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  news archive genetic news  
  February 07, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Mechanism Uncovered That May Explain How The Mother Tolerates The Fetus
- Cancer Therapy Raises Hopes for Potentially Less Toxic Cancer Treatments in Humans
- Possible Vaccine For Alzheimer’s Disease Makes Good Progress
- Science's Top 10: genome sequencing named top scientific advance of 2000
- Identification of gene involved in development and function of central nervous system
- Researchers identify genetic risk for Alzheimer’s disease
- DNA arrays decipher genome's master switches
- New genetic link for late onset Alzheimer's disease discovered
- Book: "Comparative Genomics"
- paraptosis: A new way for cells to die
- Presence of only two genes makes the difference between an ordinary and headless embr
- Advisory panel on federal report on carcinogens makes recommendations to NIEHS/NTP fo
- Distinct Neuron Groups Identified That Are Active After Errors
- DNA-repair enzyme also plays critical role in innate immunity
- structure of DNA packaging motor in virus
- Human Genome project leaves much of human variation unsampled
- Are wood dust, talc and estrogens carcinogens?
- Researchers find a genetic cause of type 1 diabetes and autoimmunity
- major hurdle to hemophilia gene therapy taken
- Breast cancer susceptibility gene
- RNA editing process plays essential role in embryo development
- Autophagy or cell degradation, Science review topic
- molecular profiling could improve diagnosis and drug design
- substantial genetic basis for risk of periodontal disease
- Turning blood into brain
- candidate gene for premature
- Two routes to FAK activation and cancer cell migration
- gene therapy and DMD
- Mammalian Protein That Triggers Innate Immune Response To Bacterial DNA Identified
- Tolerance and Physical Dependence Have Distinct Molecular Mechanisms
- Why Is Sleep Necessary?
- Egr-1: A New Ischemia Drug Target
- HIF-1: A New Cancer Drug Target
- Lowering Cholesterol By Blocking ACAT2
- A New Immune Role For Statin Wonder Drugs
- New Techniques May Help Antigens Be "Seen" By The Immune System
- p73: A Tumour Suppressor After All?
- Deafness Suppressed
- Genes, Time And Breast Cancer
- Obesity Research Yields Discovery With Impact On Immunity
- Dendritic Cells Hold The Key To A Cancer Vaccine
- Very Different Symptoms Of Graves' Disease And Hashimoto's Thyroiditis Explained
- Tumor Destruction Prevented By Natural IL-13
- A Potential Therapy For Sepsis
- A Vaccine For Ebola
- Researchers identify gene common to many autism cases
- Cloning can turn back the developmental clock
- Bladder gene is linked to a common birth defect

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