2006-12-21 |
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Humans Follow The Scent
The human sense of smell may be better than previously thought.
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Sensing Fungal Infections
Two studies demonstrate the importance of a host protein in recognizing the presence of fungal infections.
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How Shigella Causes Dysentery
A report explores how shigella bacteria survives and spreads in the gut to cause dysentery.
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Lightning Strikes Twice For Milk Drinkers
The ability of Africans and Europeans to digest milk as adults is analyzed.
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Malaria Parasite Diversity
Three studies independently characterize the genetic diversity of the parasite that causes malaria.
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Scientists Share Thoughts On Animal Research
An anonymous online poll of nearly 1700 researchers has revealed intriguing insights into scientists' views on the use of animals in research.
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Cellular 'Dustbin' Modelled
A detailed model of the phagosome, the cellular 'dustbin' that engulfs and destroys foreign matter, is unveiled.
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Protein Blocks Brain Tumour Growth
A protein that blocks the growth of aggressive human brain tumours in a mouse model has been identified.
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Navigating The Mouse Brain
The comprehensive digital map of gene expression in the mouse brain will have an impact on the fields of neuroscience and mammalian genomics alike.
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Key Influenza Virus Molecule Visualised
Researchers have visualised the structure of the influenza A virus nucleoprotein.
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Carbon Dioxide Receptors And Malaria
The discovery of a pair of receptors that enable fruit flies to sense carbon dioxide (CO2) could boost the development of a new type of mosquito repellent.
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Botulinum Toxin Structure Unveiled
The structure of botulinum toxin B bound to one of its receptor is revealed.
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A Two Base Pair Deletion In The PQBP1 Gene Is Associated With Microphthalmia, Microcephaly, And Mental Retardation
Mutations in PQBP1 are associated with an S-XLMR phenotype including microphthalmia, thereby further extending the clinical spectrum of phenotypes associated with PQBP1 mutations.
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Changing Rates Of Genetic Subtypes Of Prader–Willi Syndrome In The UK
First report of a greater proportion (50%) of those with Prader–Willi Syndrome (PWS) due to maternal uniparental disomy (mUPD) in children presently under 5 years living in the UK.
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Molecular Genetic Analysis Of The Human Dihydrofolate Reductase Gene
Subjects were screened for the 9-bp repeat (n=417), as well as the recently reported 19-bp deletion in intron 1 (n=330) of the human dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene, and their associations assessed with plasma tHcy, serum and RBC folate levels.
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The Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism 309 In The MDM2 Gene Contributes To The Li–Fraumeni Syndrome And Related Phenotypes
The higher prevalence of MDM2 SNP309 homozygous G/G carriers in the TP53-negative group suggests that this allele contributes to cancer susceptibility in LFS and LFS-related families.
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Review Article: Implication Of Abnormal Epigenetic Patterns For Human Diseases
New insights on the mechanisms by which epigenetic machinery proteins regulate gene expression.
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Mutation Prevents Pain
A mutation in one key gene can rob people of their ability to experience pain.
2006-12-20 |
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Experimental Malaria Vaccine Underway
Like other eradicated diseases, malaria might be added to this list.
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Adult Male Circumcision Significantly Reduces Risk of Acquiring HIV
Results so successful that trials in Kenya and Uganda were stopped early.
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Hormonal Contraception Does Not Appear To Increase HIV Risk
Study findings do not provide a basis for changing current recommendations regarding contraceptive use.
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Novel Experimental Melanoma Treatment
Combining an antibody with radiation shows promise for melanoma treatment and is expected to enter early-stage human clinical studies in 2007.
2006-12-15 |
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Diabetes: A pain in the pancreas?
Toronto scientists have shown a remarkable cure in diabetic mice.
2006-12-10 |
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Gene-environment interaction in ADHD
Prenatal substance exposure and dopamine genes interact to increase risk of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
2006-12-06 |
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Auditory Repetition And Dyslexia
Study reports that some dyslexic individuals have trouble encoding regularities in repeated sets of sounds.
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An Unexpected Mechanism Of Pain
A naturally produced pain reliever can exacerbate certain pain states rather than attenuate them in rodents.
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High Times For Memory
The active ingredient in marijuana -- tetrahydrocannabinoid or THC -- interferes with synchronized activity between neurons in the hippocampus of rats.
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Problems With A Potential Alzheimer Disease Treatment
Study results suggest that targeting the enzyme (BACE1) as a treatment for Alzheimer disease may produce significant adverse side effects.
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Fast 3D Imaging Of Brain Cell Networks
A method of fast scanning microscopy that allows in vivo imaging of signalling in neuronal and glial cell networks is reported.
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Key To Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis
Study provides insights into the pathology of relapsing multiple sclerosis.
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Controlling The Enemy Within
The constant presence of a population of 'regulatory' immune cells is essential for the prevention of autoimmune disease.
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Prime Cuts
Loss of a key enzyme can substantially alter how the immune system recognizes tissue antigens.
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Special Focus On Front-Line Defense Sensors
Focus papers on special immune proteins that detect the presence of invading pathogens in various hosts.
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Molecule Required For Bone Repair Identified
A molecule that regulates the first steps of bone repair in mice is reported in a study.
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New Antibacterial Targets?
Small molecules that bind to segments of RNA called riboswitches could represent a novel class of antibiotics.
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Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Copper Regulator Found
Scientists have discovered a protein that controls gene expression in response to copper in the bacterium that causes most cases of tuberculosis and potentially a wide variety of other bacteria.
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How Primary Tumours Prepare Lung For Invasion
Primary tumours prepare the lung for invasion by inducing factors that guide migration of both inflammatory and tumour cells to the lung.
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Cell Senescence Cancer Link
Researchers now think they know why in the early stages of many cancers, the activation of certain tumour-forming genes goes hand-in-hand with cellular senescence.
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Words Roll Onto The Tongue
People with synaesthesia - a 'crossing' of the senses - who can 'taste' words, begin to experience the taste sensation even before the word is actually spoken by them.
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Drug Promise For Renal Disease
Study suggest that the drug (r)-roscovitine that alters renal cell proliferation may prove a useful treatment for polycystic kidney disease.
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Protein Monitors Arrested Eggs For DNA Damage
A protein that helps detect DNA damage in developing eggs has been identified.
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New Human DNA Map Unveiled
Researchers have unveiled a human genome map which details how large chunks of DNA differ between individuals.
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Colon Cancer Stem Cells
A specific type of colon cancer cell capable of initiating tumour growth in mice is identified and characterized.
2006-12-05 |
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Genomic ‘firestorms’ underlie aggressive breast cancer progression
Distinct genomic profiles useful for clinical diagnosis and therapy
2006-11-27 |
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Natural Killer Cells Can Be Induced to Fight Liver Cancer in Mice
IL-12 and IL-18 together to induce Natural Killer cells may be a therapeutic regimen against tumors.
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Inexpensive, Quick, and Accurate Test Detects H5N1 Infections
Newly developed inexpensive “gene chip” test based on a single influenza virus gene allows quick identification of flu viruses, including avian influenza H5N1.
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New technology used to construct the first map of structural variation in the human genome
Methods also applicable to disease diagnosis, drug response tests
2006-11-19 |
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„Programming“ diabetes before birth
Fetal development has a major impact on adult cardiovascular disease risk
2006-11-13 |
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Incentive-Based Therapy Works Best for Methamphetamine Abusers
Contingency management (CM), also known as Motivational Incentives, along with psychosocial therapy is more effective than psychosocial therapy alone.
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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Toxin Is Cleared
Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL), one of many toxins associated with S. aureus infection is not the culprit in S. aureus infections.