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  February 17, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Group Synthesizes Biologically Active Genome of Bacteriophage φX174
IBEA Researchers Make Significant Advance in Methodology Toward Goal of a Synthetic Genome.
- Laboratory launches Hepatitis C database
The genomic sequence database is the first of two new HCV databases to be made publicly accessible.
- Technology for Massively Parallel DNA Amplification
Enabling technology for miniaturized DNA amplification is described in the journal Electrophoresis
- 7 Million Letters, and Counting
New Technology Will Speed Genome Sequencing
- Amersham Licenses Early-Stage Alzheimer's Disease PET Agents from University of Pittsburgh
Strategy is to identify a lead candidate for clinical evaluation as a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) diagnostic and monitoring agent
- Potential Multi-Biomarker Test for Alzheimer’s
Ciphergen Announces Discovery of a Potential Test using SELDI ProteinChip® Technology
- Technique May Identify Novel Disease Genes at a Faster Clip
New tool to find the RNA targets of proteins involved in neurological diseases.
- Cholesterol Lowering Gene Increases Longevity
Genetic variation in a gene known for playing a key role in lipoprotein production also appears to be significantly overrepresented in centenarians.
- Novel DNA-repair Gene Mutation Can Cause Resistance To Cancer Drugs
Base Excision Repair Enzyme MED1 Mediates DNA Damage Response to Anti-Tumor Drugs and Is Associated with Mismatch Repair System Integrity
- PubMed Search by Protein Name
PubMed Search by Protein Name Available Free at Ariadne Genomics Web Site
- NHGRI Funds Next Generation Of Large-Scale Sequencing Centers
New Efforts Will Build on Success of the Human Genome Project
- World’s First Comprehensive Proteomics Map of Multicellular Organism Completed by CuraGen
Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is a Proven Model System for Many Aspects of Human Biology and Drug Development.
- Women’s Symptoms are New or Different Prior to Heart Attack
This study is one of the initial investigations of women's experience with heart attacks, and how this experience differs from men's.
- Beyond biology: Simple system yields custom-designed proteins
Technique could lead to new drugs as well as industrial processes
- FDA Issues Guidance on Pharmacogenomics Data
Guidance intended to ensure that evolving policies are based on the best science; provide public confidence in this new field
- FDA Issues Draft Executive Summary of its Assessment of Safety of Animal Cloning
Current Voluntary Moratorium on Releasing Animal Clones Remains in Effect
- Anti-platelet drug blocks bone metastases in mice
Treatment also slows development of other tumors.
- Lymph Node Swelling Explained
Scientists have finally discovered which signals induce swollen glands, in which T cells accumulate in lymph nodes.
- Researchers Define Molecular Basis of Human "Sweet Tooth" and Umami Taste
Zuker's lab has moved closer to understanding why some people cannot resist the impulses brought on by sweets.
- Avoiding 'Horror Autotoxicus'
Scientists show how regulatory T cells instruct other immune cells to avoid immune cell–mediated attack of one’s own tissues, referred to as ‘horror autotoxicus’ over 100 years ago.
- Mice Inherit Resistance To Malaria
Research showing that mice lacking a metabolic enzyme (pyruvate kinase) are protected from their malaria parasite, suggests that, somewhere in the world, variants of the pyruvate kinase enzyme may be protecting people from malaria.
- Fogarty International Center Announces Awards for Global Health Research Initiative Program for New Foreign Investors
New grants to support the re-entry of young NIH-trained foreign investigators from the developing world to their home countries.
- New Genetic Brain Atlas
Researchers are compiling a new atlas of the mouse brain, with the aim to provide a detailed map of the different cell types in the central nervous system, offering new insights for neuroscientists and developmental biologists.
- Drug Hope For Hepatitis C
A new drug, developed to treat those with hepatitis C, greatly reduced viral load in a small sample of infected patients.
- Researchers create 'supersized' molecule of DNA
Scientists have created an expanded molecule of DNA with a double helix wider than any found in nature.
- Birthing Partners For Stem Cells
The research, which highlights the crucial relationship between stem cells and their local habitat, may yield practical methods for manipulating stem cells and provide a model for the impact of local environment on cell physiology.
- Scientists identify novel enzyme with key role in leukemia protein's normal function
Scientists have discovered an enzyme they say accounts for a cancer-causing protein's Jekyll-and-Hyde personality.
- Chromosome 6 In The Spotlight
The final sequence of chromosome 6, containing over 166 million bases, has been analysed -- the largest human chromosome to be analysed and published so far.
- Study Offers New Insight into Rett Syndrome
The study suggests that in Rett patients, mutations in MeCP2 impair its ability to regulate BDNF, and that BDNF’s subsequent over-expression may cause Rett.
- New Class Of Antibiotics Stops Pathogens In Their Genetic Tracks
Researchers have found that a promising new class of antibacterial chemicals inhibits one of the most fundamental processes of life – a cell's ability to express genetic material.
- Identification of Drosophila MicroRNA Targets.
A bioinformatic approach suggests many new target genes for Drosophila microRNAs. A number of them are validated experimentally.
- Researchers Discover How Nitric Oxide Prevents Blood Vessel Inflammation
NO has the power to inhibit endothelial cells lining blood vessels from releasing inflammatory substances.
- Gene Controls Age at Onset of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases
By applying a new technique that combines independent lines of genomic evidence, researchers have identified a single gene that influences the age at which individuals first show symptoms of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
- Doubt Cast on Adult Stem-Cell Plasticity Studies
Researchers have demonstrated that adult bone marrow cells can fuse with other cells in the body.
- A Genetic Basis For Individual Memory Differences
People with an unusual variant of one neurotransmitter receptor have worse memory than those with the more common variant.
- Fighting Fever
Treatments for fever without the adverse side effects of current medication may be on the horizon.
- DNA Vaccine Could Slow Leukemia Progression
A DNA vaccine can slow disease progression and prolong survival in a mouse model of leukemia.
- Malaria Parasite Takes Advantage Of Liver
The parasite that causes malaria exploits one of the body's own chemicals to cause infection.
- Pulsed Drug Delivery From Polymers
Scientists report a novel polymer-based pulsed drug delivery system designed to release accurate doses of drugs from an implant at predetermined times.
- Defect In Killer Cells Explains Rare Genetic Disease
Sscientists show that the protein AP-3, a mutant of which is present in individuals with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome type 2 (HPS2), is required by T cells to kill infected cells.
- Different Ways To Present A Virus
Scientists show that the ability of specialized immune cells to pick up viral particles from their surroundings and use them to alert other immune cells is an important element in fighting viral infections.
- Gene Influencing Susceptibility To Asthma Identified
Scientists report the identification of a genetic variant that is associated with susceptibility to the disease.
- RNA May Boost Rogue Prions
The studies help elucidate the mechanisms behind prion diseases, such as bovine spongiform encephalitis (BSE) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD).
- Fourteen Grand Challenges in Global Health announced
Grant proposals sought to overcome scientific roadblocks to addressing the diseases of the developing world
- New Treatment Significantly Improves Long-term Outlook For Breast Cancer Survivors
International clinical trial concludes women should consider taking letrozole after five years of tamoxifen treatment to continue to reduce risk of recurrence
- Beyond Genes: Scientists Venture Deeper Into the Human Genome
International Effort - ENCODE Project Seeks to Identify All Functional Elements in Human DNA
- Tissue engineering advance
MIT engineers report a new approach to creating three-dimensional samples of human tissue that could ultimately lead to therapeutic applications and replacement organs.
- Researchers Neutralize SARS Virus in Lab Tests
Advancement Toward Potential Treatment and Prevention of SARS to be Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Infectious Disease Society of America
- Beyond Genes: Scientists Venture Deeper into the Human Genome
ENCODE Project Seeks to Identify All Functional Elements in Human DNA
- Human Epigenome Project
Epigenomics AG and The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute announced today an agreement to fund and carry out the first phase of the Human Epigenome Project (HEP).

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