Registry of biomedical companies:
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Robert-Roessle-Str. 10
D-13125 Berlin
Germany Phone: +49 30 9489 2201 Fax: +49 30 9489 3201
emp Biotech GmbH is a limited liability company founded in Germany in 1993. Dr. Derek Levison, the managing director since 1995 and Dr. Uwe Möller, principle scientist, are both organic chemists with expertise in fluorescent dye chemistry and synthetic modification of proteins and nucleotides. emp Biotech, in cooperation with Princeton Separations, has been developing since 1997 its proprietary solid-state chemiluminescence technology. A spin-off immunodiagnostics company was launched in 2005. emp Biotech's main technical focus is: • Synthesis of modified dyes and derivatives • Synthesis of labeled and modified nucleic acids • Synthesis and production of oligonucleotide modifying reagents (dyes, linkers, and haptens) • Synthesis of labeled and/or modified antibodies, enzymes and other proteins • Synthesis of modified biochemical components (haptens, linkers and substrates) • Manufacturing and packaging of reagents for DNA synthesis • Production of fluorescent dye labeling kits for proteins and oligonucleotides • Development of non-radioactive labeling and detection by means of fluorescent and chemiluminescent methods • Pilot-scale organic synthesis • Custom contract synthesis More information can be found at www.empbiotech.com
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Last update of this entry: September 28, 2023