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registry of biomedical companies

  February 12, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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American Gryphon 5 Modular Cartage

1440 Barberry Drive

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: 16049419022


Modular Cartage by the American Gryphon 5 Project:

-Adaptations are made for the cab to trunk ratios more efficiently without 

 sacrificing comfort in conveyance and its speed of travel for enduser passengers

 with the options of taking on a navigator/operator for hire or a U-rent direct arrangement.

-Adaptations are made for both passenger and trunks room capacity and more dedicated

 commercial hauling capacity with heavy-duty use of modular vehicle.

-Depending on competitiveness the sleek Italian-style designs might be used culturally in

 the Philippines although more established conservative American or British/German makes

 will be employed favouring ruggedness rather than hi-end sophisticated or articulated design

 features as can also be the case although adding to cost or price. 


Cartage Vehicles:

1) Van-a-Wagons - TOURISM RENTALS

a) Airport/downtown hotels

b) Downtown outings

c) Field trips

d) Recreational trips/campings - TOURISM RENTALS

2) Refrigerated Cartage - CH4(g)/propane/gasohol(flex)/eV(fusion)

-Fish trade - Fishermen and processors/dealers

-Produce trade - Fruits & Veggies (storage, processing, packaging)

-Modern Marketplace & Abbatoires (refrigeration, ice/dry ice) 


Powered Vehicles:

a) eV - geothermal (heat/pressure); an important note is to assure battery operational cycling and parts replacement and total vehicular retrofitting with class vehicles as is developing in the industry with current eVs in use in the marketplace entailing questions as to serviceability and a potential switch back to gas fossil fuels and eVehicular travel.

b) bioalcohol (e. g. bioethanol)

c) gasohol (Flex vehicles) 


It is expected that big car makers like GM (USA) and automakers from Japan and S. Korea would start the ball rolling to systematically industrially source, build and recover autoparts for recyclability to the smaller modular vehicular transport industries in Philippine Island republic for refabrication to our eV modulars for both use domestically and for export markets to Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Burma and southern China. Taiwan (ROC), Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia are also possible growth areas for our Philippine industry.


The refabrication industry will subsume availability of materials from imported goods from the USA and with use of metallurgical skills and knowledge and die tooling for manufacturing both standard issue and unique parts for sale and distribution domestically and for export in the region of the Philippine Islands. 


A parts and distributor division for American Gryphon 5 will eventually develop from manufacturing refabrication enterprise in the Philippine Islands. Tagaytay south of Manilla, the Philippines will also be a staging ground for showrooms and distributions of finished vehicles through other manufacturers there.


An Australian subsidiary for import of other makes will also develop in Tagaytay such as predicted Holden-Volkswagen of Aussie-German make. Competition is of the utmost for car manufacturing and sales for distribution to keep the markets strong and assurance of quality in car manufacturing of improving standards with cost-pricing in check. 


(c) 2024-2059. Skye Blue (SB) Internet. Port Coquitlam. BC V3B 1G3 Canada. 

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Product Company   Service Company
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- Communications

Last update of this entry: August 05, 2024

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