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hum-molgen: genetic news

  March 26, 2025
your information resource in human molecular genetics
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- The GenEpi Toolbox: a guide of computational resources for genetic epidemiology
An in press paper describes the GenEpi Toolbox, a guide of computational resources for genetic epidemiology
- PrimerBank: a centralized database of primers for QPCR
A recent paper describes the current state of the PrimerBank database, a centralized resource of primers for QPCR
- The NCBI BioSystems database: a centralized resource for biomolecular systems
A recent paper describes the NCBI BioSystems database, a centralized resource for biomolecular systems
- Phenomizer: a freely available tool for clinical genetics
A recent paper describes Phenomizer, a freely available resource for helping diagnoses in clinical genetics.
- BioGPS: a centralized online resource for gene annotation
A recent paper describes BioGPS, a centralized online resource for gene annotation
 human genetics and molecular biology news flash
- Variants Associated with Pediatric Allergic Disorder
Genetic variants at chromosome 5q22 are associated with pediatric eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) - a type of allergic disorder often triggered by food allergies.
- Mutations in PHF6 Found in T-Cell Leukemia
The X chromosome gene PHF6 is frequently mutated in a certain type of leukemia
- Genetic Risk Variant for Urinary Bladder Cancer
Another genetic variant associated with risk of urinary bladder cancer is reported in a study
- Antibody Has Therapeutic Effect on Mice with ALS
A biological treatment targeting the protein CD40L has a therapeutic effect on mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
- Regulating P53 Activity in Cancer Cells
The protein BRD7 activates p53 and could therefore suppress the development of cancerous tumours.
- Anti-RNA Therapy Counters Breast Cancer Spread
A new type of therapy that prevents the metastatic spread of breast cancer in a mouse model of breast cancer is presented
- Mitochondrial DNA Diversity
A study of normal and cancerous human cells shows that Mitochondrial DNA is more heterogeneous than was thought.
- The Power of RNA Sequencing
RNA sequencing is a powerful tool for teasing apart the genetic mechanisms that underpin variation in gene expression.
- ‘Pro-Ageing' Therapy for Cancer?
The discovery of a signalling pathway that forces cancerous cells to age could aid the development of a general approach for cancer therapy.
- Niche Genetics Influence Leukaemia
Certain blood cancers can be triggered by genetic changes in the blood cells' microenvironment.
- Molecular Biology: Clinical Promise for RNA Interference
The first proof-of-principle study showing that the gene-silencing technique RNA interference (RNAi) can indeed lower levels of gene expression in humans is revealed.
- Chemoprevention Cocktail for Colon Cancer
Treating premalignant colorectal cells with a protein cocktail that 'persuades' them to commit cell suicide may prove a useful method of cancer chemoprevention.
- The GenEpi Toolbox: a guide of computational resources for genetic epidemiology
An in press paper describes the GenEpi Toolbox, a guide of computational resources for genetic epidemiology
- PrimerBank: a centralized database of primers for QPCR
A recent paper describes the current state of the PrimerBank database, a centralized resource of primers for QPCR
- The NCBI BioSystems database: a centralized resource for biomolecular systems
A recent paper describes the NCBI BioSystems database, a centralized resource for biomolecular systems
- Phenomizer: a freely available tool for clinical genetics
A recent paper describes Phenomizer, a freely available resource for helping diagnoses in clinical genetics.
- BioGPS: a centralized online resource for gene annotation
A recent paper describes BioGPS, a centralized online resource for gene annotation
- Brain Adaptations to Sensory Loss
Rehabilitation strategies of blind and deaf individuals should take into consideration the changes in structure and function in the brain following sensory loss.
- Sequencing Small Chips
A technique to sequence small quantities of DNA is published online.
- A Stroke Against Stroke
A new cellular mechanism linked to neuronal damage during stroke is reported.
- Inhibition Present in Absences
An unexpected role of inhibitory activity in promoting epilepsy is reported.
- Assessing Natural Memory
How immune cells remember a natural pathogen varies depending on the route of infection.
- Variant Associated with Alcoholic Liver Disease
A genetic variant known to be associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is also associated with alcoholic liver disease.
- Parkinson's Gene Mutated in Cancer
PARK2, a gene commonly mutated in early-onset Parkinson's disease, is also mutated in glioblastoma, colon cancer and lung cancer.
- Mismatch Associated with Graft-Versus-Host-Disease
A genetic mismatch involving the gene UGT2B17 is associated with risk of acute graft-versus-host-disease.
- High Levels of HLA-C Associated with Slower HIV/AIDS Progression
High levels of the protein HLA-C -- a crucial part of the immune system -- are associated with slower progression of HIV/AIDS.
- Feeding Back on Tumour Initiation
The protein ZEB1 also influences the tumour initiating capacity of pancreatic and colorectal cancer cells, and could possibly promote cancerous cells proliferation once they have reached a new organ.
- The Fasting Fox Protein
The brain protein Foxa2 has a key role in regulating food intake, a mouse study suggests.
- 'Bone' Protein Linked to Fever
A protein pair best known for their role in bone remodelling may have an unexpected role in the brain, helping to control fever and female body temperature.
- Metabolite Levels Go Awry in Brain Tumours
Mutations in an enzyme that result in unusually high brain levels of the metabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG) may contribute to the formation of certain malignant brain tumours.
- Re-Thinking Obesity
Mutations in specific genes fully explain a small but significant subset of patients with obesity and/or type 2 diabetes while genetic factors play a key role in determining susceptibility to both disorders in the broader population.
- A*STAR of Singapore to Launch an Online Publication Promoting its Research
Macmillan Scientific Communications (MSC) and Singapore's Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) launch new open access website, A*STAR Research, to highlight some of the best research published by A*STAR's research institutions.
- Understanding Schizophrenia
Dysfunction of neurotransmitter signalling can cause pathological behaviour similar to that seen in schizophrenia.
- The Long Shadows of Adversity
Severe stress suffered at an early age can cause long-lasting changes to gene expression patterns in the mouse brain.
- Damaging DNA from a Distance
Medically used nanoparticles can damage the DNA of cells without crossing cellular barriers in the body.
- Inducible MicroRNA Sponges for Intact Organisms
A method for the tissue-specific inhibition of microRNAs -- which play a key role in regulating gene expression -- is published online.
- Location, Location, Location
A drug that inhibits excitatory activity in the brain can either improve or worsen the progression of Huntington's disease (HD) depending on where on neurons its targets are located.
- Arthritis is Spreading
A mechanism that accounts for the spreading of arthritis between joints is presented in a study.
- Disrupting Lasting Memory
A new protein holds the key to making long-lasting antibody responses in the body.
- Common Genetic Risk Variants for Parkinson's Disease
Two independent studies report that common variants at five genes are risk factors for sporadic Parkinson's disease.
- Exome Sequencing Identifies Cause of Miller Syndrome
Targeted sequencing of the protein-coding regions of the human genome has been used to identify the cause of a rare genetic disorder.
- Variants Associated with Hearing Loss in Children Receiving Chemotherapy Medication
An association between a chemotherapy-induced hearing loss and specific genetic variants has been identified.
- A Deletion is Associated with Neurodevelopmental Problems
A small deletion at a specific region on chromosome 15 is associated with a range of neurodevelopmental problems, including developmental delays and seizures.
- Smoking and Autoimmunity Affect Rheumatoid Arthritis Susceptibility
New insights into the genetic basis of rheumatoid arthritis are reported in two papers.
- Re-Thinking Obesity
Mutations in specific genes fully explain a small but significant subset of patients with obesity and/or type 2 diabetes while genetic factors play a key role in determining susceptibility to both disorders in the broader population.
- Notch Takes a Knocking
A drug that blocks a protein involved in cancer once thought 'un-blockable' has shown promise in a mouse model of leukaemia.
- Speeding Up 'Ethical Stem-Cell' Production
The process of reprogramming mature cells into a stem-cell-like state can be accelerated.
- SARS Attacking the Ribosome
A double attack by the SARS virus on host cell protein synthesis is shown in a study published online.
- Heartbeat Awareness
The neural pathway by which we feel stimuli originating inside our bodies -- such as our heartbeat -- is illuminated by studying an unusual patient with unique patterns of brain damage.
- A Notch in Lung Arteries
The common signaling molecule Notch has a role in pulmonary arterial hypertension, often caused by insufficient oxygen reaching the lungs, as reported in a study.
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Trevor M. D'Souza
Simon Chandler
Tressie Dalaya
Robin Kimmel
Keith Markey
Jonathan Mill
Rashmi Nemade
Frank S. Zollmann

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Human Genome News
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Nature Genome Gateway
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