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A Science & Nature Tabloid Newsletter - also via E-mail Marketing
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--o o O) Features (O o o-- As you all know the ContantContact platform for emailing our various newletters was halted due to lack of feedback and interest even from our Filipino viewers or readers and ended in surmises of using photosynthetic mechanistic manipulations in cropping eventually leading to what is referred to as XL Grow varieties including seagrass and agave for energy feedstock, amongst others. It is being announced for our purposes in this E-mail messaging both, snail mail, messaging (viz. LinkedIn) and/or electronic mailbox despatch from and that our follow-up stories in the E-mail Time & News are exclusive to us.
We will treat the ff. topics for a start: Aquatic Plants (Salt water and Fresh) for Silage Feeding and Salmonid Vertical Horticultural Artificial Habitat Enhancement Using Functional Amino Acids; Salmonid Enhancement in Fisheries with Functional Feeding (with complex carbohydrates/sugars-cf. also to Maillard Rxn endproducts recently and amino acids) for Health and Welfare (an e. g. of a "SkyeBlue" find with sea lice and immune resistance recently), Production, Morbidity and Robust Growth and Product Quality (e. g. Sushi-time, BBQing at Home and for Homemade Smoked Salmon and for Export Products). We will first move into a more local story in our home country of the Philippine Islands: ''Amino Acid Supplementary Feeding with DYC/LYC (Yeast-based protein-amino acids) Cara-ranching & Dairy with SCT (sugarcane) and Aquatic Water Hyacinth at the SU Farm, COA, Silliman University, in the Philippines: Plans for the Future.'' --o o O) ( O ) (O o o--
Issue# 1: ''Amino Acid Supplementary Feeding with DYC/LYC (Yeast-based protein-amino acids) Cararanching & Dairy with SCT (sugarcane) and Aquatic Water Hyacinth at the SU Farm, COA, Silliman University, in the Philippines: A Plan.'' Basically, the ff. hopes for our dear alma mater with RB Nepomuceno, M.Sc. (Animal Science) at the helm at Silliman Farm of Silliman University is that one day they can head the establishment of a subsidiary to Aji-no-moto Co Ltd. or other related concern for amino acid production of ARG, HIS and LEU as growth factors in farm livestock (except avian spp.) to improve productivity and feed efficiency using biochemically defined yeast-based systems biochemically overproducing (non-GMO) them as on-farm technology LYC (live) together with feed supplied as granular DYC (dead) as ''background'' nutrition and protected with an optimized solubility for escape + microbial uptake as pre-formed amino acids (e. g. peptides).
The future will spell out new tech from RNA as also developing now in Cancer research for using peptide nucleic acid - carriered B12 (vitamin) mRNA to gene silence expression of TF factors of gene enzyme regulons or "cassettes" toboost their production in biofermented reactors for further use either as LYC innoculum in lyophilized form or as processed granular DYC for MCP support and escape protein in lower quality silage diets like SCT, water hyacinth and duckweed (cf. Australia).
The outstanding question of what silage diets need optimizing for with respect to silage feeding includes N solubility and representing ''loss'' from the rumen stomach and to provide supplementary ''escape'' protein that has been protected to optimize the N supply from protein resulting from silage class diets, in our case in Negros, the Philippines, sugarcane tops (green tops, SCT) and aquatic based plant feeds such as water hyacinth and now proposed at 'SkyeBlue' from saltwater seagrass feedstock for both feed and energy generation down the road.
Preliminary findings have established in Pakistan that fine-milled bagasse can be used as substrate to generate yeast cultures in bulk by successively culturing with filtration using muslin or cotton fibre. Scale-up is expected and centrifugation is desirable to collect or harvest the bulk innoculum for transport and reflocculation on-farm site prior to feeding as solid feed perhaps after pre-treatment using a pelleting machine with carrier and molten heat using the Browning reaction in principle. For silage-based water hyacinthe feeding and possibilities with functional amino acid feeding and its role as a growth promotant, perhaps organic in nature, and a big selling point for farmers the reader is directed to the link: --o o O) ( O ) (O o o--
Issue#2: Aquatic Plants (Salt water and Fresh) for Silage Feeding and Salmonid Vertical Horticultural Habitat Enhancement with Functional Amino Acids.
Given the LFS of British Columbia we would like to put forth to their agency and provincial foundational funder, IAFBC, the recent emergence of a bridging between vertical horticultural farming developments and possibly salmonid fisheries in conjunction with a hatchery with artifically spawned adults, fertilization, trough rearing for fry and then salmonid rearing to adulthood from fingerlings to smolts then full size as housed in a commensal, win-win situation between fed fish, even enhanced further with proposed hybrid feeding regimens using functional amino acids (FAA) using yeast-based organic feeds formulated to the right pellet size (1-2 mm) mutated for biochemical or metabolic overproduction of specific growth promoting amino acids like arginine (ARG), histidine (HIS) and leucine (LEU) on a "background" of super-enriched amino acids total mixtures in both essential amino acids (EAA) and non-essential amino acids (NEAA). There would also be seagrass reared plantings in a second lower tier for fish to feed on choosing ideally the natural spp. for this type of salmonid habitat. On the flipside horticultural fruits and vegetables and even ornamentals can be grow efficiently, predictably and optimally or maximally for commercial grade produce in versatile fashion such as has already been done in place like atop the big box grocery stores in Quebec, Canada, underneath where the London, England underground lies passing by near street level in the city or suburbs and even aquaponically packaged kits for backyard farming in urban scapes in the Philippine Islands as being campaigned with their Department of Agriculture (DA).
Please refer to the link given below for another webpage on from the Fed. Rep. of Germany (FRG) regards recent adoption with the FAO's blessing from the UN of horticultural farming around the world hybrid with fish farming practices also. NB: the second nested link of interest within this link to CLICK for the information. It is now imperative that young and upcoming entrepreneurs trained aptly in horticultural, fisheries and business be funded to launch business free enterprise and test-pilot in companies viability and financial feasibility of these type of projects. Their growing trend in the agricultural fields of British Columbia (BC) should convince eventually IAFBC as a steering and funding foundation funded at the provincial level to program activities eventually in order to use this controlled intensive system for plant-animal aquaponics as a key resource for securing our LFS in BC. It should also be mentioned that rigorous control of pests and diseases in a closed environment like greenhouses would for vertical farming systems is tantamount to ensuring success in terms of: viability, food safety, productive (viz. mortality) and efficiency and output. --o o O) ( O ) (O o o--
Issue#3: Urealysis and Soybean Haulms, Soybean Source Urease and Its Ammoniation. A Proposal.
Soybean haulms, a legume forage byproduct, are considered a farm waste that are proposed to be field dried over 3-day period, precision-cut and filled to bagged siloes sealed with soy urease enzyme reconstituted from its purified form together with added urea-N in solution to be sprayed onto forage bringing about a semi-solid state fermentation with ammoniation from ammonium-N with the use of the options either of conventional genetically non-regulated or genetically regulated organisms (GRO) using PNA-B12 RNA-based technology subsisting as the wild-type autochthonously in the soybean plant substrate. It should be noted here that urease from ground soybean meal (SBM) in itself as a source had a neglible effect on urea hydrolysis in one experiment (Kraidees, 2005*). This is analogous to the dual-purpose (food-feed) cropping possible with soy. The theory behind the methodology provides for the principle of boosting the ligninolysis of haulm ligninocellulose fibre with supplemental ammonia-N providing for added N to complement the increased energy availability from fibre due to ligninolysis by the action of the chemical species of ammonia-N. This technology is appropriate for small farming and management principles considering their use of labour, material inputs and processing. This form of ensilage processing can be made available for Philippine applications with sweet potato vines or haulms and for a country like Brazil where over farming in soy is in crisis environmentally against loss eventually of the topsoil layer underneath the delicate rainforest floor which could ease exports in soybeans farmed and raping the land, as a money earner from beef, mutton and goat meat. An innovative idea is pre-cooked animal-based protein made to canned stews and chillies as commodity in countries in the Americas (E. g. s. Canada, USA, Brazil and Argentina) and including the Caribbean (E. g. Dominican Republic) for import/export. [*M. S. Kraidees. 2005. Influence of Urea Treatment and Soybean Meal (Urease) Addition on the Utilization of Wheat Straw by Sheep. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 18(7): 957-965.] --o o O) ( O ) (O o o-- Issue #4: Easing the Soybean Crisis with Porc with Import/Export Production: Emerging Aquatic Plant-Based Feeds. We feel that PR China is on the road to solving its problem with over importsof soy/porc from Brazil currently damaging the delicate balance in their tropical rainforest lands where the forest's floor topsoil does not necessarily reameliorate to recovery from overuse and also a problem with porc producers unable to treat effectively effluent from pig production, for e. g., the big porc producers operating out of the Eastern Seaboard states in the U. S. And now enters the magic bullet. Estuarine "green" emergent plant fodders, e. g. water hyacinth and duckweed, currently used in the Philippines and Australia are now being recommended by "SkyeBlue" for ecological reasons and to supplement feed for sustaining popular porc production now in high demand in growing, developing countries like the PR China. There is the larger issue of zoonoses via a CDC network, take countries like Vietnam with proposed measured from "SkyeBlue" using food-grade cleaning agents for direct application on fodders for washing and pressing liquids from fresh as is feed and their tools and with animal vaccination against prevalent diseases that can otherwise cause massive losses with culling as has been found with swine and avian spp. (African Swine Flue Virus, ASFV and Avian Flue Virus, AFV).
"SkyeBlue" is currently in contact with a resource person we know of in Singapore, Dr. Lito Abaoag, who is a field researcher of agriculture based virology and immunology using their company proprietary device of a mini-PCR detector for the disease vector or pathogen, in this case viral DNA via DNA real-time amplification from a sample, e. g. swine plasma, in a kit for extra mobility. The CDC's result is to effectively field a vaccination program of preventative nature and avert a health disease disaster at farm level and even eventually prevent potential zoonoses via mutation to human population utilizing heavy porc production. --o o O) ( O ) (O o o-- Issue #5: Life Producers Association, at "SkyeBlue", and Non-Transgenic, Non-GMO Genetically Regulatory Organismal (GRO) Dairy Cattle and Hi-Performance Feeding Regimens.
An association of ours (see: for Life Producers Association, for a concept website on GRO Dairy Cows and their associated feeding regimes) are touted for the use of both hi-performance regimens of XL-Grow class of GRO seagrasses of very high fibre digestibility for energy/protein nutrition and use of functional amino acids (FAA) (we would like to study HIS, ARG and LEU combined) for greater LBM "stores" and mobilization for milk production from yeast-based GRO varieties from bagasse fermentation and milk food product (MFP) from proteins (e. g. casein, lactoferrin) (although all are touted to be 'medicinal' in value) for unique commercial foods such as: fresh (bottled) door-to-door milk service, cream cheeses, sour cream, and yogurt. These MFPs are touted to be health protective against: heart disease/atherosclerosis, diabetes (T2D/T2DM) (there are also new breakthroughs elsewhere where this is concerned), certain Cancers (skin melanoma).
Seagrasses will have growth or culture requirements to minimize maintenance costs and over that profitability from sale by agri-retailers from increased yield and will be densely grown intensively in tufted form in multiple stacked vertical racks submerged aquatically. Some varieties of seagrasses that are tufted as raised via calli culture and then sprouted and grown by mass production (to be semi-automated) as anchored on a raft to be multiple racked within a defined sq. foot area, "suspended" in aqeous nutrient-rich media, and that is recirculated (and sparged) for good nutrient flow and concentration.
--o o O) ( O ) (O o o-- Issue #6: The Prognosticated Arrival of Aquatic Water Hyacinth as a Possible Feedstock for Livestock Feeding and Phytopharming in Our Lower Mainland of British Columbia Canada. There has been talk of submerged aquaponics (fodder-fish farming) with emerging marine seagrass culture using a so-called C-troughs or channeling of 3.5' - 4.0' in height with a back width of 6.0' of unspecified sectioned length stacked to a 20' ceiling deadspace with screen divider for the upper chamber with an atmosphere and sparger for O2 gas and feed applicator (unvalved) for feeding the trout salmon with a feeding regimen for robust results taking it in two levels with crumble feed, using fortified functional HIS, ARG, and LEU as amino acids in pellet form and taking it a notch higher with more advanced technology converting the fish into GRO-class livestock with RNA-based biologics for fGH and/or fGRH. On the otherhand, the "conventionalized" aquaponic configuration using open air troughs with fish stock swimming through underneath commensaly exchanging O2 from plant root stomata and fertilizer from fish litter that has been dissolved and resuspended in the media by a proprietary paddle wheel rotating lateral column. E. g. s. of horticultural cropping is with fruits and berries, green leafy vegetables, squash, and other vegetables not to mention flowering plants and orchids. And now the "star of the show" enter the Lilly or water hyacinth which is creating shock in circles around B. C. for its potential in its ecological niche for recycling waste water back to the aquifers that has been silted and utilizable for farming purposes to be fed, drained and washed directly to swine in hog farming, pressed further and drained and additive treated with organic acids, inoculum and urea-molasses, as e. g., for silage-making fed to lucrative beef in the lower mainland and dairy. For phytopharming of antioxidants and newly discovered drug lead cardionemics (cf. Carmot Therapeutics for drug discovery with T2DM and cardiac health) cropping in open air pond culture can be conducted by spray cropping using GRO RNA-based technology and the residuals used "greens" to improve animal health including zoonoses and through nutrition. It must be mentioned that the seasonality kicks in being that temperature conditions from March to October is tolerable for growth of Lilly in outside ponds but not in greenhouses in the intervening months. The power supply can be run with a revolutionary new technology called the heat exchanger which depends on temperature gradient changes during the day/nite cycle both in the Summer months for cooling and water heating and Winter season for heating air and water. The miracle of physics of the heat exchanger can be used for zero carbon emissions. Electrical power can be stored locally and used in the grid and for powering appliances in the facility. --o o O) ( O ) (O o o--
Issue #7: Developments with Nutraceuticals and Drug Lead Discovery and the Proposal for Feeding Protein Approaches in Livestock Nutrition. We will broach quickly here the subjects covering biologics use for both laboratory analyses and nutritional use as well as livestock feeding and systems and their protein nutrition. Here are some new ideas for you the avid Biochem Researcher or Professional in you: a) an orthochem biologic for hi-throughput proteomics research; b) orthochem drug lead active VitD3 agonist for fighting chronic inflammatory disease (e. g. osteoporosis) with an biologic slow-release coating dubbed Elastane(R) through the gut stomach; and a c) novel peptides technology drug lead delivery system from animal (e. g. tune Bonita) and vegan sources (e. g. beets) to address chronic inflammatory diseases (e. g. cardiac health/b.p. and stroke). Recently we also addressed the area of protein utilization in lower quality silages, e. g. water hyacinth and alfalfa silage and surveyed three new and revolutionary on-farm and feeding technologies in the way of: dual-purpose cropping with RNA-based metabolomic genetic regulatory organisms or GROs, mixed farming vis-a-vis undergrazing and tree plantation farming for dual cropping and animal feeding, and finally amino acid functional feeding to improve growth, development and immunity for production, growth and development and health & welfare of more robust animal livestock. This would prove to be 'life-changing' to both the small, rural farmer and med. to large commercial run farms of the developing regions around the world. --o o O) ( O ) (O o o--
Issue #8: Enterogastric Peptides BioAssay with Biomarkered Parameterized Studies Under Controlled Dietary Treatments with Functional Peptide Feeding in Ovine Model Animals with Animal and Plant Protein Meal Byproducts. Recently, we proposed at 'SkyeBlue' the launch of an investigation into functional feeding, both animal and vegetable sourced, and the role of their bioactive peptides and effect on animal biomarkers as they relate to the chronic inflammatory response and various conditions including heart health. At 'SkyeBlue' dietary treatments will be accompanied with immunomodulated biomarkered assay from blood plasma with dietary treatment of brewers-dried grains as the basal ration, with and without supplements like fishmeal or grapefruit coproduct from peel, from fruit juice manufacturing, chosen via corroborating assay and the biomarkered heart health support from peptides using these proposed functional feed components such as: 1) fishmeal (with its animal protein peptides) and 2) citrus peel (with its plant protein peptides), both candidates as dietary sources for bioactive peptides and their proposed action on immunomodulation and chronic inflammatory response in relation to health conditions such as heart health. At 'SkyeBlue' we proposed the utilization of re-entrant cannulated sheep and "sectioning" of the S. I./lower bowels (e. g. we will initially bioassay the jejunum of the S. I.) for their binding peptides at their so-called receptor sites at the inner lining and concentrating ligands there to discover their "in situ" activity after suctioned collection of the digesta fluids particularly for the digesta's soluble liquid fraction with the use of the optical fibre probe to visualize "sectioned" S. I. (at the jejunum) via our S. I. duodenal re-entrant cannulae and through an attached on-screen videocam. The biosampled lability is stopped after gut collection using solvent fixation. Then enters the application of Nobel Prize winning G. P. Winter of the U. of Cambridge from the U. K. (2018) using our proposed HPLC separation and lower gut phage display with conjoint immunoreactivity as a diagnostic to be developed using their discovery. (Phage display we hope will become a quantitatively meaningful assay for peptides with their uptake into lower gut microbiota/use of lower gut phage for display of peptides and their immunoreaction as idiotypical markers confirming their presence in the gut sectioned digesta fluid fraction, a growing area we predict with functional feeding.) Our one-man outfit sends its warm, heartfelt greetings and best wishes to the 'Aggies' of Silliman U.'s Schiede Farm Campus in Dumaguete City, NegOr. 6200 Philippines. --o o O) ( O ) (O o o-- Our new community group email loop will be called Trade Biotech, with Feature stories just in time 24/7 and for the rest of the family (with parental guidance). Also our pages of info biomedical or life science franchised, as we speak, with the largest gateway website of its kind as partnered, (Germany), are tabloid featured as newsletter forms under Trade Biotech or 'as is' with some featured stories or accounts taken as membered theres at The Research Cooperative organization. This will offer links to features more substantial than what social media shared postings offers on,, Instant Messenger (IM) and on the world-wide web.
D. A. Flores c/o Services Editor, The Skye Blue Biotech (newsletter & magazine) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Soft and Gmail Platform Port Coquitlam, British Columbia Canada V3B 1G3 (c) 2022-2050. D. A. Flores. Skye Blue Internet. Port Coquitlam, BC Canada V3B 1G3.
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Last update of this entry: October 15, 2023