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  Bergen (ioi): BIOT, NEWS: various febr 1997  

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Subject: BIOT, NEWS: various febr 1997
From: "Bergen (ioi)" <A.A.BERGEN@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 17:39:00 +0100

New BIOT messages, and some NEWS, too!

The BIOT TOPIC is open for help, questions, announcements and remarks
concerning new and latest developments in BIOTechnology and Molecular
biology. Also you may want to offer or seek (technically oriented)
collaboration. NEWS relates to recent, new developments.

Sponsoring companies, which cover part of the costs made by HUM-MOLGEN,
are welcome to participate, too, but only if their message is
of primary interest to our subscribers. Please be sure to thank these
companies for sponsoring HUM-MOLGEN.

Please send high quality messages only, fully stating your name,
address and purpose of your message. Please state only non-trivial
questions. Other messages may be refused without further notification.
Please, help yourself by helping your colleagues.

This BIOT message contains:

1) Elsevier Trend Journals announces: Technical Tips Online.
   (sponsored message)
2) Info asked for article in The Scientist
3) Question about DNA extraction
4) Question of restriction analysis of BAC clones
5) Collaboration offered: unique model for pituitary cell
   transplantation model
6) Question about screening lambda gt11 cDNA library

Edward Wilcox
Arthur Bergen
(BIOT editors)

Call for papers for Technical Tips Online

Technical Tips Online is a new electronic journal from Elsevier
Trends Journals.
Technical Tips Online publishes short peer-reviewed molecular biology
techniques papers in a WWW-based environment. The papers describe
novel methods or significant improvements to existing methods in any
aspect of molecular biology. Readers may contribute comments on existing
articles, and can access a range of product and company information.

You can access the Technical Tips Online web site at the following

In the US - http://www.elsevier.com/locate/tto
In Europe - http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/tto

If you have developed a useful or innovative molecular biology
protocol, we invite you to submit a manuscript to Technical Tips Online.
Instructions to authors and further information can be found at the
Technical Tips Online website.

Best wishes,
Adrian Bird
University of Edinburgh (Editor, Technical Tips Online)
Mark Patterson
Elsevier Trends Journals

This  message  was originally  submitted  by
76715.3517@COMPUSERVE.COM to the HUM-MOLGEN list at  NIC.SURFNET.NL.

I am writing an article for The Scientist on RNA
extraction/purification. I am looking for researchers for comments on:

Why you must extract/purify RNA in your research?
Challenges/difficulties in protocols?
Any particular protocols or products that you use?
What cell types are particularly difficult to extract RNA from? (I've
read that this is so for breast cancer cells.) Why? How to solve problems?

Any experiences/opinions/anecdotes will be much appreciated! Please
include name, title, institution.

Ricki Lewis, Ph.D.


This  message was  originally submitted  by
Vilma.Konradova@LF1.CUNI.CZ  to the HUM-MOLGEN list at  NIC.SURFNET.NL.

Dear colleagues,
i am starting with genomic DNA isolation with a "Wizard" kit. What

DNA often doesn't dissolve in the "DNA Rehydration Solution" (TE),
the white peel remains. It is independent on the time I let the DNA dry

Please, have you got any (successfull) experience with it?

        Yours sincerely
        mgr. Vilma Konradova
        Laboratory for Diagnostics of Mitochondrial Diseases
        1st Medical Faculty
        Charles University, Prague - Czech Republic

        e-mail: vkonr@1lf.cuni.cz


This message was originally submitted  by gxq@SS10.IGTP.AC.CN to the

Dear colleagues:
I isolated a clone that contains 150 kb insert from a BAC(bacteria
artificial chromosome) library.I want to construct the restriction enzyme
digestion map of this clone.

Would you please tell me the technology routine?
Thank you.

Xueqian Gong
Institute of Genetics
Chinese Academy of Science


Dear Sir/Madam:

I have established a pituitary cell transplantation model
utilizing immunoisolation technique-microencapsulation.I am
planning further study on genetic engineering pituitary
hormone secrating cell transplantation and looking for
a suitable Lab. for cooperation.

Dr. Z.P. Chen
McGill Univ.


This  message   was  originally  submitted  by
rmital@IMB.OEAW.AC.AT  to  the

Dear Colleagues

I have recently tried to screen a lambda gt11 cDNA library, with
antibody to a specific and abundant protein.

In the first screen I got positive signals for nearly all plaques. Is
possible?. when I rescreened some of the positives, I had high
so the whole blot was dark, but the plaques were white spots. this
confusing. Then I repeated the ECL procedure, changing conditions
where I
had no background, but good dark spot for all the plaques. I am still
confused if this result is real, or I am looking at a  kind of
artifact. At
this point it might be worth screening again, this time using a
antibody. This will help me to determine if the signal I am seeing is
fact an artifact or not.

Does anyone know if all plaques can ever be positive. I would like to
from someone who has screened a library with antibodies. The other
which is very noticeable is that the signal is not a black spot, but
a small
center which is colorless, and then a ring of black around it.

please respond directly at the following address


tel 0662-63961-15
fax 0662-63961-40

email rmital@imb.oeaw.ac.at
Dr. Arthur A.B. Bergen
Department of Ophthalmogenetics
The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (IOI)
Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW)

** Snail-mail: **           ** FAX: **             ** E-mail: **

P.O.Box 12141               (+31)206916521         A.Bergen@IOI.KNAW.NL
1100 AC  Amsterdam
The Netherlands

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