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  February 16, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- HDL As A Target For Cardiovascular Protection
The mechanisms of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and its role in preventing heart disease are explored.
- Gene Regulation And Depression
Mice subjected to stress caused by the presence of an aggressive intruder, repress the gene that produces a growth factor called brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF).
- Hunger For Memories
The hunger-signaling gut hormone ghrelin can increase the number of nerve connections in a region of the brain crucial for the formation of new memories.
- A 'Retro' Alternative For Immunology Researchers
A simple strategy for creating mice that express multiple foreign proteins could help some scientists to study essential processes of immune development without the trouble of transgenics.
- Bottom's Up To Gene Control
Study shows one way that may be possible for designing and building new biological parts and systems from their individual components.
- Non-Viral Gene Delivery: Stretching Is The Point
The authors discuss how matrix-based approaches provide a solid foundation for the application of gene therapies for tissue regeneration and engineering.
- Resveratrol Prolongs Lifespan in a Short-Lived Vertebrate
A natural compound could become the starting molecule for the design of drugs for the prevention of human aging-related diseases
- Detection Of DNA On Nanotubes Offers New Sensing, Sequencing Technologies
Optical detection of DNA conformational polymorphism on single-walled carbon nanotubes
- Researchers Find Molecule That May Hold Key To Learning And Memory
A calcium-regulated MEF2 sumoylation switch controls postsynaptic differentiation
- Study Suggests That Publicly Available Genome Data May Contain Small But Significant Errors
Validation of S. Pombe Sequence Assembly by Microarray Hybridization
- Probing Protein Ligand Interactions by Automated Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry
New research from Magnet Lab, Scripps Florida gives scientists powerful tool for drug discovery
- A One-Two Punch Against Cancer
Changes in cell surface proteins during chemotherapy can be exploited to develop antibodies targeting cancer cells.
- Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate Efficacy for Osteoarthritis Pain
National clinical trial shows that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate may only be helpfl for moderate to severe osteoarthritis pain.
- The Molecular Basis for Bullying
Mice lacking social memory molecule take bullying in stride.
- Rhesus Macaque DNA Sequence Available in Free, Public Databases
A multi-center team has deposited the draft genome sequence of the rhesus macaque monkey into free public databases for use by the worldwide research community.
- Adding Ad to the Eye
Results of a one year safety study show promise for gene therapy of retinal diseases.
- Dawn has broken for obesity treatment with cannabinoid receptor (CB1) antagonists
Tremendous impetus to discovery of novel CB1 antagonists by first-in-class CB1 receptor antagonist rimonabant under review by FDA and EMEA
- BDNF gene associated with hippocampal volume
Val66Met Polymorphism Is Associated with Reduced Hippocampal Volume in Healthy Subjects
- Bioinformatics.Org announces the laureate of the 2006 Benjamin Franklin Award
Prof. Ashburner has made fundamental contributions to many open access bioinformatics projects
- Teach Yourself Genetics
An expert lends a helping hand by listing the best online sites for genetic education that will help inform everyone from scientists to complete novices.
- Regenerating Fertility Using Adult Stem Cells
An elegant system that may restore fertility in men after treatment for cancer is described.
- A Taste Of The Unexpected
Study reports that people's expectations of a taste modify activity in the primary taste areas of the brain.
- Releasing Immune Cells From The Bone Marrow
Study reveals a new function of chemical signals called 'chemokines'.
- Instant Replay May Help Form Memories
Study shows that cells in the brains of rats immediately replay new experiences in reverse, much like a rewinding video.
- Psychological Adjustment and Knowledge About Hereditary Hemochromatosis in a Clinic-Based Sample: A Prospective Study
This study assessed psychological adjustment and quality of life relative to population-based norms and knowledge about hereditary hemochromatosis in a sample of 101 patients who attended a hemochromatosis clinic.
- Doctor's Expertise and Managing Discrepant Information from Other Sources in Genetic Counseling: A Conversation Analytic Perspective
The study examines a recurrent interactional pattern in genetic counseling.
- Perceptions and Attitudes about HFE Genotyping Among College-Age Adults
Young adults view HFE genotyping positively and report few disadvantages, but prefer the iron test for its information about current health.
- Care of the Self and Patient Participation in Genetic Discourse: A Foucauldian Reading of the Surgeon General's “My Family Health Portrait” Program
This essay argues that current analyses of the power of genetics discourse are grounded in an improper reading that disempowers patients.
- “SLANG”— Sensitive Language and the New Genetics — an Exploratory Study
This paper presents the results from a pilot study and discusses the implications for health professionals with particular reference to medical genetics settings.
- Sequential Down Syndrome Screening: The Importance of First and Second TrimesterTest Correlations when Calculating Risk
Researchers evaluated an approximation where the post-test risk from the first trimester screening is used as the new a priori risk for the second trimester screening.
- Risk-Reduction Surgery Decisions in High-Risk Women Seen for Genetic Counseling
This report describes uptake of risk-reduction mastectomy (RRM), risk-reduction oophorectomy (RRO), and related factors in 62 high-risk women who received genetic counseling.
- The Importance of Written Information Packages in Support of Case-Finding Within Families at Risk for Inherited High Cholesterol
To detect blood relatives undiagnosed for Inherited High Cholesterol at a presymptomatic stage, in the Netherlands written information packages are available to facilitate family communication.
- Knowledge and Attitudes Toward a Free Education and Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Testing Program
Study demonstrated that an educational carrier screening program increased knowledge about the disorders and also produced mild anxiety regarding personal and reproductive risks.
- TOP 20 Biologics now with sales of US$ 37.7 bln in 2005
The TOP 20 blockbuster recombinant proteins and antibodies achieved record sales of US$ 37.7 bln in the year 2005 while combined sales of the 12 TOP selling classes of recombinant proteins and antibodies reached the US$ 50 bln threshold.
- An Important Step Toward A Vaccine For Chlamydia
A conserved intra-species genotype for polymorphic membrane protein D, a surface-accessible protein, enables the development of antibodies that neutralize all Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes.
- ErbB4 gene polymorphisms associated with schizophrenia
Association and expression studies implicate ErbB4 in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
- Women's Fat Intake May Have Little Effect on Breast Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Heart Disease, or Stroke
Largest ever clinical trial of low-fat diet shows that total fat does not significantly reduce the incidence of breast cancer, heart disease, or stroke, and does not reduce the risk of colorectal cancer in healthy postmenopausal women.
- Steroids +Protease Inhibitors = Bone Damage in HIV Patients
A study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) indicates that a steroid medication taken with an HIV protease inhibitor may increase the risk of bone damage in HIV-infected patients.
- A Genetic Profile For Those With Food Allergies
A severe and chronic condition called eosinophilic esophagitis (EE) is recognized by doctors as an emerging health problem for children.
- Dosing convenience mandates the pipeline of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogs for type 2 diabetes
Twice-daily injection is the benchmark set by exenatide, the first GLP-1 analog launched in the US by Lilly in June 2005 and half-year sales of US$ 74.6 mln, which now faces competition by GLP-1 analog treatment modalities with less frequent dosing.
- Association between schizophrenia and the DISC1 gene
Polymorphisms increase risk of schizophrenia in Scottish population sample
- Cardiovascular Disease in Women May Not Be in the Major Arteries
Cornonary angiography may reveal unblocked arteries, but in fact these arteries have cholesterol build up that is evenly distributed inside vessels.
- NIH Announces Program to Foster the Independence of New Investigators
Supporting new investigators brings breath of fresh air to research initiatives.
- Creating Artificial Bone from the Ocean
Harnessing the unique physics of sea water as it freezes may guide the production of a new generation of more biocompatible materials for artificial bone.
- Osteoporosis Information Easily Accessible at NIHSeniorHealth
Senior citizens increasingly turn to the World Wide Web for health information.
- Weight Loss in Prediabetic Women Improves Bladder Control
Mounting evidence for lifestyle changes in the prevention and care of diabetes.
- Vaccine Provides 100 Percent Protection Against Avian Flu Virus In Animal Study
Protection of Mice and Poultry from Lethal H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus through Adenovirus-Based Immunization
- Master Genetic Switch Found For Chronic Pain
Runx1 Determines Nociceptive Sensory Neuron Phenotype and Is Required for Thermal and Neuropathic Pain
- Researchers Identify Major Source Of Muscle Repair Cells
Somitic origin of limb muscle satellite and side population cells
- The SERPINE2 Gene Is Associated with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Study suggests that SERPINE2 is a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)-susceptibility gene and is likely influenced by gene-by-smoking interaction.

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