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  February 13, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Methods For The Selection Of Tagging SNPs: A Comparison Of Tagging Efficiency And Performance
This work demonstrates that when tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs)-based association studies are undertaken, the choice of method for selecting tSNPs requires careful consideration.
- Replication Of Reported Linkages For Dyslexia And Spelling And Suggestive Evidence For Novel Regions On Chromosomes 4 And 17
Sceintists report the first genome-wide linkage analysis for reading and spelling in a sample of 403 families of twins, aged between 12 and 25 years taken from the normal population and unselected for reading ability.
- Neurofibromatosis
Positron emission tomography has demonstrated that sophisticated imaging techniques have a role in diagnosing complex problems like malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours.
- Association Of PDCD1 Polymorphisms With Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
The aim of this study was to investigate the association of the PDCD1 gene polymorphisms and haplotypes with susceptibility to childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosu in a Mexican population.
- Partial Duplications Of The MSH2 And MLH1 Genes In Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
The contribution of genomic duplications of MSH2 and MLH1 genes to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer.
- Multiple Mutations Responsible For Frequent Genetic Diseases In Isolated Populations
A selective advantage may explain most of the observations of more than one mutation in either one or several genes causing high frequency of an autosomal recessive disease.
- Genetic Screening For Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Mental Retardation In An Isolated Population In Israel
First example of the establishment of a large-scale genetic screening program for autosomal recessive Nonsyndromic Mental Retardation.
- Population Differences In Gene Expression
Study reveals a significant ethnic variation in gene expression.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Stroke Found
Individuals with a particular variant of the gene PRKCH have a 40% increased risk of cerebral infarction, the most common type of stroke.
- A New Source Of Stem Cells
Amniotic fluid contains stem cells that can be coaxed towards becoming various cell types that might be useful in regenerative medicine.
- Enzyme Double Act Evades Drug Therapy
New study may aid the design of more effective cancer therapies.
- Inhalant Abuse: 'Sniffing' Toluene For A High
Toluene, a commonly abused toxic compound, is shown to stimulate dopamine release in specific regions of the rat brain known as drug reward pathways.
- African Chromosomes In Indigenous British
A globally rare Y chromosome type described previously in only a few West African individuals has been found in a British male.
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Are Cholesterol Supplements The Answer?
Cholesterol supplementation prevents fetal alcohol spectrum defects (FASD) in alcohol-exposed zebrafish embryos.
- Scientists Find A Tunnel That Transfers Lipids
Scientists have determined the structure of CETP, the protein that transfers lipids in the blood from 'good' to 'bad' cholesterol.
- For Goodness Sake
The detection of 'agency', the presence of an active participant in a situation, involves a brain region that is more active in altruistic people.
- Getting Things Into Cells With The Aid Of Small Molecules
Small molecules can be linked to much larger cargoes and deliver them into a variety of cell types.
- Maintaining Immune Regulation
Constant expression of a single protein, Foxp3, is essential to maintain the identity and character of regulatory T (Treg) cells.
- Sizing Up Stem Cells
A gene called latexin has a significant effect on the blood stem cell population in young mice.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Alzheimer Dsease
Individuals with particular variants of the gene SORL1 have a modestly elevated risk of late-onset Alzheimer disease.
- Cancer Cleared By p53 Restoration
Certain types of cancer can be pushed into regression by reactivating the tumour suppressor gene p53.
- Non-Coding RNA Interferes With Transcription
A non-coding RNA represses expression of a cell-cycle-regulated gene by directly interfering with the binding of transcription factors.
- Getting to the bottom of memory
For the first time researchers investigate the molecular basis of memory in living mice
- Toward A Genetic Test For Parkinson's Disease
A microarray screening of venous blood RNA identified a set of eight unaffiliated genes that, combined, had predictive power for Parkinson’s disease and another gene that may shed light on disease progression.
- Genome of Trichomoniasis Responsible for Common Sexually Transmitted Infection Sequenced
Trichomonas vaginalis parasite is resonsible for common sexually transmitted diseases and has become more drug resistant recently. It's genome sequence can lead to treatments, diagnostics and possible vaccine strategy.
- Anti-HIV Preventive Regimen Improved Women’s Response
To prevent passing HIV on to her child, a mother's response to HIV treatment is improved if at least six months have passed since she received a single dose during labor.
- Maternal Smoking Can Cause Cleft Lip and Palate
A fetus lacking both copies of the gene called GSTT1 is less likely to be able to detoxify mother's smoke from cigarette smoking leading to cleft lip and palate.
- Vaccine for H5N1 Avian Influenza Enters Human Clinical Trial
The first human trial of a DNA vaccine designed to prevent H5N1 avian influenza infection began on December 21, 2006.
- The amyloid co-conspirator: second genetic risk for Alzheimers
People with a variant of a specific gene have a slightly elevated rise in the incidence of late-onset Alzheimer's disease, Canadian and U.S. researchers said.
- Combination gene therapy gives lung cancer a double punch
Combination gene therapy delivered in lipid-based nanoparticles drastically reduces the number and size of human non-small cell lung cancer tumors in mice
- The right balance drives the field of PPAR agonist R&D
A strongly growing market of now more than US$ 6 bln in 2006 for only tow PPAR gamma agonists founds the basis for a heavily researched field of next generation mono, dual or triple PPAR agonists with fine-tuned subtype combinations
- Ectopic Expression Of Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 For Gene Therapy Of Type II Diabetes
Study results demonstrate the feasibility of gene therapy for type II diabetes using GLP-1 expression vectors.
- Gene Therapy In Wound Healing: Present Status And Future Directions
Article aims to review the research on gene therapy in wound healing and possible future directions in this exciting field.
- Development Of A Novel Systemic Gene Delivery System For Cancer Therapy With A Tumor-Specific Cleavable PEG-Lipid
Multifunctional Envelope-type Nano Device (MEND) modified with PPD is a promising device, which has the potential to make in vivo cancer gene therapy achievable.
- New Streptococcal Virulence Factors
Degradation of host glycogen is an important factor in bacterial pathogenesis.
- Tolerating The Gut
New research reveals why the immune system remains in check and does not attack gut tissues despite being full of bacteria.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Crohn Disease Found
A variant of a protein that normally promotes the digestion and clearance of bacteria by cells is associated with elevated risk of Crohn disease.
- New Breast Cancer Susceptibility Gene Identified
Individuals with mutations in a gene called PALB2 have more than twice the normal risk of breast cancer.
- New Genetic Cause Of An Immunodeficiency Syndrome Found
A gene called HAX1 is mutated in some individuals with an immunodeficiency syndrome known as severe congenital neutropenia (SCN).
- Activating Drug Discovery For Gaucher Disease
Scientists have identified a new structural form of the protein that is mutated in Gaucher disease.
- Beefing Up Resistance To Mad Cow Disease
A team of American and Japanese scientists has created cows that lack the protein responsible for mad cow disease.
- Neurons Group Abstract Movement
Scientists describe neurons in the lateral prefrontal cortex that become active before certain categories of movement.
- Progeria Mutation Sheds Light On Normal Ageing
Researchers provide firm evidence that specifically DNA damage contributes to ageing.
- Starve The Tumour, Sabotage The Blood Supply
A new drug that shrinks tumours by sabotaging their blood supply may work against cancers that have become resistant to standard anti-angiogenic therapies.
- Microbial Component To Obesity
The microbes living in our guts may influence how prone we are to obesity.
- Advancing Spinal Research Stimulates New Clinical Trial Guidelines
Four papers to be published online address the need for a principled set of guidelines for clinical trials in patients with spinal damage.
- Exploitation Of Race As A Marketing Tool?
The obstacles facing the development of genetics-based personalized medicine are described online.
- Standardized Methods Improve Cancer Diagnosis
A set of guidelines for pathologists that may greatly improve the diagnosis of malignant lymphomas has been published online.
- Islet Transplantation For Diabetes: Failing To Deliver?
The promise of islet transplantation to treat diabetes has not yet been fully realised.
- Synchronized Sleeping In The Brain
Waking experiences are replayed in multiple parts of the brain in a coordinated fashion during sleep.

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