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  September 12, 2024
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Agave & Aloevera Cropping for Bio-Kerosene AtJ(r4,r5)
PoCo (Tri-cities area) BC
Toll free: +011-604-941-9022 (help-line)

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: +011-604-941-9022 (FAX)




AtJ(r1),AtJ(r2),AtJ(r3),AtJ(r4),AtJ(r5).  Biokerosene produced from farmable agave cropping in semi-arid climes like Mexico and sub-Saharan Africa (here part of the movement to help keep dessertification in check). The rxn. scheme is given below and is aimed at controlled volume-mixed rxn. timing via a theoretical die-fitted tortioned cavity mixer in process automation.

The developed PNA-auxin driven precision cropped agave sap and fibre, cane juice or bagasse fibre stream is from over-production (factory volume and as side-streamed from energy application and for automative "gasohol") with further conversion/refining to biokerosene for "green" aviation applications. This will be domestically produced initially for the Philippines and other countries like Mexico, the Atacama Dessert Chile (and further from Uruguay, also a likely target site, than we thought) and around Arabia, North, and sub-Saharan Africa in the Continent but then expanded via subsidiary to foreign aviation destinations via depoting. These are the plans for AtJ(r1-silvicultured pulp, r2-bagasse from sugarcane, r3-methane product from fossil fuel, r4-agave, r5-aloe vera).

Aloe vera is the second abundant and sustainable crop cultivatable in dry, arid climes like agave and produces the nacre of aceto-mannans which can be converted by fermenting the acetate side group off the mannan backbone and with a yeast construct to bio-ethanol from mannose residues. (Cf.: https://biotechnologyforbiofuels.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13068-016-0600-4#:~:text=The%20constructed%20yeast%20cells%20successfully%20hydrolyzed%201%2C4-%CE%B2-%20d,continually%20during%20the%20third%20batch%20of%20repeated%20fermentation.)  

The Philippines' advancing our Home Energy Plan (HEP) is to be implemented as such: aviation fuel domestically (and further), AtJ(r1) from (NB: displacement of C-stock from fossil fuel use to phyto-farmed dual-purpose C-stock and their recyclability) from bagasse and corn stovers (and rice straw for the future) and for SUV land vehicular transport (including the pedimotocabs for commute and tourism)/train freight, C-10 as the newer heavier heating oil for cooling climes/air conditioning for the hot summer months in the country, and kerosene for cooking stove range at home, as examples.  Zero emissions standards including carbon taxing will be instituted for the Philippine Islands (PI) in future in line with the policy for Zero emissions by 2050. 

Note: We send greetings to our home alumnus institution in Australia, UNSW Sydney campus, at Material Science and Chemical and Mechanical Engineering if they would grace these blogs with their presence for future interest and any potential ventures we can mutually pursue with our representatives. 



Rxn. Mechanism (steps 1 -->10), or formula: as moderated by our Virtual Assistant, D. A. Flores of Skye Blue Internet, Port Coquitlam, B. C. Canada V3B 1G3.*




(1)   CH3CH2OH  ------->    CH3-COOH 



(2)  CH3-COOH  --------->   [CH2=C(O2)2-]Na2   +   2H2(g) 


      i) benzene wash with diethylether

      ii) NaH oil suspension wash in diethylether 



(3)  [CH2=C(O2)2-]Na2 -------->  CH2=C(OH)2     +      2OH(-)



                                           3 NaH 

(4)*  2   H2C=C(OH)(OH)  ------------------>  1 (-)HC=C(O)(O)(2-)    +    3H2




      +     1   H2C=C(OH)(OH) 


      *Process automation: 1/2 portion in first batch / 1/4 with held (cummulated repeat =X2) /

       1/4  unreacted (with held) 

       i) benzene washed with diethylether for prep

      ii) NaH oil suspension washed in diethylether for prep         

     iii) this is critically   

     iv) likely over several minutes and up to what vol. is open to question


                                                                         3 H2O 

(5)  1  H2C=C(OH)(OH)  +  1 (-)HC=C(O)(O)2-  ------------->  CH3-C(OH)(OH)-CH=C(OH)(OH)

                                                                        3 HCl (aq)


                                                                5 NaH

(6)  2 CH3-C(OH)(OH)-CH=C(OH)(OH)  ---------------->  1 (-)CH2-C(O)(-)(O)(-)-CH=C(O)(O)2-


                                                        Process automation:* (see (4), above) 


(7)  1 (-)CH2-C(O)(-)(O)(-)-CH=C(O)(O)2-  +  1 CH3-C(OH)(OH)-CH=C(OH)(OH)  ------------>





                                                                                                                  4 H2O 

(8)  CH3-C(OH)(OH)-CH2-C(OH)(OH)-CH2-C(O)(-)(O)(-)-CH-C(O)(-)(O)(-)   ----------->





                                                                                                         Industrial processing

                                                                                                         (in combination with    



(9)   CH3-C(OH)(OH)-CH2-C(OH)(OH)-CH2-C(OH)(OH)-CH2-C(OH)(OH) ---------------->

                                                                                                        i) distillation

                                                                                                       ii) caustic treatment

                                                                                                      iii) hydrotreating              

                                                                                                      iv) hydrocracking 



                                                       6 H2(g)/Pd                

(10) CH=-C-CH2-C=-C-C=-CH2-C(OH)2 ---> CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-C(OH)2




                                                                2 H2(g)/Pd

(11) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-C(OH)2 ---> CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3





(12) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-C(OH)2----> CH3-(CH2)n=5-C=-CH  +  2 H2O

                                                         i) caustic treatment

                                                           (H+-catalyzed elim.) 

                                                       ii) HCl (aq)


                                                      i) 2 H2 / Pt 

(13) CH3-(CH2)n=5-C=-CH --------------------------------------->  CH3-(CH2)n=6-CH3






The Genus Project: species-specific for specialization of plant parts: leaves aerial parts vs. roots.

The waxes in grasses or legume model plants crops are fatty acid, long-chain such as C-18, C-26 derivatives like the hydroxyacids, diacids, saturated or modified chains as fatty acids or fatty alcohols. A) In the roots (NB: vs aeiral parts like the leaves, flowering parts or stems) suberins are wax-like substances referred to occurring as intracellular membranous lamellae. B) In the cuticular areas of leaves on the other hand, the studies cover modeling plants for their abiotic stress responsiveness with stress mechanisms with deposition of non-stomatal, metabolic water conservation wax cuticular barriered transpiration; e. g. s. of abiotic stressors include drought, cold and heat resistance.  It is feasible to think that activation with TF or TFE factors on genes that result in as much as 40% or more augmentation of a cuticular wax deposition can still neverthelsss lead to increaseed physiological responsiveness and water conservation thus for purposes of raising the plant, e. g. seagrasses / fisheries farming, it is desired to grow and downstream process with harvesting the waxy long-chain product to eventually reduce them chemically and crack catalytically the raw material to C-8 alkanes evenly to what is referred to as bio-kerosene AtJ(r3) utilizable for the avionics or flight industry.

Due to the HQ condition of the fibre source of certain crops there have been (3) posited for use in plantation form being with their advantages/disadvantages: a) agave fibre depending on their traditional arid locations, e. g. Mexico and tequila plantations, the need for intensive cost production but the more established position with installations already pre-existing in places, R&D development required to jumpstart their growth cycle from 7-8 yrs to just 1 yr to make them economically feasible through XL growth strategies using photosyntheses mechanisms; Mexican land options and African land options in the arid sub-Saharan dessert area also with off-shore mfg. of alcohol to AtJ where cane sugar will become short in supply and cannot address this same need; we believe that at full speed both conventional bagasse and cane sugar with non-conventional sources of carbon will be in the USD$B for the licensee at our proprietorship; bioengineering or chemical engineering research and design for further development with our collaborators will happen eventually; b) artichoke as a vegetable product has also been posited but present problems in downstream processing with higher protein fractions present for extraction; c) seagrasses which is our pick which can involve ball fields or undergroud vertical farming, submerged also with XL grow mechanisms in R&D using photosyntheses. We have had rumours on the wire of offers of estimates in capital investment initially of about USD$100M towards this type of enterprise for investor information. Send in your feedback and any suggestions.

It was mentioned to us that the time when seagrass shifts in feedstock to agave, the push for financial feasibility for the so-called XL grow varieties with R&D plans will happen at that time using perhaps (see: Global Services Edition, on this website) photosynthetic optimization related mechanisms in plant cropping. 


SKYEVIEW There is a reported need for security and enforcement and clearance with the Mexican government forces in aegies with the Canadian government for the Sinaloan area near the established tourist hot spot of Mazatlan for the testing and commercialization of agave for Bio-Kerosene AtJ(r4) fuel for eventual manufacturing in Mexico and sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).

                 A "man on the ground" from Canada will regularly contract v. skilled Chinese migrant labour from Taiwan and another from Germany who is to head the industrial conglomerate using technology from there and employing local entrenched skilled labour from Mexico. A reported USD$100M has been offered to him from anonymous sources from the United States of America.

                It has already been reported that Sinaloa near Mazatlan is an arable-rich land area to be earmarkable for growth of agave biomass for a 2 yr growing period rather than currently the natural 6-7 yr growing period using what it is yet to be developed in Germany (FRG) a RNA-based biologic from studying further agave's metabolosome and discovering critical TF for TFE (transcription factor engineering) for Auxin or Auxin Regulatory Factors (ARF) to boost its metabolism using these metabolic factors.

               We will inform you regularly as reports develop of activities here at "SkyeBlue" in PoCo British Columbia Canada V3B 1G3. 


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* (c) D. A. Flores. 2003-2050. SKYE BLUE INTERNET. Port Coquitlam. B. C. Canada V3B 1G3. (D. A. Flores is solely the owner of the said invention ideas. "On the wire", Jamie Aniston is now a sole collaborator based in the Fed. Rep. of Germany.  Onwards to Aussie Land!)   

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