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  December 22, 2024
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SKYE BLUE BIOTECH (Current Events) of Canada

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PoCo (Tri-cities area) BC

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As you all know the ConstantContact.com platform for emailing our various newsletters was halted in 2021 due to lack of feedback or interest even with our favoured Filipino viewers / readers and ended with some issues further than Auxin/Auxin-like Regulatory Factor (ARF) mechanisms using surmises with photosynthetic manipulations in cropping leading to what is referred to as the XL-Grow varieties of farmed seagrass and agave plant for energy feedstock, amongst others examples. It is being announced for our purposes in this e-mail messaging both, snail mail, instant messaging (IM) (via LinkedIn) and/or e-mail despatch using Aim.com or Gmail.com that our follow-up stories in the The E-mail Time & News are exclusive to us.
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Issue# 1:  ''The Burnaby Mountain Forests Are to Continue Greening in their Local Nature Reserves in Beautiful, Natural British Columbia: a plan.''

We in Vancouver can pass by the famous Simon Fraser University, Burnaby campus - there are 4 different bus lines in all - from stopping over from the Millenium Line Skytrain from New Westminster township, the largest shopping complex in Burnaby or all the way from downtown Vancouver also by Skytrain or bus and anything in between towards Coquitlam (the Tri-Cities area) and then beyond to Pitt Meadows/Maple Ridge.
You cannot help but admire the view nearby with its lush mountain greenery and its forest cover. But look closer, and if you have had spent time from earlier eras (about 40 yrs) you will notice a big difference.
You will notice the drying conditions, including less precipitation, and even drought, these days - with more summer heat waves, presently poorer solar irradiation due to pollution/CO2 in the atmosphere rather than it sinking to tree biomass in the greenery of the forest cover, and thinning of the green spaces with rezoning for land use, in general, around the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) of BC Canada.
There is significantly and in line with global warming more moisture loss daily with drying.

It is a warning that unless rain precipitation can be balanced off amongst the regions here in North America and our Pacific Northwest with more regular rainfall, aquifers to be replenished by collection into the ground water, and lakes suffering with less precipitation plus evaporative loss from these elevated temperatures, these would eventually have to force more conservation measures to lessen ground water loss and reservoir use. There would also be less air, viz. O2(g) to breath, due to limiting forest and other plant cover to ensue gradually in the future.
It is suggested that arboreal tree planting of both saplings and other undergrowth (e. g. bushes and shrubery) in the forest floor will considerably boost the quality of the appearance of forest cover, the parks-n-trails use, and their recreational value, also important, the commercial value of surrounding real estate from this conservation measure and its reinvigorating effect environmentally with the SFU, Burnaby campus, including the 'crown' of the mountain's park area on campus.
As a fact, parks and recreation are known to have handily in arm techniques and programs for tree planting of the tree cover with benefits to induce better water conservation from the soil cover and spare this fragile cover from soil erosion, which would ensue if unchecked by gradual deforestation with urbanization. Citizens' action is now called for from an awareness in the long term to be good stewards to environmental conservation in local lands and our precious Land Food Systems (LFS) serving all areas within the region that is Brit. Columbia, Canada.
The park is to be remembered, for its evergreen and very picturesque view and even used to have their characteristic, singular aroma of pine or some other resin or sap hanging in the air and has that intense, verdant look in its stunning backdrop with mountain ranges and its snow-covered peaks.
Bygone are the days when the mountains were a backdrop of pristine beauty of bluish-green, due in part to both the moisture-laden air in the atmosphere, the constant rain during the Winter months in our sub-tropical arctic rainforest weather which was due to the so-called and interminable "Pineapple Express" from Hawaii in the Pacific arriving here in our Pacific Northwest coast.
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Issue# 2: Rescue Mission for Coho Fingerlings at the Hydecreek Watershed Catchment Stream of Port Coquitlam (Northside), B.C. Canada.
It was recently noted that the cycle of Hydecreek as a stream, in particular, from June onwards and before the beginning of the Fall rains in October, has significantly dried up the stream down to its gravel, sandy bed along its Creek. The stream just down from the bridge under the Coast Meridian Rd. traveling north of Prairie Ave. in Port Coquitlam northside from the Hatchery and Education Centre has a 3 foot deep wading pool (when drier weather sets in) where about mostly 650 Coho fingerlings were rescued.
Their earlier release into the freshwater catchment area was based on their lifecycle spending so much time after their spawning and fertilization and growth to fry and artificial rearing in the hatchery troughs for either Chum or Coho salmon, where Chum usually spend more time, about 6 mos., in the next stage in the property's rearing pond while the Coho are usually released directly to the watershed catchment stream tributaries in their soon-to-be habitat before making it out on the Fraser River and then off to the saltwaters of the Pacific Ocean where they will be spending 5-7 years in cycle in the North Pacific spanning an area between the Columbia River in the USA and Russia and up towards Alaska, before returning to their original streams to spawn and start a new life cycle for salmon.

To go further down stream City crews pumped water with one line into rescue Pool A and then the other line of evacuated H2O to Pool B, at another section downstream to the dry creek bed as the volunteers and workers scooped out and collected in pails complete with O2 bubblers in two lots salmon which were then loaded onto a City of Port Coquitlam flatbed truck which travelled further downstream to their new, temporary home at a Pool C serviced naturally by an aquifer spring.
Municipal workers were at hand to dredge the gravel bund which was high and dry on the stream's bed floor to facilitate flow later in the Fall season's rains just at the edge of the rescue site. Also, a large maple tree 'awning' at the bank over Pool A had to be retained from falling due to erosion by building a wall by City engineers to prevent tree and bank from collapsing. The last we checked there was a rockface for a retaining wall made of boulders.
There will be a need to address fish feeding supplied courtesy of the hatchery as the aquifer takes care to supply fresh water with fresh O2 to the fish in rescue Pool C.
This was the author's first experience in witnessing and helping out with a humanitarian and conservation measure to preserve the salmon streams and its salmon runs in the Hydecreek area watershed of Port Coquitlam in British Columbia Canada.
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Issue #3: Annual Salmon Egg Collection and Sperm to Fertilize their Roe at the Hydecreek Hatchery as They Spawn the Month of November Just In Time Despite the Dry Spell this Fall of 2022, Port Coquitlam (at Northside) in Brit. Columbia Canada.

Although we earlier reported the loss of stream bed from prolonged dry spells in our weather near the Hydecreek catchment area where there is installed a hatchery for conserving and protecting and through public education and tours, returning heavy rains, rebounded our streams to normal levels for spawning salmon to upstream of Coho and Chum released either in stream beds around the area or near the mouth of the Pitt River/Fraser River. It takes about 5-7 years for salmon to mature from released smolts to the adults stage to spawn once again returning from the Pacific Ocean to whence the left last cycle.
With large hand held nets and a larger sized fish net, the team surrounded the salmon caught by the stream of about 3 ft. deep dressed in swampers and proceeded to scoop the adults out either Chum (with the characteristic red under belly and green back on top) or the Coho (with their characteristic side stripes) and knocked them out by the snout at the head. Soon thereafter the identified salmon donors were taken to just outside the hatchery work shop and hanged upside down on a frame by the tail until they were left immobile and once done their gills were everted outwards and any blood drained and the male and female salmon harvested using a curvated bladed knife to open up and degut the orange, pink roe and also to squeeze out white sperm into a plastic container and clear plastic minibag, respectively, making sure that there was no salmon blood in the samples collected, as apparently the eggs would absorb the H2O thickening the membrane and preventing them from hatching.
At this point we observed that the stacked egg trays where they are left to incubate in the egg room, which was previously sanitized as an area, beforehand, was spiked with a 'blue media' additive as added and the H2O, which is either from the well 'neath the facility and then towered to provide water pressure, or from the stream, or from the municipal (dechlorinated) supply from the city, is then gravel filtered, UV filtered, to disinfect pathogens, and also a new cooling unit installed by line, oxygenated H2O (this is true for natural stream water) to the growing roe which become eventually alevin or yolk sacked-like 'fry' and transferred to the 'Cap' troughs for further rearing later on to fingerlings and eventually to smolts inside the facility's rearing pond for transfer thereon to their intended natural environment. The roe clear of any bodily fluids were weighed for both Chum (larger eggs) and Coho (finer eggs) to get the nos. knowing the average weight of these eggs.

Also DFO measured the length by ruler of the salmon donors (Chum or Coho) from the gills to the first tail rib and took with a key punch a sample of the outer cartillage at the gills for DNA to compare demographically the origin and nos. of salmon arriving at the Pitt River (from the Fraser River) and catchment streams of the Hydecreek area serving as habitat for the salmon fry, fingerlings and then to the smolt stage before making it out to sea again for the next cycle.

As one notes, in hatchery operations or work there is likely a finite probability that the salmon will match up when taken as donors from the River. It is interesting to speculate in the large vastness of our northern Pacific Ocean's reach when the salmon return from their adult cycle to probe further the reason for their apparent depletion from the salmon runs in terms of documented DNA sampling. And of course finally discovering what could be possibly be the contributing factors to this. (Hint: it is suggested that they say likely feeding grounds based on nutrient depletion from the Ocean waters is likely a major cause for this.)
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Issue# 4: Postgrad Research & Studies in the Lower Fraser Valley. PNA-B12/Auxin/ARF for Yeast Overproduction of Histidine (HIS), Arginine (ARG) and Signal Amino Acid Leucine (LEU) for Feeding Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Porcine, and Salmonid Livestock, and Guinea Pigs, Rats, and Mice.
Recently we found the possibility in higher degree studies using currently transfer of credits from higher Universities like McGill University and the University of New South Wales Sydney to stakeholder Land Food System training universities like our University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford, Mission, Aldergrove, Chilliwack and Hope, BC Canada and further to Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC Canada in their well-known Molecular Biology & Biochemistry (MBB) & Bioinformatics Programs. Options for graduate and post doctoratal studies to be involved with using "SkyeBlue's" oversight are: 1) HIS, ARG & LEU overproduction in bulk yeast cultures as DYC better than the former approach of on-farm LYC formulation together with a bulk ''background'' in A.A. supply for increasing growth and performance in various classes of production farm livestock. 2) Aquaponics with seagrass varieties using bioinformatics data (a DB database, but where?) for constructing a PNA-auxin fine biologic for raising more economically viable XL-grow varieties for HQ or high-performance feedstock in animal feeding and energy generation such as EtOH, t-BuOH, iso-pentenol, bio-kerosene (AtJ) and even bio-materials like hi-impact IBPN vamp manufacturing. 3) Urealysis with autochthonous species also with plant urease with urea and with soy haulms. This is a hi-level international cooperative venture and will require a larger oversight for autochthonous spp. bioinformatics for their regulatory expressed urease genetic system as a GRO, non-GMO, non-transgenic. We believe there already are nascent studies for autochthonous spp. that are facultatively anaerobic microbials.
UFV.ca will have more info for their or any future postgrad development planning: Admissions (Tracy) Graduate Studies Office, UFV.ca, Abbotsford BC Canada.
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Issue # 5:  Socialist Nationalism as a Political Movement for Solve the Growing Material Disparity Globally and Worldwide with Growing Pains of Population Explosion.

From Canada's federal government are reports of a push towards consolidating global trade and sourcing of good and services for our major industrialized democracies as a 'bloc' in face of growing threats from trending 'police states' of authoritarian regimes world-wide. Our concern here is of what will ensue as growing further material disparity between the haves and have-nots of our world with the need to reign in overpopulation, attendant problems in the environment of global warming from GHG, the great cost for humanitarian relief, the cost of weapons or arms and lives sacrificed in the face of wars fought, and what will only ensue as greater political and military stress on these authoritarian regimes. We cannot hold on forever to the principle of tiered democracies around the world and develop exclusive exclusionary 'trade blocs' and should encourage more industrial development through 'co-op' type industries, more export-import supply chain management and for such economies hasten the road towards food security through critical agri-food industrial development. It is a new reformed measure or stance for a movement we dub as: Global Social Nationalism - one that plugs both socialist tendencies in government rule providing for the alleviation of the lower middle class and the attendant state of poverty for the rest, or many, even a social 'safety net' in more developed economies and also instilling positive pride in nationalism and in international affairs, a represented propaganda message towards national development and growing identity with world movement as this and our new nationhood.

On the topic of food and population we have decided to propose an inclusive internationalized Land Food System amongst the different "breadbasket" countries such as with the vastness of Continental Africa, the Ukraine (currently war-torn but to be rebuilding), population over run countries like the Philippine Islands (PI) with the importation of technology (e. g. mechanical equipment) to lessen the toil in farming, land-food systems (LFS) farming and management such as small farms run by women-led enterprise and more upscale mixed-farming systems, very intensive uses of hydroponics and even aquaponics for modern dairy and beef systems using ensilage, providing locally goods and services for markets and the populations and, on the other hand, export for more upscale markets using current transportation schema via: air, sea barge for shipment and via overland rail freight transport to help cope with growing food demands around the world and increasing food prices and to alleviate world hunger with currently 70M people starving as of 2022.

In future Africa should realize its "breadbasket" dreams or goals for itself (e. g. take the test case of Mozambique with its impressively fertile volcanic-based soils) and for the USA, Europe, Arabia and China, and even Russia, as export destinations or markets including world-class cities like New York, London, Paris, Hong Kong, Singapore and Abu Dhabi. In the Philippine Islands food is traditionally available due to natural resource abundance and its socio-cultural practices making them at reasonably moderate prices and making them a model for food production, distribution and marketing. Ukraine can look towards strengthening its traditional interests in wheat grain and potash exports and stabilize both commodities and its contribution towards rebuilding its peace and law & order situation away from the land grab war with Russia. It might have to resort to alliances including strengthening the military ties with NATO and also with Turkey regionally.
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Issue # 6:  Emergent New Agricultural Technologies that will Revolutionalize Mixed Farming Practice from Subsistence Farming and New Eco-Farming to Protect the Food Commodities and the Environment.
The emergence of certain new technology we follow and study at 'SkyeBlue' will apparently lead to revolutionary movements in agriculture and food production including the development and fielding of what are referred to as dual-purpose cultivars and such ecologically adapted fodders as water hyacinth for swine and as ensiled for cattle and dairy. As we know as dual-purposed or designed, the residuals in cultivars which were first mentioned in Australia in biotech cropping can now be regulated and produced as projected using fine-biological RNA agents as directly applied to cropping like rice straw or corn stover in the Philippines, for e. g., which can be harvested, post-harvest treated and stored prior to feeding livestock allowing a simpler subsistence farmer the capacity to raise by feeding mixed-farming situations expanding considerably their repertoire of animal product output and animal services including capital retention or investment and financing through sale of such capital.
Water hyacinth cropping in estuarine waters from farm waste due to piggery production in the Philippines can be used for swine or piggery production to spare environmental soil erosion due to over farming soybeans sparing it and leading to better environmental protection; the pollution problem due to swine production is from effluent wastes going untreated can be averted with replacement on land of water hyacinth ensilage fodders fed to cattle for beef or dairy, alternatives commodities to porc production.
Closer to home in the Westcoast of British Columbia and other points of call in the Prairie provinces and Ontario, football fields of a recirculating pool can be made indoors with positive pressure and of about max. 6' depth, both sturgeon and salmon spp. (freshwater), for e. g., with horticultural aquatic botanicals like, as alluded to: water hyacinth, duckweed, and freshwater seagrasses under environmental regulated control with: T (deg C), pH, CO2/O2, ambient humidity, filtration, fish feeding (to compost eventually), medication (as per), antimicrobials, and eco-plantfood (as in a natural habitat) but a very costly infrastruc-tural proposition for primary food production to invest in for seafood, porc, beef and dairy.  
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Issue # 7: Trends in Changing the LFS of BC Canada: Urbanization, Vertical Farming and Aquaponics. 
Gathering of peoples around urban centres for densification and in order to source goods and services or consumables where it is taught to buy wisely, that is, locally only, to cut the butter or cut it short- reasonable prices, stable supply, more sustainable "greening" of the environment including limiting the effect of GHG emissions and safer food supply including the major organic farming movement using both recycled composting with vermiculture.  This saves on cost and emissions of fuel for transport and the unsustainability of monoculture cropping despite its efficiency with precision agriculture now in full gear. 
In city scapes including the Underground and bus shelters there are movements to tend and grow greens for produce and may even grow fruits to supply city occupants in grocery store and farmers markets complete with various prepared foods and baked goods and locally made crafts for sale.
Aquaponics is also "on the move" with the recent shocking development in fisheries rearing in open sea farms what with sea lice and a prevalent viral infection for the past years now called Piscine orthorheovirus (PRV) entering the food chain apparently from cummulated fisheries residuals from muscle and fat and their scales which wild juveniles feed on out to sea and in turn are cannabilized by other sea life including salmon which as spp. are damaged in welfare due to muscular and heart muscle inflammation and for captive fisheries salmon suffer from kidney and liver damage. What does this mean to future fisheries except DFO Canada's policy claim to exercise cutting edge practices such as real time PCR for diagnostics of viral DNA in samples and now also wild salmon stocks and hatchery juveniles, use of theoretical anti-viral compounds, the banning of Outlier fisheries in BC, and abbatoires which feed the cycle. This is momentous for the aquaponics movement in North America including notable States who have salmon commodity stocks like: Alaska, California, Washington state recently, Oregon and leaving BC for its Atlantic salmon stock trade to Europe still going on with aquaponics industries both with local producers and their companies and First Nations concerns.  Maybe the tide will turn for greater consumption as a health concern or panacea and marketing initiatives for BC made sushi, BBQ in the deli and the mainstay of tastey smoked salmon.  
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Issue # 8: Future Trends in South African Geopoliticking. Is it Consistent with Resource Management and African Development? 
Our view here is not to make judgments on intelligence gathering and policy making but to comment on current geopolitics from South Africa's ball court as a power there trying to hold down the fort in Africa.

South Africa has in our view made a statement in its support of Russia in the Ukraine War or conflict implying its alignment with cooperativity and socialism, the recognition of vital resource allotments in future where quota is vital amidst sustainability and over population, e. g. the Ukraine's power over its storehouse in the world over wheat and potash in agriculture together with Africa's intimate needs for humanitarianism and in future agri-industrial developments and also the need for agricultural coops. Where will Africa and indeed S. Africa get its critical resources like inputs in fertilizers and energy? Russia or Ukraine is the future. 
The Continent's issues we are sure will always be at the forefront of South African affairs and the need to sustain economic progress and developmental steps towards bettering infrastructure, business development, trade within the Continent and powering up eventually as an ''International Bread Basket'' trading in agri-food commodities around the globe via barge, ship, air and rail.  
How these developments will affect transmigration and migration past the borders of Africa including business investor migration is still up to speculation although of considerable interest.  Agri-food movements in commodities impacting human economic activity and human movements around the world is just one e. g. that has to be described for the future. The points of call for food commodities both primary and manufactured are apparently Europe, Western Asia/Arabia, Russia and other points across the Atlantic Ocean like London, New York. Remember food is a v. complex issue including logistics and marketing and distribution and food security issues or measures.
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Our new community newsletter and magazine Skye Blue Biotech contains Feature News Stories in time for the professional in you and rest of the family (minors with parental guidance) that SkyeBlue is currently about broadcasting in the public trust or domain.
This will offer features more substantial than social media postings on the web by US (FB.com, Twitter.com, LinkedIn.com).

D. A. Flores (pen name) c/o
Services Editor
Skye Blue Biotech

A ConstantContact.com with Gmail.com operating platform 
Port Coquitlam (Tri-Cities area)
British Columbia
Canada  V3B 1G3 
(c) 2023-2050. D. A. Flores. Skye Blue Internet. Port Coquitlam, BC Canada V3B 1G3.  

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