The three drugs commonly used to treat manic depression (bipolar affective disorder) act through a common mechanism, shows a report in this week's Nature (Vol. 417, No. 6886, 16 May 02, pp. 292-295). The discovery should help researchers understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the disorder and the action of the drugs used to treat it.
Lithium, carbamazepine and valproic acid all deplete a neurotransmitter called inositol, say Anne Mudge and Adrian J. Harwood and colleagues of the University College, London. This suggests that the search for clinical diagnostic tests and new mood-stabilizing drugs should focus on inositol phosphate signalling pathways. CONTACT: Anne Mudge tel +44 207 679 7271 e-mail Adrian J. Harwood (co-author) tel+44 207 679 7257 e-mail (C) Nature press release.
Message posted by: Trevor M. D'Souza