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India Phone: 00 91 98854 46278 Fax: 00 91 98854 38365
SOM Phytopharma (India) Limited, based near Hyderabad, India. The in-house R&D Centre is recognized by Govt. of India, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. We manufacture following products : AGRI LIFE is the division manufacturing the following : ( Botanical BioPesticides Karanjin Formulations 20,000 ppm Annonin Formulations 10,000 ppm Margosom - Azadirachtin Technical 10% - 25% Azadirachtin Formulations 300, 1500, 3000, 10000, 30000 ppm Neem Based BioPesticides Microbial Bio Pesticides Bt-K Bt-I Trichoderma viride Trichoderma harzianum Metarhizium anisopliae Beauveria bassiana Verticillium lecanii Paecilomyces Helicoverpa armigera Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (HaNPV) Spodoptera litura Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus (SlNPV) Bio Stimulants RootamBio (Soil Probiotics + PreBiotics + Vitamins) Humic Substanbces from Veri Compost Vermi Compost Liquid Seaweed Fertilizer Protein Hydrolysates of Vegetative Origin Neem Oil Neem cake Bio Fertilizers Nitrogen fixing bactria Phosphobacteria Potash Mobilizing bacteria Zinc Mobilizing bacteria Ferrous Mobilizing bacteria Sulphur Mobilizing bacteria MYCORRHIZHAE, Silica Solubilizing Bacteria Bio Medical products Margosom-mgo (Medicianal Grade for management of diabetes) Gluconil (Neem Pearls for management of Diabetes) Relaxol (Ashwagandha Extrcat-Withania) Capsules Alertol (Brahmi Extrcat-Bacopin) Capsules PROBIOTICS Bacillus subtilis Lactobacillus delbruckii Bacillus megaterium Bacillus licheniformis Desulfovibrio desulfuricans Lactobacillus bulgaricus Lactobacillus casei Bacillus polymixa Thiobacillus thioxidans Acetobacter xylinum Azotobacter agilis Rhodococcus sp Rhodobacter sp Lactobacillus acidophilus Azospirillum lipoferum Lactic Acid Bacillus Nitrobacter sp Thiobacillus feroxidans Nitrosomonas sp Aspergillus niger Aspergillus oryzae Aspergillus terreus Saccharomyces cerevisiae Live Saccharomyces cerevisiae The laboratory of the Commpany is recognised by Govt of India, Dept of Scientific & Industrial Research as a R & D Centre. Please contact the following for trade enquiries : Dr Venkatesh Devanur Managing Director SOM Phytopharma (India) Limited 154 A/5 SV Co-op Indl Estate IDA BOLLARAM 502 325 Sangareddy District Telangana INDIA Tel (Mobile) : +91 98854 46278 Office : +91 98854 38365 Email HomePage:
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Last update of this entry: February 28, 2023