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  Arthur Bergen: BIOT: various  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: BIOT: various
From: Arthur Bergen <bergen@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 11:55:07 +0100

The BIOTechnology/molecular biology section is open for request or
offering of technical help; new protocols, problems with apparatus,
exchange of experiences with protocols, apparatus etc; but also for
funds offering and requests etc.
Semi-commercial messages in the interest of our subscribers are allowed.

Please respond by private E-mail unless your response is of general
interest to all HUM-MOLGEN subscribers

Thank you for your numerous contributions with our previous BIOT message!

The editors

Martin Kennedy
Arthur Bergen

Subj:   BIOT

mars@bioch.ox.ac.uk (Raoul Heller) sent the following comments:

I would like to identify a single hamster chromosome in a
monochromosomal hybrid cell line of human origin. Attempts
to paint the hamster chromosome specifically using labelled
total hamster genomic DNA with Cot 1 DNA weren't particularly
successful: the obtained signal after FISH was weak and there
was crosshybridisation.
Another approach might be to amplify species specific interspersed-
repetitive-element (IRE) and inter-IRE sequences which could then
be labelled as probe for chromosome painting. The protocoll by
David J. Munroe et al., IRE-Bubble PCR: A rapid method for efficient
and representative amplification of human genomic DNA sequences from
complex sources. (Genomics 19:506-514) sounds attractive in this
Could anybody with experience in this field give me some advice on
a) the practicability of this and related PCR methods if applied to
generate murine or other vertebrate specific chromosome paints;
b) where to find descriptions of useful IREs in various mammalian/
vertebrate species (hamster, mouse, frog, avian etc.);
c) whether other strategies for the diagnosis of a single chromosome
or chromosome fragment against a genetic background of a different
species are more reliable in his/her practical experience?

Thanks very much in advance for any helpful comments,

Raoul Heller

CRC Chromosome Molecular Biology Group
Dept. of Biochemistry
Univ. of Oxford  // U.K. OX1 3QU

phone: +44-1865-275225
fax  : +44-1865-275259
email:  mars@bioch.ox.ac.uk

This message was originally  submitted by EIBEL@NZ11.UKL.UNI-FREIBURG.DE to the

The video camera from our  gel documentation video system from
CYBERTECH  (Berlin, Germany) broke recently. We tried to contact
Cybertech repeatedly but we got no response except for the message from a tape
recorder. Therefore we do not know whether Cybertech still exiist or
how to get in touch with them. In the past, we also had a really bad
impression from their coustomer service.
-  Did anybody make the same experience with Cybertech ?
-  Does anybody known how to deal with this problem ?
Dr. Hermann Eibel
Klinische Forschergruppe f. Rheumatologie
Klinikum der Universitaet Freiburg
Breisacher Str. 64
D-79106 Freiburg, Germany
Tel.: 49 - 761 - 270 - 5294
Fax: 49 - 761 - 270 - 5298
Subj:   BIOT: Digital Imagers-Image Analysis for Science

This  message was  originally  submitted by  mmolenda@STUDENTS.WISC.EDU to  the

We at Digital Imagers recently merged with BioImaging Technologies and
now carry Image Analysis Systems/Software to go along with the microplate
readers/washers (from Tecan/SLT) and our Ambis Image Analysis Systems.
The Image Analysis Systems are either for Mac or PC.  The Mac systems
utilize the world renowned NIH Image to get you the best possible data
and to keep your costs to a minimum.  Why pay $2000 for a piece of image
analysis software when you can have NIH Image for $0!  Also, get some of
the best technical support in the field today.  With over 5 years of
experience, we were there at the start of the image analysis boom, and we
still remain a mainstay.  Contact us today at:

e-mail  mmolenda@students.wisc.edu

or call 608-243-9706
Subj:   A technical problem for help

This  message   was  originally  submitted  by   gpma66@UDCF.GLA.AC.UK  to  the

I have difficulty in transfecting constructs into either human
myelomonocytic cell line ( HL-60) or mouse myelomonocytic cell line ( 32D
Cl3).   I have tried a wide range of electroporation conditions with the
Easyject apparatus made by EquiBio from Belgium in conjunction with the
luciferase assay and beta-gal assays without any success.  In addition to
the signle pulse,  the double pulses approach has also been tried.
Although this problem has been informed to the manufacturer several months
ago, I have not got any feedback so far.
Any suggestion and help will be highly appreaciated.

Jingde Zhu

CRC Department of Medical Oncology
Glasgow University
Gasrcube Estate,  Switchback Road,
Glasgow G61 1BD.
U. K.,
From:   IN%"ED-MOLGEN@nic.SURFnet.nl"  "Human Molecular Genetics Editors" 20-NOV-1995 16:42:10.87
To:     IN%"ED-MOLGEN@nic.SURFnet.nl"  "Multiple recipients of list ED-MOLGEN"
Subj:   DNA problems

This  message was  originally  submitted by  103202.1502@COMPUSERVE.COM to  the

I need help.  I'm working in cancer genetics and have been experiencing problems
with the DNA that I have extracted.  While most of samples work there are a few
(from patients who have recently or who are receiving chemo- or radiation
therapy) which don't seem to work under my normal conditions.  I believe the DNA
is fragile and starting to splinter.  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on
what to do...ie add a conditioning reagent to my PCR buffer, etc...
Thank you.
deAnne Guarino/USA


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