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  Martin Kennedy: BIOT: ABI Genotyping  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: BIOT: ABI Genotyping
From: Martin Kennedy <MKENNEDY@chmeds.ac.nz>
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 1995 10:36:16 +1200

Date sent:  18-SEP-1995 10:34:57

This message contains 2 posts responding to a question about the
use of ABI machines for genotyping:

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X-Sender: preston@pop.pitt.edu
From:         Robert Preston <rapr@MED.PITT.EDU>
Subject:      Re: BIOT, ANNO

>I would like to know if anyone has tried the ABI setup (either automated
>sequencer apparatus or the newer capillary format) for genotyping using
>fluorescent primers. The demos look great and the capillary format is
>supposed to cost 1/2 of what the ABI 373 costs.
>Any info appreciated.

We are now doing 3 runs per day on the 373A: two four-hour runs for
genotyping with fluorescent primers (in one case, 36 lanes/gel with up to
4 loci per lane; in the other case, 24 lanes per gel with six loci per lane.
The third run is an overnight 14 hour sequencing run.  The machine works so
well (and reliably) that we're trying to get another one.  The capillary
format machine is not field-proven, and is likely, in my opinion, to have much
slower throughput than the flat-gel-based technology.  I did the genotyping
for mapping the Crouzon (FGFR2) locus using the 373, and it looks like we've
bagged another gene since then.  For genotyping, I'd take the 373 over the
capillary thing any day.

Robert A. Preston
Pittsburgh, PA

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X-Sender: gvcamp@hgins.uia.ac.be
From:         "Guy.VanCamp" <gvcamp@UIA.UA.AC.BE>
answer to question: ABI for genotyping?

Yes, I have experience with it. I have a paper in press that will be
published in November in Human Molecular Genetics that describing the
localization of a gene for hereditary deafness using a fluorescent,
automated genome search on an ABI machine. We have developped software
for automated data collection. A paper describing this is in
preparation, and the software will be freely available in the future. I am
prepared to give additional information if needed.

Guy Van Camp, PhD
Dept of Medical Genetics
University of Antwerp

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Martin Kennedy/Arthur Bergen    BIOT Topic Editors, HUM-MOLGEN

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