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  Arthur Bergen: CALL: various  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: CALL: various
From: Arthur Bergen <bergen@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 1995 13:00:31 +0100

This CALL contains 6 submessages:

2)      CALL: Sexing Beagle fetuses
3)      CALL: BEAN
4)      CALL: Teaching genetics subjects
5)      CALL, COMP: Phylogenetic trees
6)      REPLY: Autosomal dominant exudative retinopathy

Good CALLs!

Arthur Bergen (owner HUM-MOLGEN)

This message  was originally  submitted by jbamfort@GPU.SRV.UALBERTA.CA  to the

We are proposing to construct a human embryo and zygote bank of fixed (NOT
tissue.  The purpose of this bank would be to make available material for
in situ hybridization studies of gene expression in early human
conceptuses.  The material would be available as sections that express  mRNA.  The gestational age of each embryo or zygote would be known.
Interval sections are stained with H and E so that a good knowledge of
the anatomy of the material would be available.  This should be useful
for individuals studying the temporal and regional expression of
developmentally expressed genes and gene products.
We acknowledge that there are major ethical concerns with this type of
proposal.  We are discussing this with bioethicists and several Research
and Ethics Boards.  (For Dr.Bieseker's information, these are the
Canadian equivalent of the American IRBs and have similar powers and
mandate).  Clearly, without such review a proposal such as this can not
We would like to know how many people in the Research Community would use
such material if it were ethically approved and available within, say, 2

Steve Bamforth.  jbamfort@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
From:   IN%"bui@gen.ks.se"  "The-Hung Bui, M.D."  4-JUL-1995 13:27:00.46
Subj:   CALL: sexing Beagle fetuses

bui@gen.ks.se (The-Hung Bui, M.D.) sent the following comments:

I would appreciate suggestions/help to get primer sequences specific for
the Y chromosome in Beagle dog. This is for an experimental series
addressing the feasibility of in utero hematopoietic stem cell
The project has been approved by our Ethics Committee.
Server protocol: HTTP/1.0
Remote host: gate1.ks.se
Remote IP address:
From:   IN%"march004@mc.duke.edu"  "Douglas Marchuk" 10-JUL-1995 20:32:04.35
Subj:   Bean (Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome

march004@mc.duke.edu (Douglas Marchuk) sent the following comments:

We have genetic linkage for a family that we feel has blue rubber bleb nevus
 (Bean) syndrome and are searching for other families to confirm this result.
We are hoping to locate clinical associates who would be willing to ascertain
and draw bloods from their families.   We would  check the linkage here in
my lab. This would be on a collaborative basis, with joint authorship on
any paper resulting from this work.     Our large family shows a lod  score
of over 9.0 with the most closely linked marker.   Thus we are confident of
the linkage but would like to look at more families with a similar clinical
phenotype.   Please call  Doug Marchuk, Dept of Genetics Duke University,
Durham, NC 27710   phone  919 684-3290    fax   919 684-2790
Server protocol: HTTP/1.0
Remote host: marchuk01.mc.duke.edu
Remote IP address:
> Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 11:04:51 +0200
> From: lvreiner@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
> Subject: posting a message?
> To: zollmann.1@osu.edu
> Message-Id: <CEC76807949F3955A5@phem6.acs.ohio-state.edu>
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> X-Envelope-To: mkh536@cks1.rz.uni-rostock.de
> The instructions for posting a message was not clear to me, therefore I am
> forwarding you my message.
> Next year I shall be teaching a course for graduate students focused on
> human molecular genetics, including the human genome project.  I am
> planning exercises that students will have to use different databases, such
> as, GDB, online McKusick, sigma etc. in order to solve them.  I believe
> that the databases are one of the main tools in our research today.  I'd
> appreciate suggestions for specific questions.
> Sincerely,
> Orly Reiner, Ph.D.
> Department of Molecular Genetics and Virology
> Weizmann Institute of Science
> Rehovot 76100
> Israel
> Phone: (972) 8 342319
> FAX: (972) 8 344108
> e-mail: lvreiner@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il
From:   IN%"ED-MOLGEN@nic.SURFnet.nl"  "Human Molecular Genetics Editors" 11-JUL-1995 14:37:27.47
To:     IN%"ED-MOLGEN@nic.SURFnet.nl"  "Multiple recipients of list ED-MOLGEN"
Subj:   CALL,COMP: phylogenetic tree

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 13:43:45 GMT+0100
From: I Meulenbelt <I.MEULENBELT@PG.TNO.NL>
Subject: CALL,COMP: phylogenetic tree
To: Multiple recipients of list ED-MOLGEN <ED-MOLGEN@nic.SURFnet.nl>

This  message  was  originally   submitted  by  I.MEULENBELT@PG.TNO.NL  to  the

I have been analyzing polymorphic DNA haplotypes with 7 RFLP markers.
I would like to hypothesize on the evolutionary relations and
construct a phylogenetic tree.

I would appreciate it very much if someone could provide me with
computer programs to perform such phylogenetic analysis or if
someone could provide me with addresses of people working in this

Thank you very much in advance

Ingrid Meulenbelt

Subj:   REPLY: CALL: various

This message  was originally  submitted by  cfriedri@WELCHLINK.WELCH.JHU.EDU to

        The gene for autosomal dominant exudative vitreoretinopathy (AKA
Criswick-Schepens syndrome) has been mapped, but a linkage study in one
family we have studied shows no linkage to the previously assigned
location, and weak evidence suggesting linkage on a different chromosome.
This suggests genetic heterogeneity.  We are looking for other families to
test this.

Chris Friedrich, M.D., Ph.D.                    Voice   (410) 614-2521
Lipid Research-Atherosclerosis Unit             Fax     (410) 955-1276
Dept. of Pediatrics, CMSC 6-104         Voice mail      (410) 614-1030
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
600 North Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21287


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