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  Hans Goerl: SPEC: military reports available  

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Subject: SPEC: military reports available
From: Hans Goerl <GENETHICS@delphi.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 1997 21:52:50 -0400

FROM: Michael Ravnitzky (mikerav@ix.netcom.com)

A list of  previously unavailable miltary reports on human genetics
is available through the use of the Freedom of Information Act.

You can get a list of [largely unpublished] military technical reports
on human genetics and related topics.  Many of these reports have been
locked away for various bureaucratic reasons and have not been put into
the public domain, until now.

Here are some subject keywords with which you can obtain a LIST of
several hundred military technical reports on human genetics and
related subjects from the Defense Technical Information Center, a
government agency. [see below]

KEYWORDS: (select from among these keywords or add your own)

Human Genome Project
Human Genome
Molecular Biology
Chromosome Aberrations
Nuclei (Biology)
Recombinant DNA
Cloning, Clone
Genetic Sequencing

The fee is likely to be free or only a few bucks.  You probably want to
include a statement in the letter such as *I agree to pay reasonable
fees associated with this request.  Please notify me if the cost will
exceed $25.*,  so that they won't delay the processing of the request.
Remember, they may try to dissuade you from asking for such a list.  If
they send you a letter, and you do not respond, they will withdraw your
request and you will not get your information.

Here is a form letter to use for your request:

To:    Defense Technical Information Center
       Attn:  DTIC-RSM [Kelly D. Akers, FOIA Manager]
       8725 John J. Kingman Road, Suite 0944
       Fort Belvoir, VA  22060-6128  USA
Phone:  703-767-9194

Dear Ms. Akers:

I request the following records under the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act:

A computer generated technical report bibliography of reports on the
subject[s]/keyword[s] of:

________________  OR   _________________  OR  ________________  OR

 _______________   OR   _________________  OR   _______________

Please send me this bibliography for ALL years in your computerized

This is a request for DTIC records, please don't forward my request to
NTIS.  Please include both classified and unclassified records in your
search.  If any of the records are classified, please review them for
release, or the release of nonsensitive portions.

I am an individual, noncommercial requester and this request is not
being made for commercial purposes.

(Of course if you are a commercial or journalistic requester, you should so

I also agree to pay up to $25 for reasonable fees associated with this



Hope you find this a useful resource.  Please send me a personal e-mail
if you have any questions.

Michael Ravnitzky

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