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registry of biomedical companies

  October 23, 2024
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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InfoSyse Information Enterprises of Canada

1440 Barberry Dr.
Port Coquitlam

Phone: 16049458408
Fax: 1-604-941-9022


We are in the process of consulting future licensing manufacturers for subsidiaries.

We are gathering business intelligence near Boston, MA USA that our so-called "Digitel Laser Device" can be developed in the USA (with Raccoon InfoSyse as the Canadian & Philippine manufacturing subsidiaries).

We will contact candidates to be licensed exclusively with use of our dye-tagged denaturing polyacrylamide electrophoretic (DT-DPAGE) protocol which beats the competition for fast turn around of our gel runs and ease of use otherwise not available and will facilitate faster multiple runs for high-throughput proteomic analysis.

Additionally it is requisite that the electrophoretic mechanism be "pulsed" to define greater resolution and finer discrete gel bands for direct visual ID and reading capacity through the laser reader. 


In the news, the latest: 

Thermo-Fisher Scientific® and their Party to the Use of the DT PAGE Mini-Protein Reader.

Thermo-Fisher Scientific demonstrated in ads on social media microreplicated arranged cassettes in semi-automated, rapid digitized or electronic run and read/processed data recording output. Breathtaking to say the least and promising as a partner for mini-protein reader proposals from “SkyeBlue” for their dye-tagged denaturing PAGE methodology subject to the need to ascertain integration of output bands vs background stacked (and which may unstack) detergent critical micellar concentration (CMC) of the detergent in solution in PAGE media in the gel.

Bio-Rad® and their “Substrate-Level” Chromophore Tagged (“Dyed”) Protein PAGE with Mini-Protein Reader.

This is the competition to our technological breakthrough but is not prep ready for ID and quantitation for the protein bands analyses in case recovery is desired from the sample. There is also the question of labour and time constraints for prepping the PAGE gel before analyses and data processing is complete. 

Amersham(R) in Australia was also approached earlier as a first choice for developing the dye-tagging reagent and further proposals to finish its commercialization with a digitized reader that we decided to provide licensing from exclusive rights from "SkyeBlue" of Pt-Coquitlam, BC Canada with half rights in the world to be licensed to our associated Canadian independent subsidiary through a relational connection.

We have found that our electrophoretic technology will change denaturing PAGE methodology due to its facility in laboratory use including semi-automated prep work, loading, delivery, reading and quantitation or output of data collected from the digital device.

Analytical as before will predominate, proteomics will be an expansive field to grow with and we believe a commercial predominance or role play in QC in food clean fermentation, pharma, biologics, hormones, enzymes and nutraceuticals or nutritional supplements.  'At "SkyeBlue" the latest and best where indeed the sky's the limit.'


SKYEVIEW:  Two (2) modalities have been earmarked for our technology using DT DPAGE Information Systems: a) Analytical Proteomics. Genomics has defined gene elements and their probable gene products (as subunits) highly resolvable and therefore can analyze at high-throughput the rate and volume of analyte analyses in proteomics; b) Dedicated Quality Control (QC). Analysis of products of fermentation. E. g. foods like proteins, enzyme agents or products, drugs like hormones and immunoglobulins like monoclonals and other biopharma, and vaccines. Use of prep kits; sample handling (e. g. micro multiple pipette tips) with a microreader loadable and semi-automated by cassette; note: this is is a much more lower costing alternative to "imaging" technology which uses computerized AI and data processing in less developed countries and the field (mobility required), e. g. public health and vaccine development in corporate settings.

SKYEVIEW: There is news reaching SkyeBlue of experiments involving livestock cattle and water buffaloes ("carabaos") on SCT/grass silage fed year round for dairy and meat production for the assessment of plasma bovine growth releasing hormone (bGRH) and bovine growth hormone (bGH) with feeding of functional acting non-essential (NEAA) / HIS amino acids and the Principal Investigator's own research interest to assay if HIS in bovine mammalian spp. has a particular effect on hormonal levels and on milk output (Kg/day) and lean body   mass/ fat (LBM/fat) composition, including in particular skeletal muscular fibrillar tissues, as indicators of muscular mass' lean gain (LG) and correlations with animal's N status and if any total body weight or gain. 

SKYEVIEW: Just as a 'memory jogger', a LASER is defined in performance with the following properties of emitting light radiation: 1) the light beam is coherent or constant in its qualities, 2) highly intense or of great 'power' from its emitting irradiation (including visible light) that has been reinforced, and 3) monochromatic lending its convenience in probing or treating its target material or matrix.  Just imagine sinoidal repeating waves that have been superposed on themselves to coherent overlap- and you've got the idea!

SKYEVIEW: Cryobiotics is a new feature for Infosyse coming up for energy manufacturing through biofermentation (bioethanol, bio-kerosene for hybrid vehicles) and in the future energy grids like biogas with Fortis BC in Canada.


(c) D. A. Flores. SKYE BLUE (SB) INTERNET. Pt-Coquitlam. BC. Canada V3B 1G3.          

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Last update of this entry: January 20, 2024

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