Registry of biomedical companies:
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Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
The Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB)-India is a Scientific Organization that aims to provide a global platform for multidisciplinary research and advocacy to combat various global challenges. IIOAB works in the field of highly demanding and challenging areas of biology having global insist in collaboration with more than to 350 researchers worldwide. It works towards integrative omics based translational researches, target and targeted drug discovery, early diagnostic biomarkers, pharmacogenomics, neutrigenomics, cancer, neuroscience, CVDs, infectious, and metabolic diseases. Consultancy and Services The IIOAB provides consultancy and advisory services in the fields of various omics, bioinformatics, biotransformation, biodegradation, fermentation, chemical engineering, molecular biology, plant, animal, and industrial biotechnology, green houses, biofuel, bioenergy, waste management, food technology, breweries, tanneries and many others. A partial list of : Biotechnology and Bioinformatics - All Areas of Basic, Advanced, and Omics Researches
- HTP and NGS Data Analysis
- Scientific curation and Database Management
- Databasem Tools, Software, and Method Development
- Genome sequencing, assembly, and annotation
- Biomarker discovery and assay development
- Vaccine designing and development
- Personalize medicine and personalized nutrition
- Neutraceuticles and functional food
- Bioprocess technology
- Industrial and environmental biotechnology
- Agri and food biotechnology
Renewable Energy, Ecology, and Environment - Bio-Fuel
- Solar, Wind, and Hydro Power
- Other Non-conventional and Renewable Energy Resources
- Biodiversity, Ecology, and Climate
Medical - Community Medicine and Infectious Diseases
- Genetic Counseling
- Medicinal Plants and Herbal Therapy
- Holistic Treatments Approaches
- Veterinary and Poultry
Agriculture - Sustainable Agriculture and Organic Farming
- Horticulture And Landscape Gardening
- Cultivation and Marketing of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
- Agriculture and Traditional Food based Microeconomics
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) - For Scientists, Researchers, and Technologists (All Issues)
- For Grassroots Innovators and Traditional Knowledge Holders
- For Corporate and Institutes (All Services)
Selected Categories:
Last update of this entry: January 13, 2015