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  February 07, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Unusual RNAs Linked To Chronic Leukemia, May Help Treat It
miR-15 and miR-16 induce apoptosis by targeting BCL2.
- Most Embryos Produced During IVF do not Result in Live Births
High rates of embryo wastage with use of assisted reproductive technology
- Adult Human Neural Stem Cell Therapy Successful In Treating Spinal Cord Injury
Human neural stem cells differentiate and promote locomotor recovery in spinal cord-injured mice
- Superlattice Nanobelts
Nanohelix Structure Provides New Building Block for Nanoscale Piezoelectric Devices
- Breakthrough In Micro-device Fabrication Combines Biology And Synthetic Chemistry
Nanostructured micro-devices may be mass produced at a lower cost, and with a wider variety of shapes and compositions than ever before.
- Discovery May Provide Novel Novel Method To Generate Medically Useful Proteins
C-type lectin fold as an evolutionary solution for massive sequence variation.
- Old Drug Shows New Promise For Huntington's Disease
Clioquinol down-regulates mutant huntingtin expression in vitro and mitigates pathology in a Huntington's disease mouse model.
- New Drug Effective For Rheumatoid Arthritis
Abatacept for rheumatoid arthritis refractory to tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibition.
- Malaria: Sequence of Infection Revealed
Study supplants earlier theories on how the malaria parasite spreads from the red blood cells it infects.
- Blocking Virus Entry
Defensins, known to prevent viruses from entering cells, appear to do so by preventing the virus from merging to cells' outer membrane.
- Benefits of Digital Mammography
Women with Dense Breasts, Women Younger than 50, and Those Who are Perimenopausal May Benefit from Digital Mammograms
- Who works together with whom?
Unique Map Created of Human Protein Interactions
- Stem Cell Instability Further Down The Line
Study reports that human embryonic stem cell lines cultured for a long period of time develop changes in their genomes that may make them unusable for therapeutic purposes.
- Detecting Prions In Blood
Research may help minimize the spread of prion diseases in the human body.
- A Key Initiator Of Allergy And Asthma
Finding opens up new ways of studying how disabling lung inflammation may be prevented.
- Triggering New Sensors For Virus Infection
Research identifying a new response factor triggered by intracellular sensors of viruses may open up new ways of enhancing our ability to fight infections.
- Genetic Counseling for Fragile X Syndrome: Updated Recommendations of the National Society of Genetic Counselors
These recommendations describe the minimum standard criteria for genetic counseling and testing of individuals and families with fragile X syndrome.
- Policy Recommendations for Carrier Testing and Predictive Testing in Childhood: A Distinction That Makes a Real Difference
Paper examines how five good practice position statements from Canada, UK and USA, produce different recommendations for carrier testing and predictive testing.
- Modeling Metastasis
Two studies report findings that improve our understanding of metastasis.
- Evolution Discounts Errors
Research may shed new light on how to evolve genetic complexity, a key hurdle associated with the development of life on Earth.
- Reproductive Biology: Enhancing Sperm Vitality
Researchers report the application of a new hybrid polymer that boosts antioxidant levels in porcine sperm, enhancing both vitality and lifespan.
- Islet Transplantation for Diabetics
Registry Sheds Light on Procedure’s Risks and Benefits
- Genomics of Inflammation
Approximately 5000 genes fluctuate in response to a inflammatory stimulus.
- Chimps & Humans - Very Similar Indeed
You share 96% of your DNA with chimpanzees, an international consortium reports.
- U.S. & India - Vision Research Agreement
Both countries commit to expand and collaborate on vision research.
- Fruit Fiber May Help Effects of Second-Hand Smoke
New study finds that adults who were exposed to second hand smoke as children could reduce the resulting chronic cough by eating more fruit and soy fiber.
- Cancer Drug Target Chk1 May Also Be Source Of Drug Resistance
New findings suggest balancing Chk1 activity will produce less toxic cancer drugs.
- Pinpointing The Cause Of A Neurodegenerative Disorder
The AXH Domain of Ataxin-1 Mediates Neurodegeneration through Its Interaction with Gfi-1/Senseless Proteins.
- Unexpected Features Of Anthrax Toxin May Lead To New Types Of Therapies
Receptor-specific requirements for anthrax toxin delivery into cells
- Studies Find Possible Drug Targets For Improving Vascular Health
Akt1/protein kinase Balpha is critical for ischemic and VEGF-mediated angiogenesis.
- Scientists Find That Protein Controls Aging By Controlling Insulin
Suppression of Aging in Mice by the Hormone Klotho.
- A Step Closer To A Malaria Vaccine
Structure of AMA1 from Plasmodium falciparum reveals a clustering of polymorphisms that surround a conserved hydrophobic pocket.
- Improving The Potential Of Cancer Vaccines
Toll-like receptor 8-mediated reversal of CD4+ regulatory T cell function
- A double punch for female survival
Achieving equality between the sexes can be a challenge even for single cells.
- Public collections of DNA and RNA sequence reach 100 gigabases
The world's three leading public repositories for DNA and RNA sequence information have reached 100 gigabases [100,000,000,000 bases; the 'letters' of the genetic code] of sequence.
- Hand Held Medical Lab
Hand-held Device Would Test Residents of Remote Villages for Malaria, Other Endemic Diseases.
- Aftermath of Miscarriage: Drug Offers Alternative to Surgical Treatment
Misoprostol, a drug first used to reduce the risk of stomach ulcers in people taking certain types of painkillers can also be used in place of surgical vacuum aspiration.
- The brain chemical for cravings?
Orexin, a brain chemical involved in feeding behavior, arousal, and sleep, may also plays a role in reward function and drug-seeking behavior.
- Neurons That Know The Odds
Study reports that neurons in a part of the brain called the posterior cingulate cortex represent the riskiness of choices in monkeys.
- New Treatment Against SARS Effective In Monkeys
Small interfering RNAs, short RNA sequences that can inhibit gene expression, are effective against infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus in monkeys.
- Study Of Lymph Vessels Makes A Leap
Scientists present tadpoles of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis as a model for investigating the development of lymph vessels.
- Avoiding New Food Allergens
Discussions on the steps taken to detect new food allergens from genetically modified plants and the limitations of these safeguard measures.
- Passport For Emigrating Immune Cells
Two reports suggest exit of immune cells from peripheral tissues does not passively occur but requires the expression of a specialized receptor called CCR7.
- Unwinding Fanconi Anemia
Five studies provide insight into the mechanism underlying the chromosomal instability that characterizes the disease Fanconi anemia.
- Seeing Cathepsin
The activity of cathepsins, cysteine proteases involved in a number of stages of tumor development, is visualized in a cellular model of a tumor microenvironment.
- Viewing Receptor Clusters In A Heart Beat
Researchers report the use of a high-resolution imaging technique to visualize heart cell receptor clusters for the first time.
- Antibiotic Assembly Line
Scientists have turned bacteria into miniature factories for producing novel types of antimicrobial compounds at unprecedented rates.
- Nature INSIGHT Review Article: The Challenges Of Hepatitis C
Combinations of multiple drugs will be required for the successful treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV).
- Hair And Telomere
Scientists describe how activating the protein in skin cells results in rapid hair growth.
- A Newly Discovered Pathway To Haemoglobin Production
A study provides a new link between two fundamental processes - haem production and the formation of iron-sulphur clusters on proteins.

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