Review Archived Specimens: A Platform for Discussion Wertz, D.C. (Waltham, Mass.)
Original Papers Assessment of Two ’Low-Tech’ Genetic Health Care Procedures Performed by Prenatal Care Providers in Washington State: Implications for Future Policy Development Activities Fineman, R.M.; Bell, T.M. (Seattle, Wash.)
First-Cousin Matings and Congenital Heart Disease in Saudi Arabia Becker, S.; Al Halees, Z. (Riyadh)
Preconceptional Screening of Couples for Carriers of Cystic Fibrosis: A Prospective Evaluation of Effects, Costs and Savings for Different Mutation Detection Methods Verheij, J.B.G.M. (Groningen); Wildhagen, M.F. (Rotterdam); Hofstra, R.M.W. (Groningen); Pals, G. (Amsterdam); Habbema, J.D.F. (Rotterdam); tenKate, L.P. (Amsterdam)
Carrier Testing Program in a High-Risk Cystic Fibrosis Population from Northeastern Italy. Active Recruitment of Relatives via Probands’ Parents Borgo, G.; Castellani, C.; Bonizzato, A.; Rolfini, R.; Altieri, S.; Zanolla, L.; Mastella, G. (Verona)
Glycogen Storage Disease Type II: Birth Prevalence Agrees with Predicted Genotype Frequency Ausems, M.G.E.M.; ten Berg, K. (Utrecht); Kroos, M.A.; van Diggelen, O.P. (Rotterdam); Wevers, R.A. (Nijmegen); Poorthuis, B.J.H.M. (Leiden); Niezen-Koning, K.E. (Groningen); van der Ploeg, A.T. (Rotterdam); Beemer, F.A. (Utrecht); Reuser, A.J.J. (Rotterdam); Sandkuijl, L.A. (Utrecht/Rotterdam); Wokke, J.H.J. (Utrecht)
Birth Defect and Risk Factor Surveillance in the Northern and Southwestern Netherlands Reefhuis, J. (Groningen); Zandwijken, G.R.J. (Rotterdam); deWalle, H.E.K.; Cornel, M.C. (Groningen)
Maternal Serum Screening for Down Syndrome: A Survey of Pregnant Women’s Views Paravic, J.; Brajenovic-Milic, B. (Rijeka); Tislaric, D. (Zagreb); Kapovic, M. (Rijeka); Botica, A.; Jurcan, V.; Milotti, S. (Rijeka)
Opinions Qualifications of Public Health Geneticists? Fineman, R.M. (Seattle, Wash.)
Knowledge about Medical Genetics in Health Care Harris, R.; Harris, H. (Manchester)
Announcement Abstracts