BBA - Molecular Basis of Disease
Vol. 1360, No. 2 12 April 1997
Molecular cloning of murine ICA69: diabetes-prone mice recognize the human autoimmune-epitope, Tep69, conserved in splice variants from both species Karges, W., Gaedigk, R., Hui, M.F., Cheung, R. and Dosch, H.-M. 97 Nucleotide sequence of the vmhA gene encoding hemolysin from Vibrio mimicus Kim, G.-T., Lee, J.-Y., Huh, S.-H., Yu, J.-H. and Kong, I.-S. 102 Variations in the C-terminal repeats of the knob-associated histidine-rich protein of Plasmodium falciparum Hirawake, H., Kita, K. and Sharma, Y.D. 105 T-cells in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis þ villains or accomplices? Kinne, R.W., Palombo-Kinne, E. and Emmrich, F. 109 Application of inhibitor titrations for the detection of oxidative phosphorylation defects in saponin-skinned muscle fibers of patients with mitochondrial diseases Kuznetsov, A.V., Winkler, K., Kirches, E., Lins, H., Feistner, H. and Kunz, W.S. 142 Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid coenzyme A transferase (SCOT): development of an antibody to human SCOT and diagnostic use in hereditary SCOT deficiency Song, X.-Q., Fukao, T., Mitchell, G.A., Kassovska-Bratinova, S., Ugarte, M., Wanders, R.J.A., Hirayama, K., Shintaku, H., Churchill, P., Watanabe, H., Orii, T. and Kondo, N. 151 Glutathione metabolism in hepatomous liver of rats treated with diethylnitrosamine Susana Marinho, H., Baptista, M. and Pinto, R.E. 157 The molecular basis for cross-reaction of an anti-dystrophin antibody with alpha-actinin James, M., thi Man, N., Edwards, Y.H. and Morris, G.E. 169 Activation of protein kinase C by intracellular free calcium in the motoneuron cell line NSC-19 Hasham, M.I., Pelech, S.L., Koide, H.B. and Krieger, C. 177