X-Chromosome Linked Inhibitor Of Apoptosis Protein Inhibits Muscle Proteolysis In Insulin-Deficient Mice
Published in: Gene Therapy (2007) 14, 711–720.Authors: X. H. Wang, J. Hu, J. Du and J. D. Klein Abstract: Loss of muscle protein is a serious complication of catabolic diseases and contributes substantially to patients' morbidity and mortality. This muscle loss is mediated largely by the activation of the ubiquitin–proteasome system; however, caspase-3 catalyzes an initial step in this process by cleaving actomyosin into small protein fragments that are rapidly degraded by the proteasome-dependent proteolytic pathway. We hypothesized that X-chromosome linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP), an endogenous caspase-3 inhibitor, would block this first step in the cleavage of actomyosin that would make XIAP a candidate for treating muscle wasting. To determine if XIAP could attenuate muscle protein degradation, we used a recombinant lentivirus (Len-XIAP) encoding the full-length human XIAP cDNA to express XIAP in vivo. In muscle of streptozotocin-treated insulin-deficient mice, total muscle protein degradation, caspase-3 activity, and myofibril destruction were increased while XIAP was decreased. Overexpression of XIAP in these mice attenuated the excessive muscle protein degradation. Increased proteasome activity, caspase-3 activity and myofibril protein breakdown were all reduced. The ability of XIAP to prevent the loss of muscle protein suggests that XIAP could be a therapeutic reagent for muscle atrophy in catabolic diseases. Correspondence: Dr. X. H. Wang, Renal Division, Emory University, School of Medicine, M/S 1930/001/1AG, 1639 Pierce Dr, WMB 338, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. E-mail: xwang03@emory.edu Full article available online. (C) Gene Therapy. Posted by: Tressie Dalaya
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