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DNA Vaccine Could Slow Leukemia Progression

  October, 21 2003 8:54
your information resource in human molecular genetics
A DNA vaccine can slow disease progression and prolong survival in a mouse model of leukemia, according to a report in the November issue of Nature Medicine.

Rose Ann Padua and coworkers developed a vaccine with pieces of DNA encoding PML-RAR-alpha, a tumor-associated protein, and fragment C of tetanus toxin, a potent immune system stimulant. When injected into a mouse model of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), a rare cancer of the white blood cells, the vaccine induced the immune system to make antibodies against the PML-RAR-alpha protein, which is commonly found in APL cancer cells.

The vaccine was even more effective at increasing survival when used in combination with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), a drug currently used to treat APL. The vaccine-ATRA duo was even more effective than ATRA alone. The researchers suggest the vaccine could eventually be used with ATRA to prolong clinical remission in human patients.

Author contact:

Rose Ann Padua
King's College Hospital
London, UK
Tel: +44 20 7848 5825
E-mail: RoseAnn.Padua@kingsch.nhs.uk

Also available online.

(C) Nature Medicine press release.

Message posted by: Trevor M. D'Souza

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