Registry of biomedical companies:
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P.O. Box 252, Khadim Ali Road
Sialkot, 51310
Pakistan Toll free: NA
Phone: 0092-333-8602960 (WhatsAPP) Stock symbol: NA
We are much pleasd to introduce us as a bonafide Manufacturers and Exporters of Surgical, Dental, Manicure Instruments and Scissors of all sorts. We are looking for Importers and Distributors of Surgical, Dental, Manicure Instruments and Scissors of all sorts. We are working in this field since 1962. We are involved in the Manufacturing and Production of High Quality Surgical, Dental, Manicure Instruments and Scissors of all sorts. Inam-Ul-Haq Chief Executive
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Last update of this entry: May 03, 2023