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registry of biomedical companies

  February 07, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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American Gryphon 5 Information Enterprises Canada

Showing the Way for Filipino Enterprise in Hybrid (Flex ethanol EVs) Modular Vehicles
Port Coquitlam BC
Toll free: +011-604-941-9022

Phone: +011-604-945-8408
Fax: +011-604-941-9022


Ever siddle up with the horse and buggy generation? Give this some thought and maybe taking a fare or ride on a hydrized modular pedi-motocraft vehicle wouldn't seem so outrageous after all! The author states that, "It will be a comfortable commute, so trust me!"  We hope this becomes the pedi-motoship movement from now on from Bangalore India, to Cheng Mai, Thailand, to the capital of Cambodia Phnom Penh, and to Negros, of The Philippines Islands.

As an information enterprise company we are spearheading this project in conjunction with municipal planners for transport bus and trucking on roadway bridges infrastructure building in the projected Negros Island region (NIR) with partners in Kabangkalan outsourced or contracted for parts supplies and design services for assembly, marketing and trade for distribution and export/import with Southern China, ROC and Cambodia in modular pedi-motoship passenger and touring vehicles in the NIR with one industrialist role from the Northwest in Negros Occidental province in Bacolod-Silay. 

CBDNetwork also listed here coordinates project developments to move ahead transport and tourism for the provinces' tourism offerings and new areas for drastic improvement to move us to the 2040 year plan for infrastructural building and roadways services including the new Bacong-Dumaguete Airport, a refunctioned municipal airport in Sibulan and modern hospital care centres, amongst other class facilities.

Other mentioned projects in the northern areas of the city proper are modern housing and markets to trade agricultural produce and other goods and services which will move the main market area away.  Commercial developments will remain as per usual including restaurant or food establishments and other commercial malls or centres for buying/selling to provided essential services.

America Gryphon is planning important parts and distribution and servicing centres in the Island (the north and south including the Metro Manilla and Cebu areas are also projected for the same purposes together with continued legislation and regulatory administration and set up to license, regulate, tax and police new traffic provided by such pedimotoship vehicles in the NIR. Consulting to other parts of the Island might also be provided as per experience gained in our area of business. 

Roadway traffic volume and capacity will be studied to redesign them accordingly to major point in North and the airport/port areas of Bacong municipality, North and city proper of Dumaguete and North and city proper of Sibulan township. 

At the moment there are plans to acquire technology for manufacture of heat exchangers for heating/cooling in upland areas also applied to enviro-cooling of the eV modular vehicles inside their cabs. This is revolutionary for its convenience and feasibility under conditions in the MetroDumaguete CBD area. 


SKYENEWS: The est. investor schema is to either locally invest via individual navigators/business owner entrepreneurs, group investors (max. 5) sa bansa or alien group investors (max. 3) with an annual ROI of 5-10% on a per unit cost of $25,000-$30,000 (commercial cost vehicle) with maintenance for parts and servicing, fueling costs ("green" grid and bioenergy), licensing and taxation and vehicular & life insurance of the navigator. Most passenger vehicles with multiple seating currently sell for USD$10,000, e. g. Mitsubishi, marketed in Negros province.  Progressive economic improvement in job creation by industry and auxilliary regulatory activity including insurance and the issue to both localized and foreign tourist activity which is being promoted by the tourism board of the Philippines Overseas and the rate of fare charges being P10-P25 per fare in a conventional pedi-moto cab source of capitalization is also still being questioned.

SKYENEWS: There is news on the streets here in Vancouver BC Canada of possible makes from GM in America and Japan like a hybrid chassised motocross dual carriage yet to be arrived at in the Philippines with a hybrid motor from China with subsidiarization under Chevrolet-Kawazaki as upgrades for their pedicab driving and fares among the locals. It also arrived at our ears that in nearby Australia to be reasonable about transport through export/import a venture between Holden Motors of Australia and Volkswagen of FRG also in the same format of a hybrid-run more built modular chassis vehicle for heavy duty and long trips across the countryside in place like the Philippines. It is believed that the public is catching on soon and decisions will follow through by government in the Philippines as to the nascent industry in terms of government oversight, licensing, insurance, financing to setup investment procedures between investors from Overseas and the local navigators and parts and maintenance licensed shops to service vehicles and even hybridize them for showrooms or modular vehicular dealers for sale to their incorporated companies, the operating navigators (and their families who use the business income). 

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Last update of this entry: April 27, 2024

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