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315300 chezhan rd,175-4
Phone: 86-574-63892508 Fax: 86-574-63891398 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Shenwei sealing material factory is professional in manfacture the seal products and the mechanical accessory,including the static sealing gaskets(used in every kind of the tube flange,vessel,towel,heat exchanger etc)and sealing packing used in every kind of the pumps and valves.They are popular used in petrochemical,electrical plat,metallurgy,nuclear power,mechanic,ship and automobile industry etc.where.corrosion acid and alkali,higher or lower temperature,high pressure is exist.
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Last update of this entry: April 21, 2006