URL: http://www.genomicglossaries.com/
Glossaries with terms not easily found in most dictionaries for genomics, proteomics, functional genomics, pharmacogenomics, clinical genomics, structural genomics, drug discovery and development, business and life sciences, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, algorithms and data management, molecular modeling, technologies (assays and labels, chromatography and electrophoresis, PCR, imaging, mass spectrometry, microarrays, miniaturization, NMR and X-ray crystallogrqphy) and genomic biology. Applied genomics research, drawing upon and going beyond sound basic research, cutting- edge (but not necessarily bleeding edge) research, with a judicious mix of the visionary and pragmatic is the aim. Short selective (20 - 50 definitions each, or 4 - 6 printed pages) glossaries are organized by subject. Some organizations, government agencies, databases, software, and cryptic acronyms are included. Not so much a dictionary, but a quickly scannable series of brief guides, arranged to provide suggestions for related and broader and narrower terms of possible interest (taxonomies) Words and phrases include newly coined words and phrases, a limited number of terms which might be found in specialized technical dictionaries (particularly if definitions seem problematic or confusing, or when they are critical to understanding other definitions) and terms with differing meanings used by specific disciplines are included. Also attempts to draft and summarize evolving definitions embodying the conceptual shift from classical genetics to the more dynamic genomic big picture understanding of genomic applications and biochemical and molecular contexts for words such as gene or phenotype. DNA sequences are essentially linear snapshots. To understand gene function we need to look at 3D protein structures. To begin to understand physiological processes we need to examine changes in gene and protein expression over time (4D) and to know more about genetic variations in specific populations. As genomics knowledge and insights are expanding exponentially. Genomics Glossaries and Taxonomies (1,500 + definitions) try to help keep us abreast of evolving and interdisciplinary vocabulary. Mary Chitty Genomic glossaries & taxonomies http://www.genomicglossaries.com mchitty@healthtech.com Library Director Cambridge Healthtech Institute 1037 Chestnut Street Newton Upper Falls MA 02464 USA http://www.healthtech.com telephone 617-630-1316 fax 617-630-1325