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Factory Roras Road, P.O.Box:766
Sialkot, 51310
Phone: +92 52 3560987, 3242200 Fax: +92 52 3550514 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
We are Specialized in Manufacturing Surgical, Dental Instruments & Scissors. EMERALD is FDA USA Registered, approved for c.G.M.P standard, CE marking Approved by MHRA U.K and ISO 9001:2008 - ISO 13485:2003 Certified. Feel free to contact us for futher details. Best Regards
Ahmed Sheraz Export Manager
EMERALD INSTRUMENTS Factory Roras road, P.O.Box: 766, Sialkot, Pakistan. Tel: 0092 52 3560987, 3242200, Fax: 0092 52 3550514 Cell phone: 0092 321 6106707 E-Mail: sheraz@emerald.pk web site: http://www.emerald.pk
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Last update of this entry: November 13, 2015