Registry of biomedical companies:
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105066, Dobroslobodskaya st. 5
Phone: +7-095-721-19-36 Please notice: This entry hasn't been updated by the submitting company for more than 2 years. It could be possible that this company doesn't longer exists.
Research and application of the following technologies: 1) Capillary electrophoresis technology: 24-48-96 genotyping device (simplified version of genetic analyzer ABI 3700). Features: patented scheme, finished technical and clinical trials by Russian Ministry of Health. Readiness: One prototype and one device are ready for presentation/sale. 2) The method of thrombophilic& preeclampsia mutations detection for genotyping device (see above): Features: 3 mutations in total, can be patented, finished technical and clinical trials by Russian Ministry of Health. Readiness: Sets of reagents are ready for sale. 3) The method of human identity detection (silver stain): Features: 13 loci, can be patented, finished technical and clinical trials by Russian Ministry of Health. Readiness: Sales of sets of reagents started in March, 2004 for Russian medical bureaus for forensic expertise. 4) The method of human identity detection for genotyping device (see above): Features: 13 loci, can be patented, finished technical and clinical trials by Russian Ministry of Health. Readiness: Sets of reagents are ready for sale till November 2004. 5) The method of plants identification: Features: Brassica. Readiness: In research. We are open for all kinds of cooperation: technology transfer, distibution of forensic kits, co-investing in our technologies etc.
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Last update of this entry: May 03, 2006