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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Excel Engineers & Consultants, Pune INDIA is a technocrat driven organization having more than 2 decades of proven background as a technology solution provider and having a cumulative team experience of more than 150 projects in the field of distillery, BioFuel, sugar, cogeneration, water, wastewater and renewable energy industry. Conceived as a small seed with a clear vision of Mr. Sanjay Desai, a Chemical Engineer to provide ultra-modern & state of art energy efficient and sustainable futuristic technologies to the industry, with its consistent performance and honest approach, "Excel" has grown to be a huge tree offering innovative technology solutions under one roof. www.regreenexcel.com
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Last update of this entry: May 02, 2019