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  news archive genetic news  
  February 07, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Genetic Variation In Hair, Eye, And Skin Pigmentation
Several new genetic associations for human hair, eye and skin pigmentation in individuals of European ancestry are reported.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Colorectal Cancer
Common variants in the gene SMAD7 are associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
- Host Of New Genes Spotted
Scientists have uncovered a complex network of genes involved in the conversion of normal cells to cancerous ones.
- The Future's Bright
Researchers have now linked the tendency for future optimism to activity in a small network of areas in the brain.
- Old Trick, New Dog
A new model of anti-viral response in mammals is presented.
- Gene Essential To Sperm Production Identified
In a study published online, researchers report the identification of a gene that has a key role in the development of sperm.
- Rise And Shine
Researchers have established a causal link between the activity of a particular group of brain cells and transitions between sleep and wakefulness.
- Genes Tell Our Evolutionary Tale
Geneticists have identified a number of genes, for a variety of functions, that show the hallmarks of having been favoured by natural selection in different populations.
- The Brain And Feeding
The activity of several brain areas governing human feeding behaviour is modulated by levels of a single gut hormone in the blood.
- Single-Gene 'Badge' For Stem Cells
Geneticists studying the cells of the human gut have found a gene that seems to be expressed exclusively in mouse adult stem cells of the small intestine and colon
- The Genetics of MLL Leukemogenesis
Meis1 is a crucial factor for cancer development and stem cell maintenance in MLL
- Regulating Embryonic Stem Cell Self-Renewal
Demthylation enzymes maintain chromatin structure that favors pluripotency
- Patterning the mammalian brain
An ubiquitin ligase regulates synapse formation
- A Proteomic Approach To Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis
A screen of 18 proteins related to cellular communication were found useful in diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease, even well before the onset of dementia.
- Combination Therapies Targeting Receptor Tyrosine Kinases Offer Promise Against Cancer
Several receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors have shown limited efficacy as single agents against various tumors, but in combination, they appear to be potent anti-cancer drugs.
- Venous Origin of the Mammalian Lymphatic Vasculature
Debate over derivation yields to new evidence
- The Beat Goes On With AKAP18
A protein, known as AKAP18, could help the heart to beat faster in response to adrenaline or noradrenaline.
- Heart Of The Matter
Researchers have developed a strategy to successfully manipulate stem cells into becoming heart muscle cells.
- The Long And The Short Of Fatty Liver
Study reports that not all types of fat are equally harmful.
- Micro-Managing HIV Replication
Cellular microRNAs could help HIV persist by shutting off viral replication and contributing to latency.
- HIV Stuns Immune Cells
A known suppression factor in the immune system increases in HIV-infected individuals on critical immune cells.
- Fountain Of Youth
Researchers have identified the cells that provide an essential survival factor to newly created immune cells.
- The Gene-Mapper's Best Friend
Genetic variants associated with dominant or recessive disease-related traits in dogs can be mapped efficiently and with high confidence.
- NO End To Protein Modification
A new biological signalling molecule is described.
- Mitochondrial Downfall In Parkinson's Disease
The mutation of two genes associated with the development of Parkinson's disease cooperate to regulate mitochondrial function when cells are stressed.
- Effective Gene Silencing
New research shows that small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) can be effective and safe tools for silencing genes in vivo.
- MicroRNAs And Metastasis
A particular microRNA, microRNA-10b (miR-10b), has been found in abundance in breast cancer cells that have the ability to spread to other organs.
- Identifying Self Renewing Cells
Large numbers of adult stem cells can be efficiently obtained from testis, thanks to a newly identified molecule on the cell surface that will allow researchers to tell them apart from non-self-renewing cell types.
- Scientists Suggest New Pathway Causing Cell Death in Dementia
A cascade of events begins with a mutation in the gene progranulin (PGRN) located on chromosome 17 has been shown to cause cell death in dementia.
- NIH-Funded Scientists Solve Genetic Code of Parasitic Worm that Causes Elephantiasis
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 40 million people around the world are seriously incapacitated and disfigured by elephantiasis. The "B. malayi" genome reveals dozens of potential new targets for drugs or vaccines.
- New Publication Helps African Americans "Make the Kidney Connection"
National Kidney Disease Education Program Creates New Brochure for African Americans at Risk for Kidney Disease
- Scientists Identify Cause of Job's Syndrome
Job's syndrome makes the immune system extremely sensitive to invading microbes. Sequencing STAT3 in patients revealed that mutations in the gene cause Job's syndrome.
- Serotonin And The Brain
Serotonin is used faster in the winter by people suffering from seasonal depression when compared with a control group.
- The Political Brain
People with a more liberal outlook may have a greater sensitivity to cues signalling the need to change a habitual response.
- Many Targets -- One Tube
Paper presents a strategy to increase the number of targets that are amplified in one PCR reaction.
- Delicate And Dynamic Immunological Equilibrium
Immune cells patrolling the microbe-rich intestine are able to 'tolerate' harmless microorganisms, while attacking and eliminating potentially dangerous pathogens.
- Dialling Up Damage Responders
Certain cells of the immune system more readily tolerate damage to their genes than do other cells.
- Stem Cells Have Nervous Impulses
Blood stem cells become activated in response to signals released by nerve cells.
- Muscle Metabolism And Human Evolution
A variant of a gene associated with elite athletic performance has been subject to strong, recent positive selection in humans.
- Diet Shapes The Human Genome
Human populations that have high starch diets have an increase in the number of copies of a gene whose product breaks down starch.
- Watching Protein-Cutting Enzymes In Action
The activity of proteases -- enzymes that cut other proteins and are important in diseases such as AIDS and cancer -- can be imaged in living animals with 'smart probes.'
- A Rose By Any Other Gene
Genetic variation in just one single odorant receptor can affect an individual's experience of smells, as well as their sensitivity to them.
- SYNERGY Sheds Light On Gene Evolution
A new method that maps the detailed evolutionary history of gene duplication and loss is revealed.
- Clue To HIV Vaccine Success
Scientists report that the protective effect of a neutralizing human antibody is not only due to the antibody's neutralizing activity, but also to antiviral responses due to the antibody's ability to bind to Fc receptors on effector cells.
- Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Genetic Testing: A Two Year Follow-Up Study in Patients with Asthma, Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease
The finding that more perceived social genetic knowledge results in more reluctance can be considered an indicator for the necessity of social debates on genetic testing.
- What do Patients Prefer?: Informed Consent Models for Genetic Carrier Testing
Eight high-literacy focus groups were conducted to assess the knowledge and preferences of pregnant patients and their male partners
- Psychological Follow-up of Presymptomatic Genetic Testing for Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 (SCA2) in Cuba
In a prospective study, psychological instruments were used to evaluate depression, anxiety and family functioning (1) before testing and (2) one year after disclosure of the test result.
- Neurofibromatosis Type 1 in Genetic Counseling Practice: Recommendations of the NSGC
The objective of this document is to provide recommendations for the genetic counseling of patients and families undergoing evaluation for neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) or who have received a diagnosis of NF1.
- Evidence of the Regenerative Capacity of Pancreatic ß Cells In Diabetic Mice
Mice recover from experimentally induced diabetes via enhanced ß-cell proliferation that is inhibited by commonly used immune suppressants.
- Coming Together: tDNAs, RNA pol III and chromatid cohesion
Familiar players facilitate mitotic chromosomal segregation

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