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Timing Sleep And Wakefulness
Sleep homeostatic processes, which cause the urge to sleep to depend on prior amounts of sleep or wakefulness, influence the circadian clock.
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Fatty Recruiters
Scientists have discovered how T cells home to problem areas in the body.
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Uric Acid Signals Danger
Uric acid may signal the immune system to warn it of impending danger.
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Yellow Mice Help Pin-Point Gene Mutations
Researchers hope that a new genetic technique that helps pin-point mutations on specific chromosomes will help us to understand human gene function, and the role of genes in disease.
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Slimming Drug Explained
Scientists are beginning to understand how OEA, a naturally occurring compound that stops mice from overeating, has its effects.
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Key Blind Mice
Research highlights the importance of a DNA-degrading enzyme that helps developing lenses to remain clear.