chemotherapy, in order to stabilize her cancer so that surgery could be delayed until fetal maturation.
- Getting Specific With miRNA Production
The upregulation of a specific microRNA (miRNA) implicated in cancer development by a general RNA processing factor is examined.
- In Praise Of Forgetting
Study finds that the ability to forget irrelevant information reduces demands on mechanisms that detect and resolve conflict between competing memories.
- Recombinant RNA
A new technique to express large amounts of structured RNA in cells, allowing a thorough study of its function, is presented.
- Following Mitochondria In Mouse Neurons
A set of tools to study transport of mitochondria in neurons is presented.
- Regulating Insensitivity To DNA Damage
A protein commonly associated with B cell lymphomas suppresses elimination of 'useful' B cells that otherwise harbor damaged DNA.
- Genetic Variants Predisposing To Celiac Disease
A region containing four closely linked genes on chromosome 4 harbours variants that protect against the development of celiac disease.
- DNA 'Instruction Manual' Deciphered
Researchers present results of a huge project that identifies and analyses functional elements taken from part of the human genome.
- 'Rejuvenating' Neurons To Protect Against Parkinson's Disease
Encouraging neurons to revert to a more juvenile state might help slow or stop the progression of Parkinson's disease.
- MicroRNAs And Tumour Suppression
The tumour suppressor p53 acts directly on a family of small RNAs that are vital for cell growth and replication.
- DNA Damage Contributes To Stem Cell Ageing
DNA damage can cause premature ageing in bone-marrow-derived stem cells, making it harder for them to function.
- Potential Drug For Atherosclerosis And Type 2 Diabetes
A small-molecule inhibitor that has been successfully tested in mice may prove useful against chronic metabolic diseases such as atherosclerosis, obesity and type 2 diabetes.

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