An auxiliary peptide required for the function of two activation domains in upstream stimulatory factor 2 (USF2) transcription factor L Gourdon, A-M Lefrancois-Martinez, B Viollet, A Martinez, A Kahn & M Raymondjean
The Drosophila Na,K-ATPase alpha-subunit gene: gene structure, promoter function and analysis of a cold-sensitive recessive-lethal mutation Y Feng, L Huynh, K Takeyasu & D M Fambrough
Physcial mapping of a collection of MaeI-generating amber mutations in the beta gene of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase and the functional effect of internal deletions constructed through their manipulation N Buyukuslu, S M Trigwell, P-P Lim, N Fujita, A Ishihama, N T Ralphs & R E Glass
one-eyed pinhead is required for development of the ventral midline if the zebrafish (Danio rerio) neural tube U Strahle, S Jesuthasan, P Blader, P Garcia-Villalba, K Hatta & P W Ingham
Human presenilin-1, but not familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) mutants, facilitate Caenorhabditis elegans Notch signalling independently of protoleolytic processing R Baumeister, U Leimer, I Zweckbronner, C Jakubek, J Grunberg & C Haass
© Portland Press Ltd and Blackwell Science Ltd, the Genetical Society and the Physiological Society
Genes and Function is published by Portland Press and Blackwell Science, in conjunction with the Genetical Society and the Physiological Society
Genes and Function is published bimonthly, ISSN 1360-7413