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  Arthur Bergen: ANNO: various  

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To: Multiple recipients of list HUM-MOLGEN <HUM-MOLGEN@NIC.SURFNET.NL>
Subject: ANNO: various
From: Arthur Bergen <bergen@AMC.UVA.NL>
Date: Mon, 7 Aug 1995 10:55:24 +0100

This ANNOuncement contains 5 submessages

1) ANNO: First pre-announcement of chromosome 4 workshop (limited # places
2) ANNO: New: ELSI at NCGR website pages
3) ANNO: New WWW-site about biomedicine
4) ANNO: Special thanks from ELSI
5) ANNO: New HUM-MOLGEN statistics: 1334 subscribers from 49 countries !

The ANNO section is open for announcements relevant to the field
of genetics and molecular biology. These include job opportunities,
congress announcement, new developments, (pre-) announcements of important
advances in the scientific field, etc. It is HUM-MOLGEN policy to combine
list communication with person-to person E-mail.

Good ANNOs!

Arthur Bergen (owner HUM-MOLGEN)

Subj:   chromosome 4 workshop

This message was originally submitted by riessoby@RUBC.RZ.RUHR-UNI-BOCHUM.DE to

the next single chromosome 4 workshop is going to be organized in Bochum,
Germany, from March 18- 20, 1996.
Main topics will include physical and genetic mapping, STS and EST
mapping, syntenic groups in mouse, rat, pig and cow and transcript
mapping. Progress in cloning and characterization of disease gene regions
will be discussed (e.g. 4q25, 4q35, 4q21-23, 4p16).
The number of participants will be limited to 50 persons. For further
questions please contact
Olaf Riess
Olaf Riess, MD PD
Molecular Human Genetics
Ruhr University
44780 Bochum
phone: (+49) 234 700 3831
fax: (+49) 234 709 4196
email: riessoby@rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Subj:   ELSI at NCGR Website pages

This message was  originally submitted by elsi@NCGR.ORG to  the HUM-MOLGEN list

The National Center for Genome Resources (NCGR) would like to announce
our new Web pages regarding the Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications
(ELSI) of biotechnology.

The NCGR URL is: http://www.ncgr.org
The specific ELSI link is:  http://www.ncgr.org/elsi/elsi.hp.html

We have made available two resources in particular that focus on human
genetic and Human Genome Project issues.  One is an encompassing
bibliography of ELSI related references to provide starting points for
further reading.  The other is a series of "Scopes Notes" that provide
full text overviews of ELSI topics.  We plan on maintaining these pages
with current and readable information on aspects of genetic research.

We would like to establish links to any relevant sites out there.
Please consider linking us to your site.

Pass on this information about our site to anyone who would be
interested.  Remember to visit our pages regularly as we will continue
to update it with new ELSI information.

We hope this is of interest to members of this list.

Lauren McCain

                               ELSI AT NCGR
                                   |  National Center for Genome Resources
  Mike Knapp       mjk@ncgr.org    |  1800 Old Pecos Trail
  Emily Kaltenbach eak@ncgr.org    |  Santa Fe, NM 87505
  Shahar Tsadeek   set@ncgr.org    |  [TEL] (505) 982-7840 (800) 450-4854
  Lauren McCain    lmc@ncgr.org    |  [FAX] (505) 982-7690
                                   |  http://www.ncgr.org

Subj:   WWW Site about Biomedicine

This  message  was  originally  submitted  by  Peter.VanOsta@RUG.AC.BE  to  the

I have created a set of Webpages with pointers to various sites with
information about "Medicine and Molecular Biology" and "Computers and
Biocomputing", etc. , the server where the Webpages reside is located at the
University of Gent in Belgium (Europe).

The URL to start is:

http:// allserv.rug.ac.be/~pvanosta/welcome.html

This brings you to my homepage from where you can choose one of the other


Good starting points
Search engines
Under the hood
Homepages of some of my friends


General Medical information on the Web
Medical Specialties
Medical Genetics
Pharmacological information

"Molecular Biology"

General Molcular Biological information
Information about DNA research
Information about Protein research
Materials and Methods in Molcular biology

 "Computers and Biocomputing"

Links to Biocomputing information on the Web
Webpages with information about Linkage analysis
Information about Linux (cheap and powerful Unix for PC's)
General Computer Information (software and hardware)

"Libraries and Literature"

Links to (Biomedical) libraries
Literature on the Web

"Countries and Culture"

Travel information
Governmental information
Local information
Art on the Internet

"Everything you always wanted to kow about ..."

Links to other interesting (but mostly less serious sites)
Movies and Television, Recreation, Music, Humor, Astronomy, Astrology,
Sports, etc.

I hope these Webpages will be useful to help people with finding information
on the Internet. I will keep working on thes Webpages to improve them,
adding links and changing outdated links, but I am doing this in my spare
time, so it may take some days before changes are made.
Information about new and interesting links are welcome of course.



Centrum Medische Genetica
Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent (UZG) - 0 K 5
De Pintelaan 185
B-9000 Gent

tel. +32-9-240 36 03
fax. +32-9-240 49 70

email: Peter.VanOsta@rug.ac.be

WWW: http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~pvanosta/


Subj:   THANKS!

We received a wonderful reception to our announcement concerning the ELSI
Bibliography and our new ELSI site.  We would like to thank those who
responded,  with special thanks to those who passed the information on to

The address we gave previously was passed along to those who may have a
special interest in our site as an introductory URL.  It was not meant to
be universally deseminated.  Though that address will work in a majority
of cases, some browsers will not reso lve it properly.

The best address to pass along or print is:

Again, thanks for your interest.

                               ELSI AT NCGR
                                   |  National Center for Genome Resources
  Mike Knapp       mjk@ncgr.org    |  1800 Old Pecos Trail
  Emily Kaltenbach eak@ncgr.org    |  Santa Fe, NM 87505
  Shahar Tsadeek   set@ncgr.org    |  [TEL] (505) 982-7840 (800) 450-4854
  Lauren McCain    lmc@ncgr.org    |  [FAX] (505) 982-7690
                                   |  http://www.ncgr.org

Subj:   File: "HUM-MOLG LIST"

*  Editor=          ED-molgen@nic.surfnet.nl List of editors
*  Editor=          Bergen@amc.uva.nl,Frank.zollmann@stud.uni-rostock.de
*  Editor=          MKENNEDY@CHMEDS.AC.NZ,Gambacorti@icil64.cilea.it
*  Editor=          GENETHICS@DELPHI.COM,ott@linkage.cpmc.columbia.edu
*  Owner=           Bergen@amc.uva.nl  Dr. A.A.B. Bergen
*  Owner=           Quiet:,Bert.Stals@SURFnet.nl,(ED-MOLGEN)
*  This list is open for discussions, announcements and
*  questions related to the field of Genetics and molecular biology
*  Subscribers are clinical geneticists, molecular
*  biologists, clinicians, (medical or biology) students,
*  and other individuals interested in the field.
* **************************************************************
*  Argentina              1
*  Australia             40
*  Austria                7
*  Belgium               17
*  Brazil                 5
*  Canada                84
*  Chile                  2
*  China                  3
*  Colombia               3
*  Costa Rica             1
*  Czech Republic         9
*  Denmark               12
*  Estonia                2
*  Finland                6
*  France                20
*  Germany               70
*  Great Britain        122
*  Greece                 1
*  Hongkong               6
*  Hungary                3
*  India                  3
*  Iran                   4
*  Ireland                7
*  Israel                16
*  Italy                 30
*  Japan                 28
*  Korea                  5
*  Malaysia               3
*  Mexico                 5
*  Netherlands           33
*  New Zealand           11
*  Norway                 9
*  Poland                 8
*  Portugal               5
*  Russia                 1
*  Saudi-Arabia           1
*  Singapore              4
*  South Africa           8
*  Soviet Union           2
*  Spain                 16
*  Sweden                12
*  Switzerland            7
*  Taiwan                 3
*  Thailand               2
*  Turkey                 5
*  Uruguay                1
*  USA                  654
*  Venezuela              4
*  ???                   26
* Total number of "concealed" subscribers:         7
* Total number of users subscribed to the list: 1327  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of countries represented:          49  (non-"concealed" only)
* Total number of local node users on the list:    0  (non-"concealed" only)


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