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Xiaohan Towm
China Phone: 86-13640100530
Sichuan Deebio Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd Focus On Animal Extract Products Development & Production For More Than Twenty-Six Years with EU GMP and Chinese GMP ,Company presentation is available if you are interested in. Our leading products are as following: 1. Pancreatin[8049-47-6] 2. Pepsin [9001-75-6] 3. Trypsin-Chymotrypsin mix 4. Trypsin [9002-07-7] 5. Chymotrypsin[9004-07-03] 6. Pancreatic Kininogenase 7. Chondroitin Sulphate[9007-28-7] | 8. Heparin Sodium 9. Type II Collagen Peptide 10. Heme Iron Polypeptide [15489-90-4] 11. Ox Liver Antitoxic Fraction 12. Ox Bile Powder 13. Cytochrome-C [9007-43-6] 14. Thyroid Powder |
Could you please let me know whether this may be of interest to your organization, or direct me to a more appropriate contact? I am available both by email and at the telephone number below. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Echo Lee(李燕燕) Sichuan Deebio Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd 四川德博尔制药有限公司 Xiaohan Town, Guanghan City, Sichuan, China Tel:0086-838-5703109 | Fax:0086-838-5701388
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Last update of this entry: December 04, 2024