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registry of biomedical companies

  February 12, 2025
promoting the transfer of scientific know-how between industry and academia
Registry of biomedical companies:

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Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics (CMMT)

3025-950 West 28th Ave
Vancouver, B.C., V5Z 4H4

Phone: (604) 875-3800
Fax: (604) 875-3819

Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.


The Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics (CMMT) is dedicated to the practice of world class discovery research contributing to the fundamental knowledge in the determination and control of genetic susceptibility to disease. Among the unique advantages of the CMMT are flexibility, the ability to develop, evaluate and incorporate ideas, and to move rapidly into promising areas. The Centre offers an infrastructure and support system that have allowed faculty to interact with collaborators in a highly productive environment. The CMMT promotes research excellence and innovation, providing flexible funding to researchers and an environment that enhances the ability to reach goals in a time effective manner.

The CMMT offers several services to the research community including DNA Sequencing and micro-fluidics based RNA and DNA sample analysis on an Agilent Bioanalyzer. More information is available on our website.

Selected Categories:
Product Company   Service Company
- Research
- Services

Last update of this entry: July 11, 2017

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Generated by companies 4.0 by Kai Garlipp
WWW: Kai Garlipp, Frank S. Zollmann.
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