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Bergen (ioi): BIOT: various March 1997 | ||||||||||||||||
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To: HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL Subject: BIOT: various March 1997 From: "Bergen (ioi)" <A.A.BERGEN@AMC.UVA.NL> Date: Wed, 9 Apr 1997 11:40:22 +0200 New BIOT messages. The BIOT TOPIC is open for help, questions, announcements and remarks concerning new and latest developments in BIOTechnology and Molecular biology. Also you may want to offer or seek (technically oriented) collaboration. Sponsoring companies, which cover part of the costs made by HUM-MOLGEN, are welcome to participate in BIOT, too, but only if their message is of primary interest to our subscribers. Please be sure to thank these companies for sponsoring HUM-MOLGEN. Please send high quality messages only, fully stating your name, address and purpose of your message. Please state only non-trivial questions. Other messages may be refused without further notification. Please, help yourself by helping your colleagues. This BIOT message contains: 1) A request for help in screening for viruses found in urine samples 2) Genomic DNA for human beta and alpha globins 3) Human mastocytoma cell line 4) Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) 5) Antibody therapy site 6) Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics Edward Wilcox Arthur Bergen (BIOT editors) ************************************************************************* We want to screen urine for the excretion of a variety of DNA viruses. The virus may be cell associated or free. We'd like to know the experience of others who are performing similar screenings with regard to methods of DNA extraction. Specifically when a lysis solution is added, nucleic acid absorbed to a resin, and subsequently eluted would seem ideal. However, we haven't been able to find one since the Wizard kits were modified. We'd like to screen about 5 ml at a time. Thanks for your help. Dr. Geoffrey Kitchingman Department of Virology and Molecular Biology St. Jude Children's Research Hospital 332 N. Lauderdale St. Memphis, TN 38101 e-mail; geoffrey.kitchingman@stjude.org ************************************************************************ To whom it may concern: I would like to find an investigator with the genomic fragments of human adult beta- or alpha- globins. I am looking for a free sample, or please tell me where I can find them. For more detailed information of my recent study please contact me. Thank you very much. Qian Kun Department of Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Xin Hua Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University 1665 Kong Jiang Road, Shanghai 200092 People's Republic of China E-mail: kqian@npc.haplink.co.cn Fax: 086-021-62590122 ************************************************************************ Dear Colleagues I am seeking for a human mastocytoma cell line to study effects in culture. For comparison, a mouse mastocytoma cell line would be of great interest. If anybody can help me please contact me with e-mail: Georg_Speck@compuserve.com Boehringer Ingelheim Dept. Biological Research 55216 Ingelheim Germany ************************************************************************ Hi Folks, I am looking for any information on Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), or people/institutes currently researching into LHON and related (Mitochondrial) topics. I am a trustee of the LHON Trust, a UK charity dedicated to gathering and distributing information on this rare condition, and encouraging research into it. I am maintaining a WWW site dedicated to LHON and related topics to further improve the spread of information world-wide, and have had patients and their families contact me from several countries already. Any comments on this site, especially suggesting additional sources of information, would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Jim Leeder Jim@Leeder.demon.co.uk http:/www.leeder.demon.co.uk/pages/LHONHome.htm Tel: (+44) 181 568 3076 mail: 106 Whitestile Road Brentford Middlesex TW8 9NL, United Kingdom Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Trust (Hon. Secretary Mrs. Teresa Handscombe) 13 Palmar Road Maidstone, Kent ME16 ODL, United Kingdom ************************************************************************ Dear Sir, We are now seeking research collaborators on antibody therapy using anti-neutrophil MAb Urge-8. If you were interested in this matter, please take a look at my home page, Urge-8 home page. URL is: http://www.m.ehime-u.ac.jp/~yasuhito/Urghome.html Yours sincerely, Yasuhito Abe, M.D. The Second Dept of Surgery, Ehime Univ School of Med, Shigenobu, Ehime 7910202 Japan e-mail: yasuhito@m.ehime-u.ac.jp www: http://www.m.ehime-u.ac.jp/~yasuhito/Home.html ************************************************************************ Resources for Molecular Cytogenetics Web address: http://bioserver.uniba.it/fish/rocchi/welcome.html The site includes (i) a large collection of Partial Chromosome Paints (PCP) from somatic cell hybrids, with images. DNA samples are free available to non-profit Institutions for cytogenetic investigations. (ii) FISH data, with images, of about 450 YACs (from CEPH). Mariano Rocchi e-mail: e013mr02@area.ba.cnr.it ************************************************************************ Dr. Arthur A.B. Bergen Department of Ophthalmogenetics The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (IOI) Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW) ** Snail-mail: ** ** FAX: ** ** E-mail: ** P.O.Box 12141 (+31)206916521 A.Bergen@IOI.KNAW.NL 1100 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Dr. Arthur A.B. Bergen Department of Ophthalmogenetics The Netherlands Ophthalmic Research Institute (IOI) Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands (KNAW) ** Snail-mail: ** ** FAX: ** ** E-mail: ** P.O.Box 12141 (+31)206916521 A.Bergen@IOI.KNAW.NL 1100 AC Amsterdam The Netherlands ************************************************************************
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