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  Frank S. Zollmann: NEWS: Human Genome News [April-June 1996; 7(6)]  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: NEWS: Human Genome News [April-June 1996; 7(6)]
From: "Frank S. Zollmann" <Frank.Zollmann@rz.uni-rostock.de>
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 1996 18:21:49 +0200

Human Genome News [April-June 1996; 7(6)] is now available
from the Human Genome Management Information System home page at URL:

[or type http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis   and  click on "Human Genome News"]

In This Issue...

  Genome News From Santa Fe          GDB Forum

     * Research Pace Applauded at       * GDB Links to Mammalian
       Santa Fe '96 Workshop (1)          Homology, Enzyme Function
     * ELSI: Spreading the Word and       Data (23)
       Patenting and Database           * GDB Access Via WWW (24)
       Controversies (2)
     * Progress at the DOE Labs (3)  Information Resources
     * Looking for Genes Near Human
       Telomeres (4)                    * DOE Santa Fe '96 Abstracts (25)
     * Chromosome 19 Map: Status and    * Library Screening Services (26)
       New Applications (5)             * Special Genome Issue of Your
     * Stretched to the Max: FISH         World/Our World (27)
       Mapping on DNA Fibers (6)        * Automated DNA Sequencing
     * Leaping Across Genomes:            Newsgroup (28)
       Comparing Mouse and Human DNA (7)* Genome Meetings Web Site
     * Homing in on a DNA Sequence:       Initiated (29)
       Detection Strategies and         * Other URLS (30)
       Technologies (8)                 * Mouse Chromosome Reports (31)
     * Packaging the Genome:            * New Encyclopedia Release (32)
       Community Resources for          * Genetic Voluntary Groups
       Mapping, Sequencing, Finding       Directory (33)
       Genes (9)                        * Guidelines on Ethical Issues (34)
     * Merck Gene Index Update (10)
     * A Versatile Mapped BAC-PAC       * Calendars: Events, Training
       Resource (11)                      (I, II)
     * Sequencing: Moving Toward        * Subscriptions; Selected
       Production (12)                    Acronyms (III, IV)
     * Early Successes with
       Sequencing BACs (13)           Funding
     * Capturing the Data and Making
       It Useful: Redesigning GDB       * U.S. Genome Research (35)
       and GSDB (14)                    * Large-Scale Functional
     * GDB-LBNL Collaboration Adds        Analysis of Yeast (36)
       Up to 6.0  (15)                  * NIST ATP Call for Proposals (37)

  More Genome News

     * Yeast Genome Sequenced (16)
     * ELSI Committee Releases
       Statement (17)
     * International Large-Scale
       Sequencing Meeting (18)
     * NCHGR Initiates Sequencing
       Pilot Projects (19)
     * Researchers Reach Two Mapping
       Milestones (20)
     * ELSI Task Force Seeks
       Genetic-Testing Experiences (21)
     * Genome Researchers Seek
       Cancer Gene (22)

If you have any questions, comments, and suggestions please contact us.

Betty K. Mansfield
Managing editor, Human Genome News
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1060 Commerce Park, MS 6480
Oak Ridge, TN  37830
Voice: 423/576-6669     Fax: 423/574-9888
E-mail: bkq@ornl.gov    http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis
Sponsor: U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program

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1.   01intro.html               20.  20mile.html
2.   02elsi.html                21.  23elsi.html
3.   03labs.html                22.  23cancer.html
4.   04telemer.html             23.  21mammal.html
5.   06chr19.html               24.  21gdbww.html
6.   07labsbo.html              25.  07sfabs.html
7.   08mice.html                26.  09bios.html
8.   09detect.html              27.  03yworld.html
9.   10resour.html              28.  19automa.html
10.  10merck.html               29.  21meetin.html
11.  11resbac.html              30.  21urls.html
12.  12seq.html                 31.  21mouse.html
13.  13bacs.html                32.  21encycl.html
14.  16capture.html             33.  21direct.html
15.  17gdblb.html               34.  23guide.html
16.  18yeast.html               35.  23fund.html
17.  18elsi.html                36.  18large.html
18.  19intern.html              37.  23nistat.html
19.  20pilot.html

I.    http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/CAL.HTML
II.   http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/TRCAL.HTML
III.  http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/forms/subscrip.html
IV.   http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Human_Genome/acronym.html

  |                                                                    |
  |   HUM-MOLGEN  -  Internet Communication Forum in Human Genetics    |
  |                                                                    |
  |   E-mail:   HUM-MOLGEN@nic.surfnet.nl                              |
  |   WWW:      http://www.informatik.uni-rostock.de/HUM-MOLGEN/       |
  |                                                                    |
  |   Phone:    020-566 4598 (The Netherlands),  (206) 386-2101 (USA)  |
  |   Fax:      020-691 6521 (The Netherlands),  (206) 386-2555 (USA)  |
  |                                                                    |

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