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Anticancer Activity Of An Adenoviral Vector Expressing Short Hairpin RNA Against BK Virus T-ag
Study indicates that siRNAs delivery via a viral vector have a potential usefulness as in vivo anticancer tool against viral and cellular oncogenes.
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Mapping Of Angiogenic Markers For Targeting Of Vectors To Tumor Vascular Endothelial Cells
Study shows that a single administration of the AdfVII/IgG1Fc vector destroys the peripheral but not the central vasculature of a tumor spheroid.
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Gene Therapy Targeting To Tumor Endothelium
In this review the authors assess the challenges faced and the vectors that may be suitable for gene delivery to exploit candidate targets.
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Methods For The Selection Of Tagging SNPs: A Comparison Of Tagging Efficiency And Performance
This work demonstrates that when tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs)-based association studies are undertaken, the choice of method for selecting tSNPs requires careful consideration.
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Replication Of Reported Linkages For Dyslexia And Spelling And Suggestive Evidence For Novel Regions On Chromosomes 4 And 17
Sceintists report the first genome-wide linkage analysis for reading and spelling in a sample of 403 families of twins, aged between 12 and 25 years taken from the normal population and unselected for reading ability.
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Positron emission tomography has demonstrated that sophisticated imaging techniques have a role in diagnosing complex problems like malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours.
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Association Of PDCD1 Polymorphisms With Childhood-Onset Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
The aim of this study was to investigate the association of the PDCD1 gene polymorphisms and haplotypes with susceptibility to childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosu in a Mexican population.
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Partial Duplications Of The MSH2 And MLH1 Genes In Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer
The contribution of genomic duplications of MSH2 and MLH1 genes to hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer.
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Multiple Mutations Responsible For Frequent Genetic Diseases In Isolated Populations
A selective advantage may explain most of the observations of more than one mutation in either one or several genes causing high frequency of an autosomal recessive disease.
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Genetic Screening For Autosomal Recessive Nonsyndromic Mental Retardation In An Isolated Population In Israel
First example of the establishment of a large-scale genetic screening program for autosomal recessive Nonsyndromic Mental Retardation.
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Population Differences In Gene Expression
Study reveals a significant ethnic variation in gene expression.
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Genetic Risk Factor For Stroke Found
Individuals with a particular variant of the gene PRKCH have a 40% increased risk of cerebral infarction, the most common type of stroke.
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A New Source Of Stem Cells
Amniotic fluid contains stem cells that can be coaxed towards becoming various cell types that might be useful in regenerative medicine.
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Enzyme Double Act Evades Drug Therapy
New study may aid the design of more effective cancer therapies.
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Inhalant Abuse: 'Sniffing' Toluene For A High
Toluene, a commonly abused toxic compound, is shown to stimulate dopamine release in specific regions of the rat brain known as drug reward pathways.
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African Chromosomes In Indigenous British
A globally rare Y chromosome type described previously in only a few West African individuals has been found in a British male.
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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Are Cholesterol Supplements The Answer?
Cholesterol supplementation prevents fetal alcohol spectrum defects (FASD) in alcohol-exposed zebrafish embryos.
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Scientists Find A Tunnel That Transfers Lipids
Scientists have determined the structure of CETP, the protein that transfers lipids in the blood from 'good' to 'bad' cholesterol.
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For Goodness Sake
The detection of 'agency', the presence of an active participant in a situation, involves a brain region that is more active in altruistic people.
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Getting Things Into Cells With The Aid Of Small Molecules
Small molecules can be linked to much larger cargoes and deliver them into a variety of cell types.
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Maintaining Immune Regulation
Constant expression of a single protein, Foxp3, is essential to maintain the identity and character of regulatory T (Treg) cells.
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Sizing Up Stem Cells
A gene called latexin has a significant effect on the blood stem cell population in young mice.
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Genetic Risk Factor For Alzheimer Dsease
Individuals with particular variants of the gene SORL1 have a modestly elevated risk of late-onset Alzheimer disease.
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Cancer Cleared By p53 Restoration
Certain types of cancer can be pushed into regression by reactivating the tumour suppressor gene p53.
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Non-Coding RNA Interferes With Transcription
A non-coding RNA represses expression of a cell-cycle-regulated gene by directly interfering with the binding of transcription factors.