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  September 14, 2024
your information resource in human molecular genetics
- Genetics of Imatinib Resistance in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Drug sensitivity is modulated by tumor's microenvironment
- Do these genes make me look fat?
Researchers say a single 'skinny gene' regulates fat deposition and points the way to therapies for obesity and diabetes
- HIV Treatment Changes Body Shape
The emerging side effects of HIV treatment and their implications for patients are reviewed (Free article).
- New Drug To Treat Schizophrenia
A clinical trial describes a drug that works effectively in people with schizophrenia by targeting glutamate-mediated neurotransmission.
- Stop That Itch!
Immune cells in the skin secrete a chemical that limits the inflammatory response to poison ivy and sunburn.
- Restraining Allergic Responses
A cellular process crucial for preventing allergy is presented in a paper published online.
- The Genetics Of Human Height
A variant in a gene called HMGA2 is associated with differences in adult and childhood height in the general population.
- A Three-In-One Approach To Cancer Vaccines
A single chemical structure that incorporates three vaccine components could prove powerful in treating cancer.
- Development And Disease Focus
The September 2007 issue of Nature Cell Biology focuses on Development and Disease, and includes a series of six FREE articles highlighting how development gone awry can cause disease.
- Adult Stem Cell With Muscle
A ready source of muscle progenitor cells might be useful for treating diseases that involve muscle atrophy, such as muscular dystrophy.
- Human Embryonic Stem Cells Do A Heart Good
Heart attacks may respond to treatment with cells derived from human embryonic stem (ES) cells.
- Prion Structure Unfolds
Researchers have discovered how structural changes between different prion strains can influence their infectivity and change the phenotypes they cause.
- MicroRNA Involved In Embryonic Patterning
MicroRNAs, small single-stranded RNA molecules that help regulate gene expression, may have an important role in embryonic patterning.
- Type 2 Diabetes All In The Mind?
The brain may have a previously unrecognized role in type 2 diabetes.
- New Method Sets Stem Cells Apart
Researchers have devised a way to distinguish between two similar, yet vitally different, proliferative cell types found in the developing brain.
- Mouse Model Of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
An unusually anxious, compulsively overgrooming mouse is presented as a possible model for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
- NIH Scientists Discover Novel Cause of Iron Overload in Thalassemia Disorders
This finding has implications for iron metabolism in other diseases, including cancer, and may contribute to the future development of therapies for thalassemia.
- Gene Triggers Obsessive Compulsive Disorder-Like Syndrome in Mice
The gene, SAPAP3, may be responsible for obsessive compulsive disorder-like behaviors in mice, which can be reversed with antidepressants and genetic targeting of a key brain circuit.
- Muscle Mass: Scientists identify novel mode of transcriptional regulation during myogenesis
Basal transcription machinery is not as invariant as previously presumed.
- A Sponge To Soak Up Regulatory RNAs
Genetically encoded inhibitors that soak up microRNAs in mammalian cells are presented.
- Positive Selection During Human Evolution
Sequences in the human genome that have undergone positive selection are found in abundance in regions that regulate the expression of genes involved in neural or nutritional processes.
- Prevention And Treatment Of Craniosynostosis
Two successful strategies for the prevention and treatment of craniosynostosis -- premature fusion of the sutures in the skull -- are reported.
- How West Nile Virus Became Dangerous
A single causative mutation has been identified in the virulent strain of West Nile virus that has been responsible for deadly outbreaks of human encephalitis in recent years.
- Henrietta's Legacy
In a review, Toren Finkel and colleagues not only offer a historical perspective, but also describe the more recent research linking cancer biology to normal ageing.
- Ubiquitin Is Ubiquitous In Huntington's Disease
The link between Huntington's disease and a protein known as ubiquitin may be greater than previously thought.
- Genome variation in mitochondria is important for common genetic disease
Scientists show that mitochondrial DNA variants are directly linked to risk factors for type 2 diabetes
- A High-Throughput Screen Identifies New Therapies For Gaucher Disease
Structurally distinct classes of compounds increase mutant glucocerebrosidase activity in cell lines and enhanced lysosomal colocalization by acting as a chaperone during intracellular trafficking.
- Seeing Transcription In Living Colour
A closer look is taken at gene transcription in living organisms.
- A Genetic Variant Enhances Emotional Memory
A common variant of a neurotransmitter receptor gene is related to better emotional memory.
- Virus-based screen for ion channel modulators
A virus-based method that screens for chemical or genetically-encoded inhibitors of ion channels is described.
- To Mend A Broken Heart
A study reports that stem cells help the heart to regenerate after injury, but not during normal ageing.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Multiple Sclerosis
A variant in a gene encoding a key regulator of the immune system increases the risk of multiple sclerosis.
- Gene Reduces Severity Of Lung Cancer
A gene known to aid suppression of some tumours is shown to reduce the aggression of lung cancers along with the risk of metastasis.
- Defining the Active Site of Bax
Scientists delineate a three-helix domain sufficient for Bax induction of apoptosis
- MicroRNA Conflict Resolution: Experimental Recapitulation of miRNA-Mediated Repression
Scientists have created a cell-free system that sheds new light on the mechanism of action of miRNAs.
- Gene copy number promotes human-specific attributes
Genomics study provides insight into the evolution of unique human traits, including endurance running
- Zebrafish study shows promise for blindness
The ability of zebrafish to regenerate damaged retinas has given a clue about restoring human vision and could lead to an experimental treatment for blindness within five years.
- Patient in Targeted Genetics arthritis-drug trial dies
Shortly after suspending a major clinical trial because of serious illness in a patient, Targeted Genetics and federal regulators announced that the patient had died.
- Scientists Identify New Genetic Risk Factors for Multiple Sclerosis
After a decades-long search, two large-scale genetic studies have revealed two genes that influence the risk of getting multiple sclerosis (MS).
- Gene Variation Predicts Success or Failure of Antidepressant Citalopram
Data supports a key issue in mental health research - the genetics of people's responses to antidepressant medications.
- Probing For Prions
A rapid and very sensitive technique for the detection of infectious prion proteins is reported online.
- A Genetic Step For Restless Leg Syndrome
New genetic insight into the basis of restless leg syndrome (RLS) is reported online.
- Genetic Risk Factor For Gallstone Disease
A variant in a gene encoding a cholesterol transporter of the liver more than doubles the risk of gallstone disease.
- Two Anticancer Drugs Target The Spliceosome
Scientists have identified the cellular target of two important anticancer molecules as a component of the spliceosome.
- Anti-Ageing Effect Of Protein Duo
Boosting the levels of two proteins in mice suppresses cancer and delays ageing.
- Potential Type 1 Diabetes Gene Found
The discovery of gene newly implicated in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes may boost the development of predictive tests.
- On Target: Il-6 activation by Ras in cancer
Scientists identify the cytokine IL6 as a new chemotherapeutic target for Ras-driven cancers
- Human Neural Stem Cells Alleviate Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease
Stem cells implanted in a primate model populated the substantia nigra, produced tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine transporter protein, and resulted in improved behavioral performance.
- Human Antibodies that Block Human and Animal SARS Viruses Identified
Two human antibodies that bind to a region on the SARS virus’ spike glycoprotein that is called the receptor binding domain (RBD)have been found.
- Ability to Listen to Two Things at Once Is Largely Inherited
A recent twin study reveals that your ability to listen to a phone message in one ear while a friend is talking into your other ear and comprehend what both are saying is an important communication skill that is heavily influenced by your genes.

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