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  Frank S Zollmann: Second Workshop Neurogenetics in Germany  

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To: mkh536@cks1.rz.uni-rostock.de
Subject: Second Workshop Neurogenetics in Germany
From: Frank S Zollmann <fzollman@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 1995 10:57:45 -0400 (EDT)

Dear HUM-MOLGENeticists,

The following document contains the Program of the Second Workshop
Neurogenetics in Germany and a summary of the abstracts. All abstracts are
available on our WWW in the near future (I will inform you). For more
information please contact M. Graeber

More information about meetings and workshops are available at:


Best wishes,

Frank S. Zollmann

   Program of the Second Workshop Neurogenetics in Germany/
     Annual Meeting of the German Society of Neurogenetics

                Munich, October 19-21, 1995

                      Invited Speakers:

                 K.H. Fischbeck, Philadelphia
                     M. Koenig, Strasbourg
                      A.P. Monaco, Oxford
                       L. Ozelius, Boston
                      H.H. Ropers, Nijmegen
                      A.M. Saunders, Durham
                       T. Siddique, Chicago

          Supported by the German Research Foundation

     Organizers: M. Graeber, Munich, and U. Muller, Giessen


Thursday, October 19, 1995

18:00     Welcome Reception

19:00     Membership Assembly of the German Society of

Friday, October 20, 1995

8.15      Introduction

          Morning session I (Chair: H.H. Ropers)

8.30      ApoE and Alzheimer's disease
          A.M. Saunders (Durham/U.S.A.)

9.15      Non-specific X-linked mental retardation
          H.H. Ropers (Nijmegen/Netherlands)

10.00     15 min Break

          Morning session II (Chair: H.A. Kretzschmar)

10.15     Genetics of dystonia
          L. Ozelius (Boston/U.S.A.)

11.00     Prion diseases
          H.A. Kretzschmar (Gottingen)

11.45     15 min Break

          Afternoon session I (Chair: L. Ozelius)

12.00     Dopa-responsive Dystonia (DRD): 4 new mutations of
          the GTP cyclohydrolase gene in British patients
          O. Bandmann, C.D. Marsden and A.E. Harding

12.20     Cerebellar ataxia, mental retardation and retinitis
          pigmentosa associated with T8,993G mitochondrial DNA
          point mutation
          E. Wilichowski, K. Brockmann, C. Korenke, A.
          Renneberg, J. Frahm and F. Hanefeld (Gottingen,

12.40     Marinesco-Sjogren-Syndrom: neuro-myopathischer
          J.-U. Walther, W. Muller-Felber und M. Jensen

13.00-14.00  Lunch break

          Afternoon session II (Chair: T. Siddique)

14.00     Neurofibromatosis type 2 protein merlin is highly
          expressed in human fibroblasts and linked to the
          plasma membrane
          M. Kressel and B. Schmucker (Erlangen)

14.15     Isolation and characterization  of  two human genes
          similar to the region-specific homeotic Drosophila
          gene SPALT  which show expression in the developing
          and adult human brain
          J. Kohlhase, R. Schuh, H. Jackle, B. Schroeder, W.
          Schulz-Schaeffer, H.A. Kretzschmar, A. Kohler, U.
          Muller, E. Burkhard, M. Raab-Vetter, W. Engel and R.
          Stick (Gottingen)

14.30     Mouse models created by gene targeting to study mid-
          hindbrain  development
          W. Wurst, V. Blanquet, M. Hanks and A.L. Joyner
          (Toronto/Canada, Oberschleissheim)

14.45     A retroviral vector for tetracycline-regulatable
          expression of heterologous genes
          W. Paulus, I. Baur, F.M. Boyce, X.O. Breakefield and
          S.A. Reeves (Boston/U.S.A.)

15.00     Neurotransmitter mediated Ca2+ signalling  in  human
          glioma  and  neurocytoma cells
          P. Weydt, S. Patt and H. Kettenmann (Berlin-Buch)

15.15     The importance of brain banks for neurogenetic
          M.B. Graeber, S. Kosel, R. Egensperger, N.M. Schnopp
          and P. Mehraein (Munchen)

          16.00-18.00 Poster sessions

P1        McLeod neuroacanthocytosis: An underdiagnosed
          M. Oechsner, G. Winkler, A. Danek, M. Ho and A.P.
          Monaco (Hamburg, Munchen, Oxford/U.K.)

P2        Hereditare Stammgangliendegeneration mit dominantem
          Erbgang - eine Stammbaumstudie
          M. Hund, P. Ludemann und E.B. Ringelstein (Munster,
          New York/U.S.A.)

P3        Genetic linkage studies in autosomal dominant
          parkinsonism: evaluation of candidate genes
          T. Gasser, Z.Wszolek, B. Muller and A. Supala
          (Munchen, Omaha/U.S.A., Hamburg)

P4        Delineation of the XDP gene within a small region of
          Xq13.1 and characterization of two candidate genes
          G. Haberhausen, N. Brockdorff, M. Fontes, A.P.
          Monaco and U. Muller (Giessen, Harrow/U.K.,
          Marseille/France, Oxford/U.K.)

P5        A contig in Xq13.1
          U. Peters, G. Haberhausen,  H. Muth,  A. Kohler,
          A.P. Monaco and U. Muller (Giessen, Oxford/U.K.)

P6        Distribution of G5460A mutant mtDNA in parkinsonian
          N.M. Schnopp, S. Kosel, R. Egensperger, P. Mehraein
          and M.B. Graeber (Munchen)

P7        NADH dehydrogenase and CYP2D6 genotypes in
          Parkinson's disease
          S. Kosel, N.M. Schnopp, R. Egensperger, P. Mehraein
          and M.B. Graeber (Munchen)

P8        Identical twins with Huntington's disease:
          differences in cerebral glucose metabolism and
          clinical manifestation
          A. Weindl, P. Bartenstein, R. Wenzel, M. Rehm, S.
          Spiegel, T. Meitinger, M. Schwaiger and B. Conrad

P9        SOD1 Punktmutation in einer Familie mit ALS
          B. Bereznai, G.D. Borasio, A. Winkler and T.Gasser

P10       Die spinale Muskelatrophie Typ Kennedy (XSBMA) in
          der Differentialdiagnose von Motoneuronerkrankungen
          W. Kress, B. Halliger-Keller und T. Grimm (Wurzburg)

P11       Autosomal  dominant  cerebellar  ataxia  and  CAG
          repeat expansion
          C. Zuhlke, W. Klostermann, K. Wessel and E.
          Schwinger (Lubeck)

P12       Gen-Konversion bei Dystrophia myotonica
          V. Otto, P. Vieregge, M. Greiwe und P. Steinbach
          (Lubeck, Ulm)

P13       Association between apolipoprotein E genotype and
          neuropathological phenotype in sporadic Alzheimer's
          R. Egensperger, S. Kosel, P. Mehraein and M.B.
          Graeber (Munchen)

P14       Apolipoprotein-E-Genotyp  und Alzheimer-Krankheit:
          Beziehung zu relativem Risiko, Erkrankungsalter und
          A. Kurz, N. Lautenschlager, R. Marquard, D. Mosch,
          R. Busch, R. Egensperger, M.B. Graeber, K. Altland
          and U. Muller (Munchen, Giessen)

P15       Investigations on the point mutations at nt5460 of
          the mtDNA in different neurodegenerative  and
          neuromuscular diseases
          B. Janetzky, C. Schmid , P. Riederer and H.
          Reichmann (Wurzburg)

Saturday, October 21, 1995

          Morning session I (Chair: U. Muller)

8.30      Genetics of motor neuron degeneration in mice and
          T. Siddique (Chicago/U.S.A.)

9.15      Autosomal-recessive ataxias
          M. Koenig (Strasbourg/France)

10.00     15 min Break

          Morning session II (Chair: A.P. Monaco)

10.15     Trinucleotide repeats and neurological disease
          K.H. Fischbeck (Philadelphia/U.S.A.)

11.00     McLeod Syndrome
          A.P. Monaco (Oxford/U.K.)

11.45     15 min Break

          Afternoon session I (Chair: A.M. Saunders)

12.00     Candidate gene approach in panic disorder: the
          adenosine A1 receptor
          J. Deckert, M. Nothen, W. Maier, P. Franke, J.
          Fritze, H. Beckmann, H. Ren, G.L.Stiles and P.
          Propping (Bonn, Mainz, Frankfurt, Wurzburg,

12.20     Molecular genetic studies of variation in dopamine
          and serotonin receptor genes
          M.M. Nothen, S. Cichon, J. Erdmann, D.
          Shimron-Abarbanell and P. Propping (Bonn)

12.40     Eine Mutation im CHRNA4-Gen als Ursache einer
          idiopathischen Epilepsie
          O. Steinlein (Bonn)

13.00-14.00  Lunch break

          Afternoon session II (Chair: K.H. Fischbeck)

14.00     DNA methylation and triplet repeat stability
          D. Wohrle, M. Wolf, D. Glaser, S. Schwemmle and P.
          Steinbach (Ulm)

14.15     Phenotype and genotype in persistent mirror
          A. Danek, J. Wendeborn and J. Hermsdorfer (Munchen)

14.30     Eye tracking dysfunction as phenotypic marker in
          linkage studies with schizophrenia
          R. Lencer, V. Arolt, S. Purmann, A. Nolte, B.
          Muller, M. Schurmann and E. Schwinger (Lubeck,

14.45     Altered interleukin-6 secretion capacity of
          monocytes in narcoleptic patients
          D. Hinze-Selch, T. Wetter, Y. Zhang, H. Lu, F.
          Holsboer and T. Pollmacher  (Munchen)

          15.30-17.00  Poster sessions

P16       Geniospasm: a type of essential tremor?
          A. Danek and T. Meitinger (Munchen)

P17       Linkage analysis and mutation screening in two large
          families with non-syndromic X-linked mental
          E. Holinski-Feder, A. Golla, I. Rost, H. Seidel, T.
          Strom, O. Rittinger, K. Wilke, T. Meitinger and A.
          Meindl (Munchen, Salzburg/Osterreich, Heidelberg)

P18       Phylogeny of the human dopamine D2 receptor gene
          (DRD2) and investigation of its association with
          U. Finckh, M. Giraldo-Velasquez, G. Otto, O. von
          Widdern, T. Sander, L.G. Schmidt, H. Rommelspacher
          and A. Rolfs
          (Berlin, Rostock)

P19       Despite different location  pattern, similar p53
          gene  mutation frequency in pediatric and adult
          U. Sure, M. Hegi, J. Lubbe, A. von Deimling and P.
          Kleihues (Aachen, Zurich/Schweiz)

P20       Untersuchungen der mitochondrialen DNA bei MS-
          U. Mayr-Wohlfart, G. Rodel, C. Paulus und A.
          Henneberg (Ulm, Dresden)

P21       Molecular genetics of human prion diseases in
          Germany O. Windl, A. Giese, T. Jacobsen, T. Bogumil,
          M. Neumann, T. Weber, S. Poser  and H. Kretzschmar

P22       Informative crossover refines mapping of the CADASIL
          disease locus
          M. Dichgans, M. Mayer, B. Muller, A. Straube and T.
          Gasser (Munchen)

P23       Molecular analysis in Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT)
          disease and hereditary neuropathy with liability to
          pressure palsies (HNPP)
          K.D. Bathke, D. Lorek, T. Liehr, A. Ekici, E. Nelis,
          C. Van Broeckhoven, H. Grehl, D. Claus, B.
          Neundorfer and B. Rautenstrauss (Erlangen,

P24       Molekulargenetische Diagnostik der
          M. Vorgerd, S. Fuchs, M. Tegenthoff und J.-P. Malin
          (Bochum, Hamburg)

P25       Coping-Verhalten von Risikopersonen fur
          spatmanifeste neuro-degenerative Erkrankungen
          bezuglich des Ergebnisses der pradiktiven
          T. Haase und F. Kreuz (Dresden)

P 26      Role of transcription factors in microglial
          activation: the cAMP responsive element binding
          protein (CREB) is involved in microglial activation
          in vivo
          J. Gehrmann, R.B. Banati, F. Beermann, E. Hummler,
          J. Blendy, G. Schutz, G.W. Kreutzberg und A. Aguzzi
          (Zurich und Epalinges/Schweiz, Heidelberg,

17.00     End of meeting


The German Society of Neurogenetics was founded in 1994. Its
main objective is the enhancement of scientific exchange
between all those disciplines that address questions on the
genetics of normal and abnormal function of the nervous
system. Consequently, its members come from many diverse
fields of scientific enquiry such as Biophysics, Human
Genetics, Cell Biology, Neuroanatomy, Neurochemistry,
Neurosurgery, Neurology, Neuropathology and Psychiatry. The
Society organizes yearly workshops to discuss scientific
breakthroughs in the field. Here, international invited
speakers guarantee the highest possible scientific standard.
Furthermore, the society issues at least two yearly
newsletters. While the first two newsletters were written in
German, future communications will be in English. The statutes
of the society, copies of all newsletters and a registration
form can be obtained at:


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