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  September 12, 2024
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- A new program for high-throughput design of PCR primers
A paper describes a new program for high-throughput design of PCR primers
- Fiber Decreases Preeclampsia Risk
Increasing daily intake of dietary fiber during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with a reduced risk of preeclampsia.
- Fighting Tuberculosis With Acid
Scientists have pinpointed a specific protein that helps tuberculosis fight off the body's natural defence mechanism.
- Predicting Lung Cancer Survival
Scientists have compiled the largest ever study to validate prognostic models of lung cancer patient survival.
- A Common Inflammatory Pathway In Silicosis And Alzheimer's
Two different chemical agents, one associated with Alzheimer's, the other with a severe lung disease, cause inflammation in the same way.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Osteoarthritis
Variation in a gene that is expressed in cartilage is associated with increased risk of osteoarthritis.
- New Cancer Drugs With Reduced Side Effects
A new type of antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) with potential for cancer therapy is described.
- A Natural Ligand For PPAR-Gamma
How PPAR-gamma -- a fatty acid receptor that plays a central role in energy metabolism -- is activated by a natural ligand is revealed.
- The Downside Of A Good Defence
A study provides a potential explanation for children suffering long-lasting brain damage as a consequence of a temporary lack of oxygen during birth.
- Cognitive Therapy To Control Reward Anticipation
People can dampen their anticipation of an upcoming reward by re-directing their thoughts.
- A Noncoding RNA May Drive Alzheimer's Disease
Scientists have found a molecular mechanism that may drive the progression of Alzheimer's disease.
- A New Way To Treat Premature Ageing
A combination of statins and drugs for bone disorders could treat premature-ageing conditions such as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), reports a study published online.
- Constraining Neutrophil Damage
The way in which neutrophils -- the immune system's 'first responders' -- migrate into target tissues is reported.
- New Anti-Parasite Protective Mechanism
Scientists have discovered how the immune system fights Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that causes the disease toxoplasmosis in humans.
- Enzyme Implicated In Risk Of Common Obesity
Scientists have discovered gene variants associated with increased risk of common obesity in people with European ancestry.
- Thirty Loci And Counting For Crohn's disease
More than 30 genetic loci have been identified that confer susceptibility to Crohn's disease, a common inflammatory bowel disorder.
- A Sweet Route To Treating Alzheimer's Disease?
Scientists have identified an enzyme inhibitor in the brain that reduces the phosphorylation of a key protein known to be associated with Alzheimer's disease.
- How EGFR Promotes Skin Cancer
Scientists have pinpointed the molecular mechanisms underlying tumour response to EGFR -- a protein that boosts the development of skin cancer, and an important target for cancer therapy.
- Fingers Point Way To HIV Treatment
T cells, a type of white blood cell that is destroyed by HIV, have been made resistant to HIV infection, both in the test tube and in mice, using an enzyme designed to disrupt a specific gene.
- The Scare Switch
Two papers published online offer an insight into the specific mechanisms in the brain that control fear.
- Muscling In On Disease Imaging
A new technique to image muscle fibres in living patients is described.
- Easy iPS
Developmental biologists have simplified the recipe for creating induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells), which could potentially make the technology safer for clinical treatments.
- A new web server for exploration of available microarray data
A paper describes a new web server for the exploration of available microarray data
- Enzyme Variant May Contribute to Off-task Behaviour in ADHD
A single genetic change to an enzyme that regulates dopamine in the brain could account for the difficulties some children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have staying on task.
- Prenatal Test for Devastating Skin Disorder
A rare genetic disorder that causes extremely fragile skin and mucosa can be easily diagnosed in a first trimester fetus thanks to a non invasive immunofluorescence procedure.
- Improving Stroke Therapy
The mechanism that may cause the undesirable bleeding associated with blood clot 'dissolving' enzymes is described in a paper published online.
- Arthritis Drug May Help Combat Kidney Disease
A drug currently used to treat rheumatoid arthritis could be used to treat people with a genetic kidney disease.
- Cut Off the Food to Spite the Tumour
Researchers have uncovered the important role of a molecule in directing the formation of blood supply to tumours.
- Gene Addiction Reveals Cancer's Achilles' Heel
Blood cancer cells are hooked on the expression of a normal gene.
- New Heart Progenitors Found
A new type of heart stem cell is described online.
- Muscle Degeneration
Researchers have identified a molecule that is involved in muscle ageing, and show that a balance between this and another known factor interferes with regeneration.
- A new program for calculation of statistical power in genetic association studies
A paper describes a new program for analysis of statistical power in genetic association studies
- Preventing Amyloid Formation
Epigallocatechin gallate, an antioxidant popularly known as EGCG, can prevent the formation of amyloid fibrils, toxic protein aggregates associated with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
- Helping Seizures With Acidity
Activation of certain acid-sensing molecules in the brain can interrupt severe seizures associated with epilepsy, reports a study published online.
- Mapping And Quantifying Mammalian Transcriptomes By RNA-Seq
Researchers have applied next-generation sequencing to monitor the messenger RNA output of the mammalian genome.
- A Drug Against Blood Cancer May Also Fight Lupus
A drug used to treat multiple myeloma, a cancer of the white blood cells, could also be useful for the treatment of the chronic autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus.
- Zipping To Sites Of Infection
The way in which immune cells focus in on invading bacteria within infected tissues is reported online.
- Fighting Infection From An Unlikely Source
A rare type of white blood cell has been shown to play an important role in long term immunity to infections.
- Multi-Part Bacterial Sensor
One process through which immune cells "sense" the presence of dangerous bacteria is revealed online.
- Rare 'de novo' Mutations Contribute To Schizophrenia Risk
Individuals who have a non-familial form of schizophrenia are approximately eight times more likely than those without the disease to harbour copy number mutations in their genomes.
- New Prognostic Marker For Breast Cancer
Scientists have identified a genetic variant that strongly predicts poor survival among women with breast cancer, particularly after treatment with a commonly used form of chemotherapy.
- Cellular Senescence And Ageing
Two tumour suppressor genes with crucial effects on the ability of cells to divide and replicate have been found to affect the ageing process in mice.
- Sequence Of Response
Immunologists have uncovered a molecular mechanism that alerts the immune system to the presence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
- Cell Discovery Helps Understanding Of Heart Growth
Cell biologists have identified a protein that helps to direct the development of heart cells early in embryonic development.
- A Critical Factor For Maintaining Blood Stem Cells
A gene whose altered expression has previously associated with human leukaemias and Ewing's sarcoma -- a type of malignant bone tumour found in young adults -- is required for the proper functioning of blood stem cells.
- A new program for analysis of genomic data
A paper describes a new program for analysis of chromosomal regions and genome-wide expression data
- Genetic Clue To 'Clubbing'
Scientists have identified a mutation in a gene that causes digital clubbing, a deformity of the fingers and fingernails that is associated with a number of diseases of the heart and lungs.
- Genetic Variants Affect Cancer Risk In Alcohol Drinkers
Variants in certain genes lower the risk of various types of cancers in individuals who consume alcohol.
- Searching For Cancer's 'Achilles' Heel'
A new approach to finding genes important in the onset of cancer is described.
- Understanding Cocaine Craving
After withdrawal from cocaine, the number of certain receptors in the brain linked to cocaine cravings increase over time.

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