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  Bergen (ioi): CALL: various; Jan 1996  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: CALL: various; Jan 1996
From: "Bergen (ioi)" <A.A.Bergen@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 1996 10:11:32 +0100

Note from the editor:

A large number of new CALLs for collaborations, information and inquiries
about literature and upcoming congresses, etc; all from Jan
Please reply to these CALLs by private E-mail, unless your reply is of
general interest for the HUM-MOLGEN community.

Good CALLs !

Arthur Bergen

This  message was  originally submitted  by Dorothy_Pennachio@MEDEC.COM  to the

          For two upcoming articles in Patients care magazine about
          colorectal cancer screening and one on CRC treatment, I
          would appreciate information from HUM-MOLGEN subscribers
          regarding those subjects. Patient Care is published by
          Medical Economics Co. in Montvale, N.J., and is read by
          primary care physicians nationwide. Those readers would be
          interested in learning about progress being made in the area
          of colorectal cancer genetic research. Thank you for any
          information you might send on. My address:


          Dorothy Pennachio
          Senior Assoc. Editor
          Patient Care Magazine
          5 Paragon Dr.
          Montvale, NJ 07645

          (201) 358-7414
          fax: (201) 573-4625

> Dear folks,
> I don't find in your WWW server any announcement of the EUROPEAN
> CONGRESS of HUMAN GENETICS which will be held in LONDON 11.-13 April.
> I would be very interested to get an application form for it.
>  Can you help me ?
> Yours sincerely
> Peter Vogt
> Dr. rer. nat. habil. Peter H. Vogt
> Section Molecular Human Genetics
> Institute Human Genetics & Anthropology
> Unuversity Heidelberg
> Im Neuenheimer Feld 328
> D-69120 Heidelberg
> Germany
> FAX: (6221) 565332
> Phone: (6221) 563924
> main interests: @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
>                 genetic aspects of spermatogenesis
>                 human male infertility and ICSI
>                 Y genes involved in spermatogenesis (AZF loci)
>                 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
This  message  was  originally   submitted  by  s.regenass@VIOLLIER.CH  to  the

Ladies and Gentlemen,

please send a program and application form (hope this is the correct address).
Thank you,

S. Regenass
Stephan Regenass
Institut Dr. Viollier, Spalenberg 147, CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
FAX (061) 482 02 35 (from US, dial 011 41 61 482 02 35)


indranet@server.indo.net.id (dr. Indrayana N.S) sent the following comments:

Dear coll.
I've problem in getting full papers for my research about G6PD
1. A new mutation responsible for severe G6PD deficiency in two ethnic Chinese with different clinical presentations:
determination by direct PCR sequencing technique.
by: Zuo L; Chen EY; Chang C; Du CS; Liu TZ; Chiu DT
Source: Int. J. Hematol 55: 39-44 (1992)

2. Molecular study of eight Japanese cases of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency by nonradioisotopic single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis
by: Hirono A; Miwa S; Fujii H; Ishida F; Yamada K; Kubota K
Source: Blood 83: 3363-8 (1994)

I appreciate and thanks for sending me the full article.
Indrayana N.S; Airlangga School of Medicine Surabaya Indonesia
FAX: 62 31 5322472

Subject: European Workshop on Quality Assessment

This message was originally submitted by mpm@MATIES.SUN.AC.ZA to the HUM-MOLGEN

Dear Sir/Madam,
I recently received the information sheet on the European Workshop on Quality
Assesment. It has for some time been a worrying aspect of the service we
offer in our lab that we do not have some means of recognised quality
assesment. We are involved in DNA differential diagnostic and predictive
testing on FAP, HD, CF, Fra(X), Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) and
Leber's heriditry optic neuropathy. It is also hoped to be able to offer both
diagnostic and predictive DNA testing for Porphyria Variegata and SMA. We are
therefore anxious to partake in a recognised quality assesment to ensure a
quality service to the community we serve.
Considering the above, I would like  to enquire if any participation from
countries outside the UK and European centres has been considered and if
there is any place for these centres in this quality assesment initiative.
Could you please foreward any relevant information.
Thank you.

Dr. M.P. Marx                                   Tel:  +27 21 9389213/4
Division of Human Genetics                      Fax:  +27 21 9317810
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
University of Stellenbosch
P.O. Box 19063
South Africa

>From Dorothy_Pennachio@MEDEC.COMWed Feb 14 09:19:12 1996
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 09:33:10 -0500 (EST)
From: Dorothy Pennachio <Dorothy_Pennachio@MEDEC.COM>

          For an upcoming article in Patient Care magazine on
          insulin resistance, I would appreciate information from
          HUM-MOLGEN subscribers regarding that subject.  Patient
          Care is published by Medical Economics Co. in Montvale,
          N.J., and is read by c. 115,000 primary care physicians
          nationwide.  Those readers would be interested in learning
          about progress being made in the area of genetic research
          regarding insulin resistance.  Thank you for any information
          you might send on.  My address:


          Dorothy Pennachio
          Senior Assoc. Editor
          Patient Care Magazine
          5 Paragon Dr.
          Montvale, NJ 07645

          (201) 358-7414
          fax: (201) 573-4625

Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 12:02:22 +0100
From: Grant Gallagher <gqva12@UDCF.GLA.AC.UKI>

I would like to hear from the European organisers of the Chromosome 6
workshop, with particular reference to joining this group.

So, if you're out there guys could you get in touch, please?


Grant Gallagher
University of Glasgow Department of SUrgery.

Server protocol: HTTP/1.0
Remote host: g-gallagher.surgery.gla.ac.uk
Remote IP address:

>From spurr@ICRF.ICNET.UKWed Feb 14 09:22:41 1996
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 10:23:37 +0000
From: Nigel Spurr <spurr@ICRF.ICNET.UK>
Subject: CALL: collaborations

I have had a request for assistance in finding possible collaborators to
help two medical geneticists in Pakistan. They have identified several
families with the following disorders:

1) Dwarfism with multiple bone abnormalities (autosomal dominant)
2) Multiple exocytosis (autosomal recessive) two families
3) Mental retardation (X linked). More than 50 members affected and
living in one village.
4) A new type of anodantia (autosomal recessive)
5) Nail abnormalities
6) Alopecia (autosomal recessive)

        There are more than 15 affecteds in each family.

For further information contact Dr Nigel K Spurr at spurr@icrf.icnet.uk

Date: Thu, 18 Jan 1996 16:56:53 +0100
From: Grant Gallagher <gqva12@UDCF.GLA.AC.UK>


is there anyone interested in discussing genetic control over cytokine
expression and its influence over disease and/or general variations in
immune responsiveness between individuals?

We have a particular interest in IL-10, IL-4, IL-6 and the TNF cluster.

I look forward to a full mail-box!!

Grant Gallagher

Server protocol: HTTP/1.0
Remote host: g-gallagher.surgery.gla.ac.uk
Remote IP address:

Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 11:18:30 -0600
From: Genoveva Keyeux - Jefe Unidad de Genetica Molecuar
Subject: HGM'96 Meeting

This message  was originally submitted by  gkeyeux@JAVERCOL.JAVERIANA.EDU.CO to

Dear HMG'96 Organizers:

Unfortunately, due to budgetary difficulties, I will not be  able to attend
the HMG'96 workshop in Heidelberg. Is there any possibility to acquire
the publication issued from the workshop? Will it appear in Cytogenetics
Cell Genetics like previous ones? Will you have an electronic release, too?

Thank you for answering. Sinverely yours,

Genoveva Keyeux, PhD.
Associate Professor
Head, Molecular Genetics Unit
Instituto de Genetica Humana
Universidad Javeriana
Fax: 571/288.23.35

>From tesrob@FLASHNET.ITWed Feb 14 09:40:05 1996
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 1996 14:49:28 +0000
From: Roberto Testi <tesrob@FLASHNET.IT>
Subject: BIOMED 2

This message was  originally submitted by tesrob@FLASHNET.IT  to the HUM-MOLGEN

We are interested in establishing new european networks
within the BIOMED 2 Program (next deadline March 15). Our
main research field is intracellular signal transduction in
apoptosis, but you may want to take a look to our lab page
to find out what our interests and expertises are, at:

>From agoffinet@QUICK.CC.FUNDP.AC.BEWed Feb 14 09:41:22 1996
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 11:31:07 +0100

This message was originally  submitted by agoffinet@QUICK.CC.FUNDP.AC.BE to the

Dear Editor:

I wonder whether you could make a last annoucement for the
Tenth Molecular Genetics of the Mouse meeting, which will
take place in Spa, Belgium, from june 2d to june 7th 1996.
The deadline for abstracts is march first.
Thank you.


Dept Physiologie Humaine
FUNDP Med. School
61, rue de Bruxelles
B5000 Namur, Belgium

Tel: 32 - 81 - 724277
Fax: 32 - 81 - 724280

Date: Mon, 29 Jan 1996 13:23:58 +0100
From: Ana Margarida Ianhes <aianhes@IMAGEM.IBILI.UC.PT>
Subject: Restriction map analysis

This  message was  originally  submitted by  aianhes@IMAGEM.IBILI.UC.PT to  the

I'm looking for a program that allows Restriction map analysis. I wish to
know where I can find it.
        Thanks for your attention

                Ana Margarida Ianhes

Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 09:32:17 -0500
From: Julio Licinio <licinio@NIH.GOV>

This message was originally submitted by licinio@NIH.GOV to the HUM-MOLGEN list

Dear colleagues in molecular genetics:

I would like to inform you of of the launching of Molecular Psychiatry,
published by Stockton Press, the publisher of Nature. This is their first
publication in psychiatry/neuroscience. Our inaugural issue
(January/February 1996) is in press. Five full-page ads for Molecular
Psychiatry have appeared in Nature, the last of which came out on November
2 (North  American edition) as well as in the British Journal of
Pharmacology. A new ad will appear in Nature Medicine in February, 1996.

We are actively seeking high quality original research articles,
particularly those in the area of human molecular genetics. All papers
submitted to Molecular Psychiatry are reviewed within three weeks, and if
accepted they are rapidly published. I would like to bring to your
attention the fact that to ensure very fast publication of outstanding data
we created a novel section,  "Immediate Communications," for complete
studies (neither preliminary results nor pilot data are acceptable for this
section) of exceptional significance, novelty and high merit. Those will be
stringently reviewed within one week of submission, and will be published
within 3-8 weeks of receipt of manuscript in our office. This represents
the fastest publication outlet in the field and should be ideal for data
that need to be published right away.

For further information, please contact me (Julio Licinio; e-mail address:


Julio Licinio, M.D.
Molecular Psychiatry

Julio Licinio, M.D.
Clinical Neuroendocrinology Branch, NIMH, NIH
Bldg. 10, Rm. 3S231, 10 Center Drive, MSC 1284
Bethesda, MD 20892-1284
Phone: (301) 496-6885; FAX: (301) 402-1561
e-mail: licinio@nih.gov
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 1996 18:13:11 +0100
From: Mariano ROCCHI <e013mr02@AREA.BA.CNR.IT>
Subject: chromosome 2 library

This  message  was  originally  submitted  by  e013mr02@AREA.BA.CNR.IT  to  the

I am looking for a cosmid library specific for chromosome 2. Grateful for
any indication.
Mariano Rocchi

Dr. Mariano Rocchi
Istituto di Genetica
Via Amendola 165/A
70126 Bari - Italy
tl  +39-80-544.3371
fax +39-80-544.3386
e-mail m.rocchi@area.ba.cnr.it

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