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HUM-MOLGEN is a moderated, interactive communication and information listserver in Human Genetics. It is available over the Internet. At this time (October '99), more than 5,500 subscribers and 40,000 WWW users from  80 countries participate at this forum.

The Editors are A.H. Ben Nasr, A. A.B. Bergen, N. Blau, T. M. D'Souza, C. Gambacorti, H. Goerl, C. Harker Rhodes, J. Ott, R.A. Martin, E. Wilcox and F. S. Zollmann.

In Human Genetics, the most traditional and well known examples of NET use include OMIM, the Human Genome Database (GDB), the CEPH resources, Genbank / EMBL, the MERCK / EST resource, and MEDLINE. These are all primarily databases, which can be used for specific searches of published information. All of these 'passive' resources require at least some technical knowledge or familiarity with the site accessed.

HUM-MOLGEN focuses on almost
instantaneous interactive communication between individuals, institutions, companies and clinicians working in the field of Human Genetics. Anybody interested in Human Genetics and molecular biology can (without charge) subscribe to the mailing list, called HUM-MOLGEN, and communicate directly with all other members at the same time. HUM-MOLGEN is used for discussions, announcements, sharing of information, requests for collaboration, previews of literature, as well as specific questions concerning the topics of the list. Communication is made possible through E-mail and our WWW site. List communication can be combined with traditional person-to-person E-mail.

[leer] All messages are directed to the panel of editors who determine which messages are of interest to the subscribers. In this way the signal-to-noise ratio is maximized.

HUM-MOLGEN has 10 different TOPICS. They are: NEWS in Human Genetics, CALLs for collaboration, ANNOuncements, LITErature, REVIews, ETHIcal and social issues, DIAGnostics, COMPutational Genetics, SPECial topics in Genetics and BIOTechnology. Thus subscribers interested in only one particular area can subscribe only to that TOPIC while those who are not interested in an area can choose not to receive messages in that TOPIC. As subscriber interest varies, the TOPICS covered may be varied.

Around half of our subscribers are from outside North America. We have a large European subscriber base as well as subscribers from Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

Every effort is made to limit the topics discussed to issues or questions involved in HUMAN genetics.

HUM-MOLGEN has created a WWW site which features a combination of E-mail and WWW characteristics, links to internet sites of interest to geneticists, as well as the integration of resources and information of interest to the scientific community, thereby fostering collaboration between clinicians and biologists.

For more information on HUM-MOLGEN feel free to contact us.

We are looking forward to your participation in this forum.


[new] (Pre-print) publishing on HUM-MOLGEN WWW  [new] SOM-MUT, a new initiative from

WWW:  Kai Garlipp, F. S. Zollmann.
Logo and Logo Images by Art for BioMed / Syrinx GmbH - Frankfurt / Germany.
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