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  news archive genetic news  
  February 07, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Caffeine Protects From UV Damage
The mechanism by which caffeine may protect the skin against the damage of UV exposure is revealed in a study.
- Antibodies That Neutralize Multiple Flu Strains
Researchers have engineered human antibodies that protect animals against lethal doses of multiple strains of influenza virus.
- Where Decisions Are Made
Scientists have discovered that the process involved in decision making occurs in different areas of the brain's frontal lobe, depending on whether the decision is abstract or more concrete.
- Childhood Abuse Permanently Modifies Stress Genes
Early childhood abuse in humans can change the expression of a gene that is important for responding to stress.
- Managing Iron Overload
A growth factor involved in inducing bone formation has an unsuspected role in iron metabolism.
- HIV Sweetly Slips By
Scientists have discovered that the sugar surface of HIV looks like a normal biological complex.
- Jump-Starting Cancer-Gene Discovery
A 'jumping gene' has been harnessed to identify the genes most commonly impaired in liver tumors
- Microbicide Curbs Virus Transmission In Monkeys
A widely used antimicrobial compound can protect monkeys from infection with an HIV-like virus.
- Solving The Mystery Of Nicotine Addiction
Nicotine's ability to selectively activate its receptors in the brain, but not muscle, is explained in a study.
- 'Piggybac' To Pluripotency
Researchers have induced pluripotency in human cells for the first time without using viral methods to deliver the reprogramming factors.
- Unexpected Prion Link In Alzheimer's Disease
Amyloid-beta, a protein well known for its role in Alzheimer's disease, may yield its damaging effects on neurons by binding to the cellular prion protein (PrPC).
- The Changing Face Of HIV
HIV is adapting to key elements of the human immune response.
- How Your Genes Can Make You Fat
A study reveals how having one gene linked with obesity could be making you fat.
- Neurotrophins to the Rescue
Scientists have identified a possible treatment in rodent and primate models linked to Alzheimer's disease.
- Susceptibility to Heart Attack
Genetic variants that predispose to heart attack are reported in five studies published online.
- Gene Variants Associated With Thyroid Cancer
Scientists have identified two common genetic variants that increase risk of thyroid cancer in European populations.
- Gene Variant Increases Risk of Essential Tremor
The first genetic risk factor for the neurological disease Essential Tremor has been identified.
- Clue to Gene-Environment Interaction in Parkinson's Disease
An explanation as to why exposure to the metal manganese is a risk factor for Parkinson's disease, is put forward in a study published online.
- Gene Variants Associated with Risk of Psoriasis
Scientists have identified several new genetic variants that affect risk of psoriasis, a common inflammatory disease of the skin and joints, according to three studies published online.
- CHIPing Away at Cancer Metastasis
Scientists have uncovered that an enzyme called CHIP suppresses breast cancer.
- Gene Influences Stem Cell Fate
Postnatal stem cells need the MII1 gene switched on if they are to form neurons.
- Urine Clues for Prostate Cancer
A potential biomarker for cancer has been identified in urine.
- Radioresistance in Cancer Stem Cells Explained?
Cancer stem cells from breast tumours have lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) than other cell types from the same tumour.
- H5N1 Structure Reveals Focus of Viral Replication
A key region of the H5N1 avian influenza virus that is involved in viral replication is revealed in two papers.
- Mouse Model of Hepatitis C Infection One Step Closer
A therapeutically useful mouse model of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one step closer with the discovery of a key protein needed for mouse cell infection.
- The Bioinformatics Links Directory: An online compendium of in silico tools
An online website provides information about a large number of available bioinformatics tools
- Inheritance Extends Beyond the DNA Sequence
Identical twins are more alike than fraternal twins not only because of the similarity of their DNA sequence, but also because the pattern of chemical modifications that regulate expression of their DNA is also more similar.
- Common Risk Variant for Heart Failure in South Asians
Approximately 4% of individuals of South Asian ancestry carry a gene variant associated with increased risk of cardiomyopathy, a condition associated with heart failure.
- Fishing for New Leukaemia Drugs
New potential drug targets for acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML) are reported in a paper published online.
- Mouse Model of Hepatitis C Infection One Step Closer
A therapeutically useful mouse model of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is one step closer with the discovery of a key protein needed for mouse cell infection.
- Hedgehog Blocker Thwarts Cancer Stem Cells
Drugs that block the hedgehog signalling pathway may prove useful in treating chronic myelogenous leukaemia (CML).
- GoPubMed: An online tool for enhanced retrieval of PubMed search results
An online service useful for enhanced retrieval and visualization of PubMed search results
- Cancer Stem Cells Leave Their Mark
Inappropriate activation of a signalling pathway in intestinal stem cells causes them to become cancerous.
- Stem Cells and Disease Modelling
Scientists have generated pluripotent stem cells from the skin cells of a patient with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), and show that these cells can be used to model the specific pathology for inherited diseases.
- Cell-Cycle Restriction Helps Leukaemia Stem Cells Keep Going
A protein that aids the survival of cancer-causing stem cells is described.
- Hijacked Pathway Contributes to Cancer Spread
Lung cancer cells hijack immune system signalling pathways to stimulate metastasis.
- Arrestin' Insulin Resistance
The protein beta-arrestin-2 helps ensure efficient insulin signalling by scaffolding key enzymes to the insulin receptor.
- Natural Killer Cells Never Forget
A study reports that certain cells of the innate immune system can 'remember' infectious agents - an ability previously only attributed to cells of the adaptive immune system.
- Breaking Through the Barrier
A non-invasive method to deliver genes to the central nervous system in mice is reported online.
- Clearing Plaques In Blood Vessels In Alzheimer's Disease
Scientists have uncovered the role of two critical proteins that negatively affect the clearance of amyloid beta in the brain, the accumulation of which is thought to lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease.
- Rotaviruses Stick to Sugars
Sugar molecules on the surface of host cells are linked to all rotavirus infections.
- New Mechanism For Genetic Hair Loss
Mutations that reduce the function of a small, previously unknown peptide cause a rare form of genetic hair loss.
- Common Mutation Underlying Epilepsy Identified
A deletion on chromosome 15 is the most prevalent risk factor for common epilepsies identified to date.
- Female-Specific Genetic Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease
A variant in a gene on the X chromosome is associated with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease specifically in women, according to a study published online.
- A Chip for Efficient Cell Fusion
A device that enables efficient pairing and fusion of cells and allows easy observation of the process is presented in a study.
- Prions and Smell
Study finds that Prions help us to distinguish odours.
- Higher Heart Rate May Predict Obesity
Paper reports that a higher heart rate has been shown to predict obesity that manifests 20 years later.
- Increases in Melanoma
Rising rates of melanoma cannot be attributed to better screening and detection of thin melanomas, according to a published paper.
- myExperiment.org: A repository of workflows in bioinformatics
A new free platform is available for the organization and interchange of workflows in bioinformatics
- A new program for the organization of pdf papers and references
A new free service is available for the organization of local digital libraries and interchange of references

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