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The US National Library of Medicine "Profiles In Science" Web Site

  February, 12 2003 2:44
your information resource in human molecular genetics
He was a high school drop-out, a maverick who jumped disciplinary fences, and an activist who was attacked for his political beliefs. Yet he won two Nobel prizes and published more than 500 papers and 11 books. His name was Linus Carl Pauling (1901-1994) and he is probably one of the few scientists to be a household name.

Linus Pauling is the eighth scientist to be added to the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) Profiles in Science Web site. He remains the only person in history to win two unshared Nobel Prizes. "Linus Pauling revolutionized the study of chemistry, and made crucial contributions to medical research," said Dr. Alexa McCray, who heads up the Profiles project.

Also featured on this website are: Donald S. Fredrickson, Barbara McClintock, Marshall W. Nirenberg, Christian B. Anfinsen, Julius Axelrod, Martin Rodbell, Joshua Lederberg, and Oswald T. Avery.

National Library of Medicine

Message posted by: Rashmi Nemade

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