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  Arthur Bergen: BIOT  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: BIOT
From: Arthur Bergen <bergen@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 10:53:17 +0100

Note from the editors:

This company provides a free sample to HUM-MOLgeneticists in response to
a question in the CALL section


From:   IN%"kieron@sands.mv.com"
To:     IN%"bergen@AMC.UVA.NL"
CC:     IN%"jeff_kant.labmed@path1a.med.upenn.edu"
Subj:   RE: Storing Blood For DNA Extraction (HUM-MOLGEN CALL, 7 Aug 1995)


I received a message recently from HUM-MOLGEN which I have excerpted below:

>This BIOT CALL contains 3 submessages:
>1) CALL for DNA banking experience


>The CALL section is open for CALLs for collaboration, OFFERs of
>assistance, CALLs for information or other help.
>The BIOT section primarily discusses technical problems, companies
>and funding and other subjects related to BIOTechnology/Molecular
>Please REPLY to these CALLs by person to person E-mail, and not to
>HUM-MOLGEN, unless your answer is of general interest to the entire
>HUM-MOLGEN digital web.


>Subj:   CALL- DNA banking
>This message was originally  submitted by jeff_kant@PATH1A.MED.UPENN.EDU to the
>                       Subject:                               Time:7:21 PM
>  OFFICE MEMO          CALL: DNA banking                      Date:8/1/95
>For those with banking experience.  A colleague would like to establish a bank
>for future DNA extraction from bloods at minimum effort.  He favors either a
>commercial kit or sucrose-triton lysis.  What is people's experience with long
>term storage of partially prepared DNA, or other recommended suggestions for
>such a project.
>Jeffrey Kant
>University of Pennsylvania


We have developed a product that exactly fits this request, and I am
responding directly to Jeffrey Kant as you direct, but I wanted to ask you
if it may be posted also to the group since I believe it will be "of
general interest to the entire HUM-MOLGEN digital web". If you agree,
please post the following reply to the entire group:

Our company has been involved with spotting whole blood for storage for
many years. Neonatal testing for inborn errors of metabolism (e.g. PKU) has
long been done using our 903(TM) which is a USFDA-registered device for
blood collection. More recently, isolation of genomic DNA from dried blood
spots via nucleic acid amplification, though not requiring extremely pure
DNA as template, does require DNA which is relatively free of inhibitory
substances known to occur in whole blood samples. Traditional methods such
as autoclaving, boiling, organic extractions, proteinase and detergent
treatments are time consuming and can yield DNA of inconsistent quality.

In response to this need, Schleicher & Schuell has recently developed a
revolutionary new blood collection and storage matrix * from which
CONSISTENTLY high quality DNA template for PCR can be isolated within an
hour using a very simple protocol. Blood components that inhibit
amplification (primarily hemoglobin) remain on the matrix when the DNA is
released. A single one-quarter inch blood spot will yield sufficient DNA
for twenty 100 uL PCR reactions.
(* U.S. patent pending)

We are currently looking for individuals to examine this matrix over the
next few months. If you would like to see how it works for your specific
requirements, please contact S&S Technical Services in Keene, New Hampshire.

603-352-3810 telephone (ext 5533)
800-245-4024 toll-free (select "2" for technical services)
603-357-3627 FAX


Kieron Walsh
Schleicher & Schuell
New Business Development
Molecular Biology Products

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